Payal : Khushi, you don't have to do this.. I know it will be tough.. You are spoiling your marriage, Khushi... NK is a nice guy... Your parents had always chosen the best things for you..
Khushi was just still, sitting on the bed and thinking.. Not a word enter her brain..
Khushi's POV
What should I do.. Yes, my parents chose the best things for me... But what is going to happen now is not a thing... I can never leave my feeling for him... Every time he is around... I can sense him .. I can feel him.. Why does my heartbeat rise whenever he is around... Why is it like every time I look at him even he looks at me.. How can I ignore all these feeling... How will I forget everything and live with NK... It is wrong.. both our lifes will get spoilt.. Should I tell him my feeling... But where will I go and met him... Why did I even miss all the chances..( A lone drop of tear caressed her eyes)
I shouldn't have run away from him... Not.. when I found him in the road walking towards me with his friends... Not when I found him crossing my desk looking everywhere... Not when I found him next to me in the lift..( She closed her eye and the flashback replayed)
Khushi's POV
I walked to my college and took the lift to go to the 4th floor.. I went in and damn, only one person can enter it was almost full... I ignored and got in.. Almost everyone got down in the first floor.. I glared at everyone walking out with a face "For one floor , you want lift. And I got the same weird feeling... And there my heartbeat takes a race... I turned to see him... Wearing headphones and staring at his phones... He was about to look at me... My mind signalled me that we were alone... I didn't have a second thought... I left the lift and it closed behind me... I sighed... And took the stairs... Climbing slowly... Thinking about why do I keep running.. Should I continue to be like this?? What happens to me whenever he is around...
Arnav's POV
What the !! Why is she entering the lift ??? Oh no, her scent... Not again... With so many people in... Why do I feel her alone... Alone... At first floor, everyone got down and we were... Alone... Damn... Talk to her Arnav... Atleast greet her... Arnav do something... Phone... I scrolled to look some random stuff and looked at her again...She stood infront of the door... her back facing me... The door closed seperating us... I suddenly felt the emptiness... God, this creature is going to take my life...
End of Flashback
Arnav dropped his phone when his friend informed him that he is going to attend Khushi's Marriage.. Thinking about all the incidents... All the memories.. Every time, he got dumb struck... Only in front of her... His mind was never able to think anything... He would stand and feel her aura... Whenever she is around.. Everything around him disappears except her... He keeps staring at her... And then she turned... He would look away in panic as whether she caught him... When he looks again, she would be looking somewhere else making him worry... Every time, he crosses her desk, she was never there... He keeps checking where she is... He can sense that she is near him... But couldn't see her...
Arnav's POV
Everything looks like it had just happen. Did I miss her ??? No, it can't happen... I cannot imagine her with someone else... I can't... I turned to see my di standing there.. With the worried expression.. I know that she was about to tell the same news to me..
Arnav : I know, di... I know..
Anjali : Chote, Listen..
Arnav : Is it over, di ???
I sat on the recliner with a thud sound...
Anjali couldn't see her brother like this... She didn't want Arnav to become the same 15 year old boy who lost his parents in accident, who lost his house to his cunning uncle, who lost himself... He never had a normal conversation with anyone... Only his Sister and Brother in Law, Shyam was in his life...
They brought him to their house... Anjali got married 3 month before their parent's accident... Shyam treated him like his own brother... She tried so much to get her Chote back... Never she could... His whole schooling and two years of college completed... He was still the same...
All the three were sitting in the table... Having a routine chat
Anjali : When is your college starting again???
Arnav : Day after tomorrow di... I need to go !!!
Shyam : Where ???
Arnav didn't speak up... He had never shown his vulnerable state to Shyam...
Shyam : Why do you keep running away, Arnav ??? Till when ??? Stop this!!! We can't see you like this Arnav... I know what happened to you was wrong... But no one can help it now... It's over... Come with me...
He took him to his room...
Shyam : Arnav, This is the first time I'm talking to you about this... Do you know who I'm???
Arnav : (confused) Shyam Manohar Jha... Finest Criminal Lawyer in the country... Who doesn't know you???
They always had a friendly conversation... Shyam never made Arnav feel uncomfortable...
Shyam : (smiled) You don't know...
Arnav gave a confused look
Shyam : I lost my parent when I was just 6 years...
Arnav was motionless...He held Shyam shoulder...
Arnav : I didn't know...
Shyam : I never had anyone... My dad's friend put me in residential school... I did my whole schooling there...
Arnav listened to him carefully..
Shyam : People go out for vacations, I used to sit alone in the hostel and wonder what should I do (Arnav face became serious) When I was 13 years, I went for my first vacation... All alone... I used to roam here and there... But never I had felt something good... Dad's friend used to come and meet me once in a year... For like 10 minutes... I completed my school.. And that day, Uncle came and gave me my house papers and keys... I went home and again, I was alone... I joined college completed it and then joined to your dad as junior... I had everything at that time.. But still I felt the emptiness...
Anjali entered the room and joined them... Shyam held her hand, made her sit and continued..
Shyam : I knew your di for like 3 years... We just talk normally... Never did I even think that she will become my wife... Unless your dad came and asked me... He really knew nothing about my family and how I lived... I just didn't give him an answer for a month... And I finally told him everything... He stood in front of me and said ... "A person who can come to this level all alone... Can go more height with my daughter too... I accepted... And here he got me married to your di...(in a mocking tone)
Anjali hit him on his chest...
Shyam : But Seriously Arnav, Anjali had filled my emptiness... You know... The first day she entered this house... What she asked me ??
Anjali couldn't remember anything...
Anjali : What?
Shyam : Whether I loved her back and married her??? I didn't answer her question... I became an answer... That question was enough to know that she loves me and this marriage was accepted by her...I saw a new change in my life... Everything around me brightened up... You know why??? Because, not only I had my person on my side but because I could move on from my past too... I had something new to do...
Arnav was silent...
Shyam : She is my responsibility... I had to give her a proper life at least if not an extraordinary one... My whole world is around her... I am this.. The finest criminal lawyer... Because of her... And one day, a small boy came here lost in himself... I could see a part of me in him... A fear of not having anything... I pulled him into my house and told him that we are here... Your di and your jeejaji... Arnav.. The way you are, like confining yourself within you.. will never let others know what you want... You need something, then speak up... You want to become an icon, then work hard... You want something in life then you need to do something for it, to get it...
Arnav : I want my house back jeejaji, my happiness back, my childhood, my dad , my mom.. Will I get all these ??? (His eyes was wet and red)
Shyam: You can't get the last three back... It's is gone Arnav... Accept it... It is the same for everyone... At one point it will happen... But we are here Arnav, only for you.. I'm there... And your house... It is in what you try, Arnav... Tell me today, I will get it to you... Do you think that till now I have never thought about that... If I get it for you, then it will never give you feeling of it being yours... Go for it... Get it in your own way... It is yours... When the right time comes, you will get it...
Anjali : Arnav, your jeejaji is right... Get it in your way... Your happiness lies in that... Now go and take some rest...
Arnav left to his room and sat on the recliner...
Arnav : Ma, I miss you... 4 years gone... I will get our house back... Those memories back... Everything... Ma ... Pa, I will show your brother, his right place... This is my promise to you...
He slept...
Next day,
Arnav : Di, I'm going to college... Some student meet is there..
Anjali : Okay, but come home for lunch...
Arnav : Sure. Bye di...
He hugged her and went...
He entered the college... It was silent... It was Sunday... The meeting was in the auditorium which was in the farthest corner of the college... He saw a familiar family standing in front of him...
Arnav stood rooted looking at her...
Arnav : Khushi !!
Khushi turned back and saw him...
Khushi : You!! ( shocked and loud enough to echo back )
Her parents turned to see him standing there... He greeted them...
Arnav : Hello aunty , uncle... And my Khhhuuushhhiii...
Her parents laughed... With the expression "these kids will never change
Khushi : You...
She banged him with the file she had... He ran and was followed by her... They ran till she stopped to breathe properly...
Arnav : That's all??
He stood there and mocked at her.
Khushi : What?? That's all ?? I should ask you that??? Where were you all these four years??? Do you even remember that I existed??? Answer me... No use in being silent... Answer me... Four years over... Where were you??
Arnav : Four years...
He was silent and then Khushi remembered his parent death...
Khushi : (Deviating the topic) Answer me ... Do you remember that I exist ??
Arnav agreed the truth that he forgot and only to be followed by her hitting him with the file...
After few minutes, Khushi and her parents where about to leave... And he invited them to his house... They agreed as it had been years since they met Anjali...
Arnav and Khushi came in his car and her parents in theirs..
Arnav started driving... Khushi started to chant mantra and pray for her life... The speed in which he was driving gave her a heart attack... Looking at her, he slowed down... She felt relaxed and asked him..
Khushi : Meeting me after so many years and planning to kill me ??
Arnav : Yes...
Smiling at her, he increased the speed and she banged him on his arm to slow down...
They both entered the house and were laughing loud talking about their old times... Anjali and Shyam could hear Arnav laugh and got down to see who it was... Anjali couldn't figure out Khushi... And then khushi's parent, Shashi and Garima, walked in...
Shashi : Couldn't find out your drama queen, Anjali beta ??
She looked at them and then at Khushi and hugged her... And then Shyam and Anjali greeted her parents
Anjali : Omg!! Khushi.. You changed so much... Those specks and your bubbly tummy... All gone...
Khushi : Don't talk about tummy... I took so much effort... But looks like someone got more tummy than me...
And pointed at Shyam.. Shyam pulled her and held her ears telling
Shyam : It should be... I missed my sweet darling and was sitting for all these four years..
Everyone laughed at her...
She glared at her parent and then looked at Arnav...
Khushi : Did I change so much?? Not really, Arnav found me at once...
They both saw each other...
Arnav : How can I forget my khhuuusshhhiii??
Khushi : You are finished today !!!
And she ran behind him... The whole house was filled with their laughter... Shyam looked at Arnav and Khushi...
Anjali : They will never change...Please come aunty uncle...
Shyam(Murmered) : I don't know about Khushi, Anjali... But your chote is changing... We are getting him back...
Anjali : Did you tell me something...
Shyam : Nothing...
He smiled at her and then all the four went in...
Garima came to Arnav and asked him to take care of Khushi in college..
Garima : I know, she is a bit mischievous and pranks everyone but just take care of her... I don't need to tell you this... You had always taken care for her... But, it is college, new people...
Khushi came there and stood between them.
Arnav : I understand, Aunty... I will... After all she is my Kkkhhhuuusshi...
And he pulled Khushi's cheeks... Khushi gave a glare and went away...
It was late evening and Anjali convinced them to stay back today alone...
Arnav entered his room to see the whole room lightened up...The curtains were half open... He knew who it was...
Arnav : Khushi !
She came out of the bathroom after washing her face...
Khushi : Is it your room?? I'm taking this room for tonight... Look how amazing it is... The colour is just amazing.. The whole room is soo...
Arnav : Soo... What ??
Khushi : Not Arnav's type... It is Khushi type... So, get out and go to some other room..
Arnav folded his hands and Khushi did the same..
Arnav : I won't... You sleep here... I have some work and then I will sleep in the couch...
Khushi : Whatever..
She went and slept... He went to his table and was doing his project in laptop... He saw Khushi sleeping peacefully.. In the middle, she woke up...
Khushi : Ma, water... I'm thirst...
Arnav was confused and then realised she had this habit from that time... He went to the kitchen to fill water...While he was coming back, he saw Shyam and Anjali sit in the ground in garden... He gave water to Khushi... Made her comfortable to sleep and placed a soft pillow behind her head... He moved towards the garden... He sat next to Anjali...
Arnav : Romance in night ???
Shyam smiled and Anjali hit Arnav on his chest...
Shyam : Just talking about you, Arnav..
Arnav : About me (confused)
Anjali looked at him and tried to stop..
Shyam : Till date, we are trying our full effort to make you smile a little daily... But you never... Today, Khushi came, and you started to laugh like the world can hear... Not fair Arnav...
Arnav : (laughed at the thought of her) She is mad.
And there came a voice from behind..
Khushi : Talking about me...
Arnav laughed again...
Arnav : Yes, a mad girl..
She sat next to Shyam... All the four where chatting and then retired to their rooms...
Arnav : You were sleeping right!! Why did you wake up...
Khushi : It was dark... I'm afraid of darkness... I didn't find you... So, I came out and to see to talking with di and jeejaji..
Arnav : But, it was dark even while you were sleeping...
Khushi : But you were there...
And looked at him to find him looking into her eyes... An awkward silence.. Ignoring it, both of them slept on the bed...
Next day,
Khushi took a mug of water and poured on his face...
The whole mansion echoed his "What the!
Anjali ran and came there..
Arnav : Di, look at her...
Anjali : Khushi, I was just making fun.. I didn't really tell you to do so...
Khushi laughed and ran out..
Arnav : What is going on...
Anjali : She asked me whether you were coming for pooja... I told her that wouldn't attend... She asked me reason, I told her that you won't wake up... And she...
Arnav : (shouted) Khushi...
The voice made Anjali get frightened... Khushi came there... She was afraid... Arnav, has never rises his voice in front of her... She stood holding her ears and apologized...
Arnav : Do you know what you have done..
She was silent..
Arnav : Here you go...
He through a mug full of water on her... And laughed till his stomach hurted... Anjali joined him... Khushi was shocked and then even she joined them laughing...
Khushi : Come to pooja, today alone.. Pls
Arnav : Why so ?? Today ?? What is special ??
Khushi : I'm here... Isn't that special??
Arnav got ready... Changed and came down...
The pooja was done... They went to college... First day of her college... She came with Arnav... Even she invited him home...
Khushi : Arnav.. Come home... I guess the shifting will be over... Pls..
Arnav : Okay !!
They went there...
Khushi : It is so nice... Amazing... Come..
She dragged Arnav to the place where her things were kept. She opened a big box and took out five gifts...
Khushi : Each year, I buy a gift for you... These fours years you weren't there... But still I bought one for you...
Arnav : But there are five in this..
Khushi looked at him... She moved towards and gave him a hug...
Khushi : Arnav... Happy Birthday...(whispered in his ears)
For Arnav, it was awkward... He forgot his birthday... More than that was their close proximity... He inhaled her scent... It was so her... Something was special in her .. in her scent... In the way she speaks.. In the way she always looks at him... Arnav pulled himself... Eventhough he didn't want to..
Arnav : Thank you...
Khushi : You're welcome...
She smiled at him... That smile... God knows what it was doing to him... On the other hand, Khushi was just smiling at him.. Her minded signaled her.. She was smiling for quite a long time.. And there was no response from Arnav..
Khushi : Everything okay ???
She said... trying to move to a comfortable distance away from him... Only to notice that her hair strands was struck to his button...
Khushi : Arnav... Help me.. Please... Stop looking at me like this
Arnav : What!! Oh... Yeah... Wait...
He helped her... And then their eyes met... No words... The whole world outside faded... Silence melting them... He moved closer and so did she... Their lips where few millimeters apart... They could feel their breaths on each other... They closed their eyes slowly decreasing their distance between them... It seemed to be endless... Eternal... They pulled out for air and again back to kiss. This time his hands on her hips and her hand one on his nape and other on his chest... They enjoyed this slowly... The calling bell rang... They were back to reality... They moved away... Arnav went down... Not a word after that they spoke... It was the next day when he met her in the lift... And walked away... Two years of college was only to just have eye contacts from long distance... But still that day was still in their mind... They had minimal conversations while with family... And without family.. They preferred to stay away from each other.. Khushi would go to college for the next two years.. Only to remember all those moments with Arnav.. Where they stood... His class.. His desk... That lift... Everything that reminded her about him always... Arnav worked on his own company and was on the process of expanding it to a bigger level that these two years went in a swift for him... Eventhough he works all day... His nights were preoccupied by Khushi's thoughts...
End of Flashback
Arnav : Di, I need to see her !!! I need to tell her!!! I need to tell her everything...
Anjali : Go Arnav ... She will be waiting for this only... I know her... Even she feels the same.. Just go and stand before her... You don't need to even tell anything...
Arnav drove as fast as he could.. As if there was no tomorrow...
Arnav : Please Khushi... Dont do this to me..
He cried inside his car.. Driving in high speed
He reached Khushi's house... Only to find Shashi and Garima sitting in the hall doing the necessary preparation... Arnav went to them and confessed to them that he loves Khushi and asked them if they could stop this further marriage preparations... They looked at each other and then Arnav who was genuinely asked their daughter's hand... They agreed and told him it is an yes from their side... He hugged them and ran upstairs to find Khushi sitting on the bed with her head resting on the backrest... Arnav came and stood infront of her...
They both just looked at each other...
Khushi : Why are you looking at me now?? Turn you face.. This is what you have been doing for years.. Whenever I see you, you just turn away, right?? Do it !!
Arnav laugh with tears in his eyes..
Khushi : What made you come here all of a sudden??? I thought you forgot me.. Like you did before.. I came to tell you something important.. And people told me that you left the house.. That day(the day they kissed), I was about to tell you and because of that stupid bell you just ran away.. Did you even know how important you are in my life... But you just prefer to walk away... Not realising how much you mean to me and I like a fool should keep everything to myself and...
Arnav didn't tell anything...
Khushi : What wrong did I do ???
He pulled her from the bed in an swift and kissed her just the same way they did before..
Arnav : You talk so much... Will you let me speak??
Khushi didn't ... Because this time they were kissing again and didn't want to part away...
Khushi just freezed and looked at him. Tears in their eyes... Such talkative girl was dumbstruck by this moment... He brought her down and there was Shyam and Anjali too with them... All the five looked happy, except Arnav... They hugged each other and then looked at Arnav silently... Arnav broke the silence... The five just stared at him... He went forward to Khushi...
Arnav : Khushi, will you give me one day... I will be back... Just one day...
Khushi didn't understand what he was going to do...But his eyes told her that something is bothering him and she nodded...
With the whole family looking at him.. He greeted everyone and left not once turning back...
Arnav went home, packed his bag and left as Shyam and Anjali entered the house... He hugged them... Anjali was about to ask him when Shyam stopped..
Shyam : Let him go and do what he wants... (Looking at Arnav) Go fast... Your lady has given you just a day... Else, she will talk and break the sky into pieces...
Arnav laughed and hugged him..
Shyam : ( whispered in Arnav's ear) I know.. Go for it... Will be waiting with Khushi's family to come...
Arnav smiled at him and left..
Next day,
Shyam told Anjali and Khushi's family to get ready...
Everyone just got a Message from Arnav " Come soon
Shyam got everyone in his car and drove...
Arnav opened the gate for them... The Raizada Mansion... His house, his dream, his goal, his life, his memories of his dad and mom, his happy days...
He dragged Anjali and Shyam inside the house made them sit in the sofa, followed by Garima and Shashi...
Arnav : Di, Our house...
She was still... From the time she saw the house...
Anjali : Arnav, our house...
There was a 6 feet frame of their mom and dad..
Arnav hugged Anjali as she cried out of happiness...
Arnav made her sit with Shyam.. And searched for Khushi...
He went out and found her standing at the entrance... He was at the main door.
Arnav shouted from there...
Arnav : Come in, Khushi.
Khushi : You come...
There both walked towards each other and stop...
Arnav : What happened??
Khushi : You tell me, What is all this??
Arnav smiled..
Arnav : I love you, Khushi...
And stared righted into her hazel eyes...
Arnav : This is a gift for you and my di... For coming to my life...
He went behind her and stood seeing the whole mansion...
Arnav : Beautiful, right?? If mom , dad were here they would have ...
Khushi turned and hugged him... He hugged her back...
Arnav : Khushi, There is another gift for you...
Khushi : Even from me..
Arnav : What??
Khushi : You tell me first !!!
He moved away from her.
Khushi : What are you doing??
Arnav : I should ask that to you Khushi Kumari Gupta, What are you doing to me?
Khushi was confused... His tone was scary type...
Arnav : Do you even know that I'm the great ASR.. Arnav Singh Raizada... The biggest fashion industry AR owner... And look what you are doing to me??? ( He took both her hands) ... I love you...
Khushi gave him a cute glare... He smiled...
Arnav : Sorry, for making you wait for so many years...
He went on his knee...
Arnav : Khushi .. This is for you...
Khushi opened the gift to see , a mangalsutra.. She looked at Arnav with tears in her eyes...
Arnav : This is my mother's...
Khushi : This is Beautiful...
He stood and wiped her tears... He cupped her face in his hands and looked straight into her eyes...
Arnav : Will you marry me, Khushi???
Khushi nodded and hugged him...
They were about to enter...
Arnav : Where is my gift???
Khushi : Not today... I guess, I should give this later!!
Arnav : Please! Not even a clue??
Khushi : No!! Now, lets go in!! We are telling them everything today!!
Arnav : Oh oh !! Someone is in a hurry !! I guess!!
Khushi : Why not??
And pecked him on his lips and ran inside...
They told everything to the elders... Their marriage were fixed 2 weeks after... The whole Raizada mansion was decorated as Khushi suggested that she wanted the marriage to take place in RM...
After roka, sangeet, Mehandi, haldi... Finally the marriage...
Khushi was dress in a golden and red saree with lace works... And golden ornaments... He was in his sandal colour Sherwani... Both walked down the stairs and hugged everyone and sat on the mandap... They did the rituals... And stood up for pheras... They took the Seven vows..
Khushi : We will take another one vow... Ask me whatever you want!
Arnav : Now?
Khushi : This is the gift
Arnav : Okay!!
Anjali : Eighth vow of Marriage... Wah!!
The whole family smiled.
Arnav : Khushi. ( looking into her eyes) This is our house. Each and everything inside this compound belongs to you.. and that includes me also.. You have the right to do whatever you want.. And I want you to owe that.. you will always be happy, laugh out loud, smile the whole day like the mad you are, fight with me, chase me till you beat, cry a little and when I cry.. support me, talk to me non stop.. even if I say "shut up! for a billionth time.. be the way you are but be with me. I need you.. I don't know how I spent these eight years without you.. but after this moment, not even for a second , I want to stay away from you. I will always be yours , Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.
Saying this, he applied the sindoor on her forehead and tied mangalsutra...
Tears of joy was from Mr. Raizada
Khushi : Arnav, Stop crying...
She laughed making everyone laugh... The tears in her eyes didn't go unnoticed too...
Arnav : Mrs. Raizada
Her Eyes fluttered open to see him. With love and only love in his eyes...
Arnav : I Love You...
Writer: Hearty_Harsha