Asya OS: A Perfect Little Family

Qubool Hai (TV Serial) - TRP, Reviews, Cast & Story


Asad entered the house to be greeted with a wonderful aroma and he made his way straight to the kitchen to find Zoya peering into the oven.

"Are you cooking something?" 
He asked seriously.

"Baking. Do you have a problem with that?"

"I think it's burning!" 
He informed her calmly.

Zoya screeched taking out the tray from the oven and checking her chocolate cake but it looked fine.

"You were pulling my leg, weren't you?" 
She asked, with her hands on her hips.

"So what if I was?" 
He raised his eye brows.

"Urghhh! I hate you, Mr. Asad Ahmed Khan!"

"And I love you too, Miss Zoya Farooqi!"

"It's Mrs. Zoya Akdu Ahmed Khan to you
!" She said, happily jumping on her husband for a hug.

"Oh I see... And why am I getting this feeling that no one's home today? You're usually not this... Ahh touchy when people are home." 
He laughed mischievously.

"Shut up, Asad!" 
She replied, laying her head on his broad chest contently. "Phuppi and Najma are out shopping and-"The door bell rang at that moment and Zoya quickly pulled back with a smile, "The kids are back."

"Where had they gone to, anyway?"

"Ahsan wanted a new bike so Ayaan took them shopping."

"Oh God! Help!" 
Asad muttered, sighing.
Seconds later, 6 year old, Ahsan and 3 year old, Zoha came riding their brand new bicycles in the TV room with Ayaan tagging behind, whistling and swinging his car keys around his finger.
Asad stared at his children with wide eyes, dumbstruck by their appearance. They both wore black T-shirts, shiny black pants with black leather jackets on top and huge sunglasses that almost hung half-way down their noses. Ahsan's hair was gelled up in the most ridiculous way and both their jet-black bikes looked like they had been stolen from the sets of a kid's gangster movie.

Asad began in a shocked tone but Ayaan cut him off cheerfully.

"Wait, Bhaijan! There's more. Stand up, kids, just like I taught you."
Ahsan carefully got off his bike and waited for Zoha to climb off her tricycle before they both came to stand side by side, their legs apart, arms crossed tightly over their chests, heads titled and with huge sunglasses covering half their faces, they looked up at their parents with cute frowns adorning their faces, apparently trying to act like little gangsters.

"What have you done to my babies?" 
Asad sputtered in a horrified tone while Zoya was doubled up with laugher, clinging on to Asad's arm to keep herself from falling.

"I decided to take them for some clothes shopping as well. They look cool, right Bhabi? And Bhaijan, stop being Mr. Mommy."

"Allah Miya!! What's wrong with you, Ayaan! I have to take a photo of them! They look absolutely adorable!" 
Zoya managed between giggles.

"Abbu, Abbu! Listen to meee!" 
Ahsan jumped at his spot, waving his arms to get his father's attention, then quickly getting his sunglasses off, he frowned and whispered in a hoarse, hissing voice, "Why so serious, Dad?!"

"It's the Joker's dialogue from Batman! I changed 'Why so serious, son?' to 'Why so serious, dad?' Cute, huh?" 
Ayaan grinned.

"You didn't show him the Joker, did you? If you did, I swear, you are SO dead!" 
Asad growled.

"No! Of course I didn't! I'm not that stupid!"

"Could've fooled me!" 
Asad muttered in a gruff voice before turning to his daughter, he smiled wide, "Come here, precious!"

She squealed as she ran straight into his arms. He tossed her in the air a couple of times, relishing the tinkling sound of her giggles before crushing her to his chest in a bear hug.

"Did my baby miss her Abbu today
?" He asked her in a soft voice and chuckled when he felt her nod against his neck.

"Okay now, tell me who's my Princess?"

"I am!" 
Zoha chirped happily.

"And tell me how much Abbu loves his little Princess?"

"More than anything in this world!" 
She recited with a dazzling smile while Ayaan rolled his eyes, apparently bored of this routine.

"That's right!" 
Asad replied, his face breaking into a huge smile. "Now give me a kissie!"Zoha gave him a quick peck on his cheek before saying, "Abbu! Listen, Chacho taught me to say this: DUDE, I'M COOOL, YOU'RE NOOOT!" She sang happily.

"Yes! That's like my niece!" 
Ayaan grabbed from Asad's arms and began tickling her making her laugh helplessly.

"Ammi, do you know what I want to do when I grow up? I want to buy a huge black bike like Chacho and ride it sooo fast that no one can see me!" Ahsan 
explained animatedly.

"That's it, Ayaan! You're not allowed near my children anymore!" 
Asad said, giving Ayaan a stern look who looked unfazed, clearly used to his brother's protective nature.

"So what more did you guys do?" 
Zoya asked, ruffling Ahsan's hair playfully.

"First we shopped, then we had ice cream and... then Chacho talked to this shexy mohmarta-" 
Ahsan began cheekily.

Asad choked out.

"You weren't supposed to remember this, kid. Umm... I think I should get going." 
Ayaan mumbled, slowly backing out of the room.

"No, not when you have an appointment with my fist. I'd hate for you to miss it."
Asad began moving menacingly towards his brother who turned and sprinted out of the room.
 "And from now on, you're not allowed within a 10 meter radius of my kids, do you hear me?!!" Zoya heard Asad's fading threats as he ran after his brother out of the room.

"Now, who wants some chocolate cake?" 
She turned to her kids.

They both yelled in unison and Zoya smiled blissfully. 
This was her family. And a picture perfect one at that.

Writer: Smiley Star

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