Suvan SS: A Thousand Years | Suman | Shravan | Ek Duje Ke Vaste 2 | EDKV


Shravan POV:
She sat across from me excitedly scrolling through a shopping website looking for the perfect dress for prom. I chuckled to myself who would have thought that Suman and I would’ve become such close friends...actually, best a span of 12 months. 
“Shravan! How does this one look?” I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my attention to her, 
“I like this one! Red looks good on you! You’ll look like the candy Twizzlers!” Usually, my jokes are only funny to me.
She rolled her eyes at me. “Whatever...what are you going to wear? It has to match with my dress so we look perfect!” 
“ I don’t wear’s not my color” To be honest I initially was not planning on going to prom but Suman insisted and I could not say no to her.
“Okay...then what are you planning on wearing?” I pointed down at my clothes: sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. “Oh are NOT showing up like that! I’m sure you have nice clothes.” She got up and started digging through my closet.
“Since when do you care about clothes and looking nice? Besides I look nice in whatever I wear.” 
“Wait! I found it!” She pulled out a button down collared red shirt followed by a suit jacket and pants. “See! I knew you had nice clothes. I don’t know why you always dress like that. If you pair this with a tie and some nice dress shoes, you are going to look so amazing!” Even though I wasn’t excited for prom, seeing her this happy makes it worth going. I knew that she never acted excited about these things in front of her army friends because they would judge her for getting excited over silly civilian things but she knew that I would never judge or mock her.
“Okay! Fine! I’ll wear this. Should we practice some dance moves? What’s the point of going to a dance if you don’t have any smooth moves” I stood up and started scrolling through songs on my phone. Time to irritate Sumo! Irritating her is one of my favorite pastimes and she looks cute when she’s angry. The song “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson blared through my bluetooth speakers and I started doing the moonwalk. While I was enjoying my dance, I was hit by a pillow in my face out of nowhere but I was half-expecting it.
“You’re kidding, right? You really think they will play this at prom?” Seeing her flare her nose in anger, I started laughing controllable which further fueled her anger. She snatched my phone from my hand and started looking for a new song. “I swear you are so annoying sometimes...actually all the time. Why am I even friends with you? You don’t have a single good song on your stupid phone.”
“Here, let me look for one and I promise I won’t joke around anymore.” As I scrolled through, I came across a type of song she was looking for but just thinking of Suman and I slow-dancing together made my heart race. She looked over my shoulder and pressed play.
“This song is perfect!” The song, “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri softly started playing through the speakers. My mind stopped working all of sudden and it seemed like I had no control over myself as I outstretched my shaky arm towards her.
I nervously asked, “Care for a dance?” She looked at me with her big eyes as she placed her hand in mine and the other hand on my shoulder. I slightly hesitated but eventually put my hand on her waist. I am going to sound crazy but I suddenly felt as if time got slower and only Suman and I existed in this world. I broke eye contact with her and looked away. I was afraid that if she looked into my eyes, she would know how I truly felt about her. She placed two fingers on my jaw and made me look towards her again. The music kept playing softly and the sound of the loud rain pattering on the windows spiraled me into what seemed like a dream as we moved closer. I gently placed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes. Her hand on my shoulder tightened. I knew she only saw me as a friend but if I kept my feelings inside me any longer, I would go crazy. I gently exhaled,“I have to tell you something...I’ve been trying to say it for a while…”
“Shh...don’t say anything right now.” I opened my eyes to see that her eyes were also closed and she had a serene smile on her face.
“But I have to tell’s really important.” Her eyes opened and she looked directly into my eyes and I slightly moved away. Her face became confused.
“Okay...go on...what do you have to tell me?” Her stare always unnerved me. Her stare was enough to shatter the confidence of the cool and fearless Shravan in a mere second. Suddenly I felt like I forgot how to talk and started stammering.
“I...I have PHONE IS RINGING!” I pointed towards her buzzing phone on the table. She made a weird face at me.
“Oh? That’s what you wanted to tell me? Thanks, I guess.” She rolled her eyes and turned to pick up her phone. I facepalmed myself. Idiot. Clown. Moron. Why am I so stupid? Seriously? Why is it that my confidence goes down the drain in front of her? 
I suddenly heard a loud thud and looked up to see Suman’s phone on the floor. Her back was towards me but I could see shoulder her shaking and suddenly it seemed as if her knees gave out and she started falling. I ran and caught her in time. I would never let her fall. She slid into my arms as we sat on the floor. She was hyperventilating and had a hysterical look in her eyes. “Sumo! Breathe! Breathe” I moved my hand up and down on her back. I was afraid that she was going to run out of oxygen and lose consciousness. I was confused. She was fine a minute ago and got a phone call...what happened all of a sudden? I had never seen Sumo like this as she’s always so calm and collected. I reached for my water bottle and handed it to her to but she moved my hand away and almost knocked the bottle out my hand. Something was wrong...very wrong. “Sumo! Look at me! What’s wrong? What happened? Tell me!” I gently shook her shoulders. She broke out in a cry and buried her face in my chest. I had never seen her cry. I hugged her and held her like a child as she continued to cry. My shirt was damp with her tears. I brought the water to her lips and made her drink. I asked again softly,”What happened? Who called you? What did they say?” Her eyes were red and blotchy. She opened her mouth to talk but she started sobbing again. She tried getting up but almost fell again.
“I...need to go home.” She said while sobbing. I helped her up and we went down the stairs. My mother saw her but I motioned her not to say anything. I held Sumo’s hand and walked with her to her house. I saw Sanjay, Vijay Uncle’s Junior, outside the house and Sumo ran towards him. He said something to her but I couldn’t hear them as they were both softly crying. Then Sumo ran into her house. I tried following her inside but Sanjay stopped me and told me to go back home and to leave the Tiwaris alone for now. I had a bad feeling and was hoping that what I was thinking was not true. “Sanjay Bhaiyya...Is everything okay? Where is Vijay Uncle?” He bent his head down and closed his eyes. 
“Go home Shravan.” My mind was racing but I listened to Sanjay and went back home only to be further confused and scared. My father was back home but he was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands and tears flowing from his eyes. He kept repeating short sentences over and over again to himself, “It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t do it. I never wanted all this to happen.” My mother was frantically shaking him and screaming at him asking what happened. A few minutes ago, my life was so serene and peaceful and now all of a sudden my world was spinning and turning upside down. Little did I know, that my life would never be the same ever again after this night.

Writer: Alina B

Chapter 2
Suman’s POV:

*The Next Morning*
Dressed in a plain, white salwar kurta, I sat on the cold floor with dried tears on my face. I was trying to process how my life had changed within the last 24 hours and how I lost the most important person in my life. For the world, he was the brave Colonel Vijay Tiwari, now a martyr. But, for me he was my father, my hero, my inspiration, my everything. Papa would always tell me that as the daughter of an army man, I should never fear for his safety as it will make him weak and that dying for his country would be the biggest honor for him. But, at the end of the day, no matter how strong I tried to act, I couldn’t help but worry for him. Now, I had lost all the energy to be strong and felt a constant sharp pain in my heart. I broke out of my thoughts as I heard a knock at my door. I looked up and saw Kanchan who had swollen eyes. She kneeled besides me and put her arms around me, “It’s time...everyone is waiting for you downstairs.”

“ she?” Mother had locked herself in her room and refused to come out. She is the strongest woman I know and seeing her like this, how could I find strength?

“It was hard but she agreed to come. I know this is the most difficult thing for you to do the final rites...but Suman please be strong as you know how much Bade Papa loved you and was so proud of you. Please don’t cry.” Kanchan helped me get up and I saw my face in the mirror as we were walking out. I did not recognize myself as my hair was a mess, eyes red and swollen. Everyone kept telling me not to cry and to be strong. I tried to keep these emotions inside me but I felt like my lungs would burst. As we walked down the stairs, my eyes met another set of familiar eyes that I often found solace in. Shravan stood with a serious face in his white kurta. He was the only person who truly understood my emotions and I felt safe around him. I could let down her guards because he would never judge me. When I would be worried about Papa on a mission and everyone told me not to worry or cry, Shravan would tell me that it was okay to cry as it would make my heart feel lighter. He was right and often he would cry with me and share my worries and pain, like last night. 

I walked towards my friend, my solace, but suddenly I noticed the man standing next to him and I felt rage rushing through my body and felt like I was losing control. “What are you doing here? How dare you come here?” I shouted at the man.

“Beta...I..” I cut him off. 

“It’s because of you that my father is dead!” Everyone was telling me to calm down but my anger kept rising. Usually I was the calm and collected Suman but with this new life without my father, there was a new Suman. An angry Suman who could never forgive. “If only, the life of my father and the other soldiers were of more value to you than your money, they would be alive!”

“Please Beta, listen to me. I am not responsible for this and I don’t know how this happened.” He was begging to explain himself but I did not want to listen. I respected him and called him uncle but his deal to make more profits by using cheap material from his brother’s company had cost my father’s life. How could I forgive him?

“Shut up and get out. There is no room for traitors in this house.” Malhotra Uncle bent his head. Shravan’s eyes widened with shock but I refused to look towards him. My mother tried to reprimand me and told me to talk with respect to elders. But, why does this traitor and murderer deserve any respect?

“Sumo! You can’t talk to my father like this. Can you please calm down and hear us out?” Shravan held my arms and I pushed him away.

“My name is Suman not Sumo. Don’t you dare call me that again.” I said with a cold voice as I looked sternly at him. His face changed. I should’ve stopped there but I didn’t. “An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. A traitor’s son is also a traitor and therefore there is no room for you in my life either. Get out right now.” I will never forget the hurt that splayed across his face and it would continue to haunt me for the rest of my life. Nothing was Shravan’s fault yet my anger was so out of control that I said those hurtful words to him. His jaw tightened and his eyes were full of tears threatening to spill out. But before a tear could fall, he turned around and walked out of the house with his father. At that moment, I was so angry, confused, and full of grief. I didn’t realize what effect my actions would have. But, I was still aware that I was hurting myself even more by hurting Shravan. I don’t know why I spoke to him like that because he was not at fault but they say that we show anger on those who we consider our loved ones. I know that no matter what I would say to Shravan that he would never hate me and he would always come back but I was wrong this time. 

“Suman! How can you talk to them like that?” My mom angrily yelled at me.

“Suman is absolutely right. This is all that fraud’s fault and there is no room for him or his family in our house.” Dadajii said.

After the funeral, the next few days were hell for the Malhotra family. The news of Mr. Malhotra taking bribes from his brother’s company to make cheap vests for the army causing the death of many soldiers was all over the news. People threw rocks at their house. I hadn’t talked to Shravan since that day. I didn’t care about him or his family. They deserved this. I had never dealt with grief before so I wasn’t realizing how bitter and heartless I was becoming.

The next day, I came downstairs and I heard Chachi talking on the phone to someone. “Oh no! Is he okay? Today, I will send over a first aid kit with Dumroo with the food. But I really think you should take him to the doctor if he’s hurt that bad.” Hurt? Who was hurt at the Malhotra house? I knew that Chachi had been sending food to their house these past days since it was impossible for them to leave their house amidst the riot outside their house. Chachi called over Dumroo and handed him food with a first aid kit. I didn’t care, I really didn’t care but I couldn’t help but ask Dumroo who the first aid kit was for.”

“ was for Shravan. You know how people are throwing rocks at the house. He was trying to shield Avni and got hit in the head instead. They have put a temporary bandage but will have to take him to the hospital to get stitches.” Dumroo answered quietly, scared that Dadaji would hear him and find out that he and Chachi were helping the Malhotras. I ran up to my room, grabbed my phone to call Shravan but could I show concern for the family that was responsible for my family’s misery. 

The next morning, Chachi sent breakfast to their house but Dumroo returned with the food. He informed us that the house was empty and no one was there. Chachi quickly called Mrs. Malhotra. They had left for Noida in the middle of the night where Mrs. Malthora’s brother lived. They feared for their safety after Shravan got hurt. Mrs. Malhotra thanked Chachi for all her love and apologized for not saying goodbye properly before they left.

He was gone. He left. He left without saying goodbye. I was angry. How could he do this to me? How could he leave me all alone like this? I hadn’t gotten over the pain of losing my father, and now I lost my best friend. I cried myself to sleep that night because deep inside I wasn’t sure if I would see him again. I wish my last words to him weren’t so harsh. 

The next morning, while eating breakfast, I suddenly heard crying from the living room. I went in to see that mother and chachi looking horrified at the TV. I read the headline, ”Businessman Devraj Malhotra Commits Suicide in Noida.” On the news, Avni was swarmed with reporters asking her pressing questions. She looked really scared and suddenly Shravan appeared protectively shielding his sister from the media. Shravan’s head was bandaged and he was quickly escorting Avni away from the media. Suddenly one of the reporters said,”That is Shravan Malhotra, Traitor Devraj’s son! Does his suicide prove that he was guilty?” Shravan stopped in his tracks and looked at the reporter. There was something different about him. His eyes that usually had a mischievous glint were replaced with dark, cold eyes. His infectious smile was replaced with a tight grim line. He opened his mouth to answer but before I could hear what he had to say, Dadaji turned the TV off and said that no one will ever speak of them in this house again.

I went back up into my room and looked from my window to his room...his old room. Everything had changed all of a sudden: her father was no more, her best friend moved away, he seemed different like a changed person. I kept seeing flashing images of his hurt face from the funeral and his face from the TV. I heard a knock on my door and my mother walked in.

“Suman...put your anger aside and call Shravan. He needs you the most right now. He is your best friend. You are the only person who knows how he feels. He too has lost his father. He was with you when you needed him most and know it’s your turn to fulfill your duty as a friend.” Mother was right. My heart had been sinking ever since I saw Shravan on TV this morning. I grabbed the phone but paused...maybe I should hide my caller ID first...I don't know what made me want to do that. What if he wouldn’t pick up the phone if he knew I was calling? I dialed his number and heard a couple of rings. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. 

Finally he picked up and softly said, “Hello…?” I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. There was a long pause until Shravan said on the other side, “...goodbye Suman. Take care of yourself.” and he cut the call. I wouldn’t hear his voice again for another 7 years.

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