The episode starts with Roshni preparing soup for Aman, as he has been unwell after being shot by the arrows of the three jinn soldiers, she murmurs, “This Khan Baba is the weirdest Waiyad Praani, of all, sometimes he is so sweet and caring”, she reminisces how he had saved her from the chal kooa and from the jinn soldiers, and continues, “but sometimes he is so hard like a ROCK”, her eyes fill with tears when she remembers how Aman had behaved rudely with her when she asked him to accompany her to give away the return gifts. Just them, Sarah and Saima come there, they ask her, “What happened BHABHIJAN??? Why are you crying???” Roshni quickly wipes off her tears and says, “nothing just that the garlic from the soup is burning my eyes”, Sarah and Saira then try to cheer her mood, “Bhabhijan, you should feed Aman bhaiya with your hands, then he would be really happy!!!” They giggle, while Roshni blushes.
Roshni takes the soup to Aman’s room where Dadi and Baby had already been attending on him, they see Roshni and smile, Dadi says, “Look your biwi who is so concerned about your health has brought soup for you!!!”, Baby asks “But when did Aman get sick and we did not get to know about it???”, Dadi hits her head and says, “Baby, Aman got hurt yesterday, while trying to save Roshni, in the KAALA JUNGLE”, Baby says, “Oh yeah, I forgot!!!” Sarah and Saima come there and tell them, “Dadi, Phupi, come nah, Bhabhi Jan wants to feed Bhaiya with her own hands. Aman and Roshni get embarrassed, while Roshni tries to stop Sarah and Saima saying, “No, it will be better if Dadi feeds him, because I don’t know anything about the eating styles of Khan Baba.” Sarah continues, “So what, Bhabhi Jan, you made that delicious soup with your pretty hands, so you should feed him with your own pretty hands and slowly you will get to learn everything about Aman baisaab”
Dadi says “Anyways me and Baby too have to go to tabeezi for some work!!!” Baby asks her, “But what work do we have???” Dadi stares at her, Baby smiles and continues, “Oh yeah, I forgot, we have work nah, chalo, let’s go!!”
The four of them go outside and slowly peep from outside, towards Aman and Roshni, Aman sees them and says, “If you all want to see something then all of you can come inside and sit along with us.” The four of them feel embarrassed and disappear from there. Aman sees Roshni still standing with the soup, “What happened, you are not going to feed me the soup??”, Roshni says, “Actually Khan Baba, whenever I put my hands on cooking something, I burn it, I’ve got scolded so many times for burning Nankattai, but this time I was extra careful while making this soup, I was careful about how many garlic cloves, how many tomatoes, how much of pepper and salt…..”, she goes on and on about the soup and then stops suddenly and says, “Oh Khan baba, how talkative you are, you are engaging me in your chats and the soup is getting cold!!!” Aman stares at her, Roshni continues “Come have it!!!” She keeps the soup bowl near him and asks him to have it saying, “Last time, you got angry because I did not leave the last piece of paneer for you and because of you all these things happened, this time don’t throw the soup on my face if you get angry.” Aman laughs, “Oh I would love to see, how this soup looks on you!!!” Roshni stares at him and asks him to shut up and have the soup. Aman asks her, “Won’t YOU FEED ME WITH YOUR HANDS!!!” Roshni is surprised, they share an eye lock. She takes a spoonful of soup blows lightly over it, and takes it slowly towards Aman’s mouth, as he is about to have it, Parveen comes and catches Roshni’s hand, she throws the spoon from her hand and says, “Stay away from my Aman and stop causing him more trouble as you are not AYAANA who can save him form the clutches of JINN. Both Aman and Roshni look on shocked.
Writer: Aleyamma
o Salma bhaiajan, we wish that you too accompany us to our Junaid Mahl, till Roshni and Aman’s Nikaah.” Salma is enthusiastic; however, she acts of denying talking about the ill things which would follow after staying in daughter’s in-laws house. But Baby and Dadi continue to persuade her, for which Salma finally gives in. Dadi and the whole family leave towards the exit. Salma continues to think “Now that I’m entering Junaid Mahal, I will try all the means to poison Roshni’s mind against Aman, such that she will be convinced not to pronounce “qubool hai” thrice during her Nikah.” she smirks.
Episode 2
The episode starts with Parveen shouting and informing Roshni and Aman, that Roshni is not Ayaana. Both Aman and Roshni are shocked to hear the same from Parveen. Aman asks her, “What are saying Ammi???” Parveen replies, “The truth, that Roshni is NOT AYAANA”, she continues with Roshni “You need to leave the JUNAID MAHAL, right now!!!”, Roshni is shocked and asks, “But Ammi???” Parveen catches Roshni’s hand tightly and tries to pull her towards the exit, when she feels a pull backwards, she looks back to see Aman holding her hand and stopping her, she is surprised and asks Aman, “Aman, what are you doing, she needs to leave this house right now!!!” Aman continues, “SHE IS MY WIFE, AMMI and also THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW of this house, she is MRS. ROSHNI AMAN KHAN, so she has as much rights to stay in the house as we all do” Both Roshni and Parveen are in for a shock, Roshni keeps looking into Aman’s eyes. Parveen asks him, “Aman have you lost your mind??? Is this woman more important for you than your AMMI’S WORDS” Aman is saddened at those words from Parveen, he holds down his breath, closes his eyes, looks down and finally looking straight into Parveen’s eyes and says, “I’m only doing my DUTY as a HUSBAND.” Parveen eyes widen up big and tears roll down from them staring at Aman, while a slight smile brightens up Roshni’s face as she hears those words from Aman. Parveen continues, “Okay, fine, if you are doing your DUTIES as a HUSBAND, then I too as a MOTHER have to save my SON’S LIFE, and I know that she is not AYAANA.” Aman questions her back, “How can you say that Ammi???” Parveen shouts back, “AMAN DO YOU REMEMBER, SHE WAS THE SAME WOMAN WHO TRIED TO SEPARATE A MAN FROM HIS FAMILY FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY????” Roshni is shocked and confused, she is not able to understand the meaning behind Parveen’s words. Aman continues “Ammi, now why are you bringing in all that???” Parveen continues frustratedly, “Because at that time she was fooling that man and now she is fooling you and our family for MONEY, because after all she is a COURTESAN’S DAUGHTER” Roshni interrupts, “But Ammi, I never tried to fool anyone!!!” Parveen asks her angrily, “Then why were you marrying an already married man????” Roshni eyes widen in shock, she reminisces her marriage rituals with Sameer and how she felt uncomfortable with him every time, she realises that she was used as a PAWN by her mother for MONEY. Roshni is about to defend herself in front Parveen, when the latter signs her not to open her mouth. Parveen continues with Aman, “In the same way she is fooling all of us Aman because it was not her but Adaa who saved your life!!!!” Aman frowns in shock because he remembers well, how Roshni had saved him from the jinn soldiers. Parveen says, “When Adaa called, I unknowingly told her about your condition, and also blurted out that only if Ayaana risks her life, YOU WILL BE SAVED, so ADAA risked her own life and saved YOU, AMAN!!!!” Both Aman and Roshni look on in SHOCK.
Parveen says to Aman, “And I have decided that this COURTESAN will no be in your LIFE neither as your WIFE, nor as THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW of this family, you shall give her TALAQ!!!” A chill pass through Aman’s spine and even unknown to him, two drops of tears roll down from his eyes. While Roshni falls down in shock. Parveen says “So she shall leave right now from this house.” Parveen pulls Roshni up and starts dragging her to the exit. Roshni catches Aman’s hand, while he stands motionless still in shock over Parveen’s words.” Slowly Parveen overpowers Roshni and pulls her strongly, such that Roshni’s hand detaches from Aman’s. As soon Roshni leaves Aman’s hands, he realises the situation around and tries to run behind Parveen and Roshni, but then he starts feeling weak, and stumbles down. Baazigar flies towards him and rubs his face on Aman’s, Aman gets reminded of his FIRST MEETING with Roshni, and in his heart something tells him that he does not want Roshni to go AWAY FROM HIM. He slowly strengthens himself and runs behind Roshni and Parveen.
Downstairs, Parveen is about to throw Roshni out of the house saying, “A COURTESAN like you is a SHAME to be called the DAUGHTER-IN-LAW of this house”, when Aman, shouts, “Ammi, STOP!!!!” Dadi, Baby, Sarah, Saima and Chotu too come there. Dadi interferes and tells Aman, “Aman, let ROSHNI GO!!!” All are shocked to listen to Dadi’s decision. Aman comes near her and asks her, “Dadi, what are you saying???” Dadi continues, “Whatever you have heard Aman, Saima will be married off soon, and I don’t want anyone in this society accuse ROSHNI for being a COURTESAN in this house.” Aman and Roshni stare at her agape, Dadi continues, “So before Saima’s nikah, there will be AMAN AND ROSHNI NIKAH with full rituals and pomp all over LUCKNOW, first there will IMAM ZAMIN, then MANGNI, MANJHA, MEHENDI, SANCHAQ AND THEN NIKAAH, such that the whole Lucknow comes to know, Roshni is not a COURTESAN anymore, but AMAN’S WIFE, ROSHNI AMAN KHAN” All are shocked to hear that.
Episode 3
The episode starts with all shocked to hear Dadi’s decision, Parveen asks her, “Ammi, what are you saying???” Dadi continues, “Roshni is Aman’s wife and our family’s daughter-in-law, and her respect is also this family’s respect, I understand that the circumstances in which Aman’s and Roshni’s marriage happened were such that everyone believes Roshni manipulated Aman for the marriage, while only our family knows the true reason behind Roshni and Aman’s marriage, so I’ve decided that their NIKAH shall be held with all the rituals such that Roshni will no more be called a COURTESAN, but THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW of the KHAN FAMILY. So, let her go for now Aman, we will bring her officially after your NIKAH” Aman looks at Roshni and remembers how she had been attacked by jinn soldiers twice where at both times baazigar and himself had to risk their own lives to save her. He gets worried, he is about to say something, when Parveen speaks out, “Then you listen to my decision too Ammi, I’m going to bring Adaa to our family today, such that she takes over this COURTESAN’S place in my SON’S LIFE and FAMILY.” Aman and Roshni look on shocked, while everyone else widen their eyes in surprise towards Parveen. Roshni reminisces her moments with Aman, she feels a sudden pain in her heart and thinks, “Allah knows BEST!!! Why am I feeling sad??? I should be happy that this WAIYAD PRAANI, Khan baba is going away from my LIFE!!! But why is that I feel that I’m losing my OWN LIFE ITSELF!!!” Tears roll down her face, and as she is unable to control them, she breaks down completely, closing her eyes, unnoticed by anyone other than Aman. Aman catches his fists tightly, catches his breath, turns himself towards Dadi and says, “Dadi, Roshni isn’t going ANYWHERE!!!” Dadi looks at him surprisingly and says, “But Aman……” Aman interrupts and says, “I know that you want to conduct mine and Roshni’s Nikah once again!!! And it shall be done but with Roshni staying in our house and with me,” the he stares at Parveen and continues, “No matter WHOMSOEVER ELSE comes here!!!!” Parveen looks on at him shocked. Dadi, Baby, Sara, Saima and chotu smile in happiness. Chotu shouts, “Yay, Chachu and Chachi are getting married, Chachu and chachi are getting married!!!”
Aman goes forward catches Roshni’s hands and starts taking her upstairs to his room, as they are going upstairs, he stops, looks back at his family and says, “Tomorrow we shall go to Roshni’s house in broad daylight, no matter whomsoever in the streets tease us for entering a COURTESAN’S HOUSE and officially conduct the IMAM ZAMIN there, so that it will be declared that Roshni is Khan’s family’s Daughter-in-law. Roshni is amazed at Aman’s words. She feels that her heart is fluttering really fast, she touches her chest and asks herself, “Allah knows best!!! Why have my heart beats increased, why is this arrogant Khan Baba becoming more and more cute in front of my eyes!!!” As Aman turns to leave, Parveen tells, “The Imam Zamin ritual is done by the groom’s Ammi, Aman and I will never tie the silver scarf with GOLD COIN, into this COURTESAN’S WRISTS, who will not value the coin to be this family’s respect, but rather use it for her personal gain.” Aman turns backs and looks frowningly at Parveen. Dadi interrupts, “If you don’t want to do it, then Baby will do it, after all she is Aman’s phupi, and holds the same place in this family as his AMMI.” Baby continues, “Yeah, Aman’s phupi will tie the silk scarf with gold coin on Roshni’s wrists……” then Baby looks confused and asks Dadi, “But Ammi, who is Aman’s phupi???” Sara, Saima and Chotu bang their hands on their foreheads, while Dadi bangs on Baby’s head, Baby continues, “Oh yeah, I forgot, I’m Aman’s phuphi, of course, I will do the Imam Zamin rasam in the place of his AMMI.” Parveen looks on angrily and continues, “Then I too will bring Adaa to our house NOW ITSELF!!!” All are disgusted with Parveen’s decision while Aman retires to his room with Roshni.
In the morning
Rakh Jinn and Adaa are standing outside the Junaid Mahal, Adaa asks her, “Till now, whatever plans we have made to separate Roshni and Aman have all failed. I have been called to stay here by Aman’s Ammi, but how will I create a rift between Aman and Roshni.” Rakh Jinn tells her, “A Jinn knows all the evil things and negative emotions which exists in this world, till now, we were targeting Aman’s hatred against Roshni, but his Hatred has changed into SYMPATHY, AND BEFORE HIS SYMPATHY TURNS INTO LOVE, we will have to target Roshni.” Adaa asks her surprised, “But how can that happen??? Roshni is an AYAANA with an ANGEL’S HEART, her HEART IS FILLED WITH GOODNESS, so then what NEGATIVE EMOTION can we provoke inside her???” Rakh Jinn grins evilly and says, “DOUBT!!!” Adaa is amazed. Rakh Jinn continues, “We will have to instil doubt in Roshni’s heart regarding you and Aman, so that she herself distances from Aman.” Adaa smirks.
Episode 4
The episode starts with Aman and Roshni’s bedroom, a ray of sunlight falls on Roshni’s face, and birds from outside come and sit on the windowpane and chirp sweetly, trying to wake Roshni up, Roshni opens her eyes slowly, looks at them with a smile and says, “GOOD MORNING!!!” Then she looks towards the sofa for Aman and thinks where he went early in the morning. Then all the flashes of the previous day’s events passes through her mind, she feels saddened by the fact of Parveen’s hatred towards her, and tells “Allah knows best, let me get ready fast and go and help Ammi in the kitchen, otherwise, I will never be able to win her heart.” She goes inside the bathroom and tries to shut the door, but finds the doorknob broken. Roshni frowns, “Allah knows best, this KHAN BABA, keeps chanting KIYA MEEFA, KIYA MEEFA, all the time to just show off his powers, couldn’t he just repair this doorknob, but just saying….” She imitates Aman and continues, “KIYA MEEFA” but the doorknob remains the same, “Allah knows best, even the doorknobs in Khan baba’s house have his attitude, anyways why should I waste my time??” She goes inside, fills the bathtub with water and soap, such that it bubbles up, then slowly undresses herself and puts on a bathroom towel, and then slowly lies down in the bathtub. Then, unknowingly she falls asleep inside the bathtub, and goes down inside the water.
Aman enters the bathroom, and sees no one inside, he thinks, “where did this crazy woman go??? She must be downstairs!!!” He tries to close the doorknob but notices it broken, he calls baazigar, but baazigar doesn’t turn up.
Outside Rakh Jinn tells her plan to Adaa, I have broken the doorknob of Aman’s bathroom and also used a shield in there such that Aman’s voice does not reach baazigar. Aman will not be able to use his magic inside the bathroom. So once, he enters, he will have to choose to have a bath with the door open. And once, he starts having a bath, the water in the bathroom will also be controlled by me and soon stop, he will try to use magic for help, but he will not be able to use it. And at that time before the family enters, I want you to enter and try to help Aman, saying that you came to hear him by chance and want to help him. Then, soon, hearing his voice, the other family members including Roshni will also reach there, and seeing you and Aman in such a position will surely plant the first seed of DOUBT in Roshni’s mind, which will be our first step to separate Roshni and Aman. Rakh Jinn smirks.
Inside Aman’s bathroom.
Great, this baazigar, joining with that crazy Roshni has become a dramebaaz just like her, he has stopped to listen to my orders too!!! Then he notices the bathtub filled with bubbled water but does not notice Roshni inside. He thinks, “This woman is really crazy, after taking bath, she has left the bathtub still filled.” Aman shakes his head in disappointed and goes to undress himself. He undresses himself completely and goes inside the bath cubicle completely naked. He starts bathing by putting the shower on, then as he slowly starts scrubbing the soap, the water stops.
Outside the Jinn is doing her magic, she signs Adaa to go inside.
Aman wonders, “Why did the shower stop????” He shouts baazigar, but unfortunately baazigar doesn’t turn up again. He shouts again loudly, which makes Roshni wake up from her sleep in the bathtub, “Allah knows best, thank goodness I did not drown to death in my sleep, for that WAIYAD PRAANI Khan Baba doesn’t allow me stay peacefully even in my sleep, she get out from the bathtub, while on the other side, Aman being frustrated with baazigar comes out of the bath cubicle, completely naked. As soon as Roshni comes out of the bathtub, she sees Aman completely naked, she screams “AHHHHHH”, which makes Aman realise the presence of Roshni inside the bathroom and lets on a scream, while taking a bucket and covering himself. Roshni shouts, “What kind of WAIYAD PRAANI you are KHAN BABA, that you are walking her and there naked, Aman shouts back, “Then should I take bath putting on a shirt, blazer, pants and tie!!! And what are you doing here inside my BATHROOM!!!” Roshni replies, “Allah knows best Khan baba, This, is my bathroom too and I came in the bathroom first, only thing is that I slept off for a few minutes inside the bathtub”. Aman realises that he had missed seeing Roshni inside the bathtub. He scolds her, “Which DUMB sleeps inside a bathtub that too with water inside???” Roshni gets angry and tells, “Oh I do,” she turns towards Aman to say, “and why shouldn’t I???” but then again gets embarrassed, “Uff, Khan Baba, will you at least wrap a towel around you!!!!” Aman says, “My eyes are burning because of soap, and I’m not able see anything here, so where will I find a towel???” Roshni getting irritated, takes a towel, then closing her eyes, goes towards him and says, “Here Towel, take it!!!” but Aman being not able to see, is not able to get it from her. Roshni finally gives up and wraps the towel around Aman herself. Aman feels strange…. (Kahani humari plays).
And as she is about to leave, she stamps over the soap, left down by Aman, and slips. Aman pulls her, while Roshni catches his hand and then hugs him tightly in fear (Kahani humari plays). Aman tells her, “Roshni, what are you doing, leave!!!!!” Roshni realises that they both are in towel and leaves him immediately just when Adaa calls out, “Aman!!!!” Both get agitated on hearing her voice and fall into the bathtub together. Adaa comes inside and becomes shocked to see them together in the bathtub. Soon, the whole family enters and are agape to see the same. Saima slowly shuts Chotu’s eyes.
Episode 5
The episode starts with the whole family shocked seeing Aman and Roshni in towel, together in the bathtub. Saima closes the eyes of Chotu to stop him from seeing. Then, quickly they turn their back towards them. Parveen angrily asks Aman, “What is happening here, Aman???” Aman nervously says, “Actually, Ammi the water in the shower stopped all of a sudden!!!” Sarah interrupts and says, “So you thought to take your bath together with Bhabhijan in the bathtub??? HOW ROMANTIC!!!” All giggle, while Aman and Roshni feel embarrassed. Parveen tells her to shut up and continues to inform Aman to get himself out of this mess and come downstairs for breakfast. The family slowly leaves outside. Aman and Roshni still feel embarrassed. Roshni starts feeling uncomfortable and closes her chest with her arms. Aman sensing her discomfort, quickly turns his face on the opposite side. Then, he gets up takes a towel and drapes it around her neck saying, “You take bath here comfortably, while I will go to the guest room and have my shower.” (Kahani hamari plays) Roshni looks smilingly at him, “Allah knows best!!! Even though Khan shows too much of attitude to me most of the time, he is also very caring and sweet at the same time.”
Roshni and Aman take their bath and come to their bedroom in bathrobe, both are embarrassed. Aman quickly goes to open the cupboard and tries to take out his shirt and blazer, he is unable to find the ones which he wants to wear, he calls Baazigar. This time, Baazigar comes there, but flies past Aman and sits on the window. Aman calls out once again, but Baazigaar ignores him by turning away his head, Aman gets angry and says, “Baazigar, nowadays you have started showing too much of ATTITUDE to me.” Roshni murmurs, “After all who is his owner.” Aman asks her, “Did you say something???” Roshni continues, “Let me just help you!!!!” She goes near the cupboard in front of Aman, he starts feeling weird once again and moves away. Roshni takes the exact clothes which Aman wanted to wear and places them into his hands. Aman is amazed and asks her, “How did you know that I wanted to wear these???” Roshni replies, “Allah knows best!!! Why wouldn’t I??? After all you are my Shohar !!!!” Aman eyes widen, while Roshni corrects herself and says nervously, “I meant to say you always wear these BORING CLOTHES and BORING COLOURS.” Aman quietens her saying, “Total Rubbish!!! You think my choice of clothes and colours are BORING, do you know I’m one of the most handsome MEN in LUCKNOW!!!” Roshni laughs, “Allah know best! Khan Baba!!! HANSOME???”, up Baazigaar too seems to be amused. Aman gets irritated, shakes his head and goes.
Outside Rakh Jin and Adaa are watching closely Roshni and Aman, Adaa is totally frustrated seeing Roshni’s laughter, she asks Rakh Jinn this time you told that your plan will work, but your plan just seems to bring them closer rather than bringing a rift between them. Rakh Jinn tells her, “Can’t you see every time we plan something; it is always ROSHNI who always foils our plans!!! This time I will set such a trap for Roshni she herself walks falls into our trap, without being a hindrance to it!!!!”
Downstairs Sara, Saima and chotu are looking impatiently for Aman and Roshni. Soon, Aman comes downstairs and sits on the dining table, Roshni follows while Adaa hurries before. Parveen tells Adaa, “Have a seat, Adaa.” Adaa pulls the chair beside Aman to have a seat. Aman is shocked and Roshni is saddened on seeing that. While Baby, Sara, Saima and chotu are disgusted. Dadi stops calling out Adaa and says, “Aman’s Nikah happened with Roshni and not with you, while yours and Aman’s Nikah was fixed but never happened, INSHALLAH, I believe, whatever happened was Allah’s grace and Allah’s will!!! So, LET Aman’s biwi sit with him!!!!” Adaa is annoyed but however leaves her place to Roshni. Roshni comes and sits near Aman, both of them feel relieved and share looks at each other. (bgm plays)
Sara signs at chotu, Chotu asks dadi, “Dadi in our school, girls and boys have different toilets, so can a girl and boy TAKE BATH TOGETHER???” Aman chokes on hearing that question, Parveen is about to help, when Roshni taps on his head and gives him juice. Parveen becomes exasperated. Dadi and Baby giggle at Chotu’s question, and Dadi continues, “Not all BOYS and GIRLS can!!! BUT….” She looks at Aman and Roshni and says, “A MIA and BIWI CAN!!!!” Baby gets confused, “But we are going to do Imam Zamin of Roshni and Aman, so who are the Mia, Biwi here???” Dadi taps on her head, Baby continues, “Oh yeah I forgot!!! Aman and Roshni’s Nikah already happened once!!! So, shall we go to Roshni’s house for the Rasam, Ammi” Adaa interrupts saying, “Excuse me all of you, but I need to go back to my house!!!” Parveen is shocked and says, “But Adaa…” Adaa stops her and tells, “No Ammi, it’s better I don’t try to come in between Aman and Roshni now!!!” She then turns and leaves the Junaid Mahal smirking.
Parveen is completely infuriated, she tells Dadi, “All of go to this courtesan’s house and celebrate her Imam Zamin, but I’m not going to step in such a woman’s household, nor ever accept such a woman as my DAUGHTER-IN-LAW ever!!!”
Parveen leaves angrily from there, while Roshni is in tears. Aman looks on disappointedly towards Roshni.
Episode 6
The episodes starts with Aman’s family coming to Salma’s house, the neighbours mock them saying, “Till now only men came to this house asking for courtesans to dance in their parties, but now a whole family of a NAWAAB has come, courtesans are becoming more and more valuable these days!!!” Roshni is disheartened to hear that, while Aman fumes seeing her state.

He goes forward frowning at them, and says, “Till now whoever came here would have come for demanding courtesans, but today, MY FAMILY has come here to ASK FOR ROSHNI’S HAND, and we will officially declare her the daughter-in-law of our KHAN FAMILY, with IMAM ZAMIN rasam now, so I cordially invite all of you to come and give her your blessings.” The neighbours are left agape. Aman leaves saying “Khuda hafiz”.
Dadi and Baby feel proud of him, Dadi says, “Now you have slowly started to act like Roshni’s Mia jan too, fighting for wife’s respect should be one of the priorities of a husband, and today I’m so happy that my grandson has fought for his BIWI”S respect!!!!” Roshni and Aman look into each other’s eyes (bgm plays) Sara, Saima and Chotu cough. Dadi continues smilingly, “Let’s go and do Roshni’s Imam Zamin” Salma is amazed to see the Khan family enter her house with double the number of gifts which Sameer’s family had brought. She becomes delighted.
Dadi comes smilingly saying, “As-salamu alaykum!!!” Salma replies “Wa alaykumu as-salam”, Dadi continues, “We have come her to conduct Roshni and Aman’s Imam Zamin, the circumstances in which Aman and Roshni’s nikah happened were such that our family never got to celebrate properly their marriage, but now we wish to conduct all the Rituals properly for their marriage, so that the whole Lucknow knows of their marriage, we had already informed our Imam to conduct Salatul Istikhara, this morning, so let us proceed with Imam Zamin”
However, Salma is bewildered to hear that; she remembers her promise to Rakh Jinn to separate Aman and Roshni. She thinks “Here the whole family has started to accept Roshni, now how will I go forward in separating Aman and Roshni, then she remembers how Rakh Jinn had sent her message asking to instil doubt in Roshni’s mind.” Salma smiles maliciously, “Of course, now I know what I should do!!!” She says “That is really great, I’m so happy that all of you have started accepting my daughter as a part of your family!!!! But where is Parveen Sahib???” All look dejected. Saima says, “Ammi is having high fever, so she is taking rest at home!!!” Salma thinks, “Or is she against this Nikaah, I will have to find out!!!”, she continues, “So shall we start the rasam???”
Roshni sits in the middle with Dadi and Salma sitting besides her on both sides, Aman standing aside with Sara, Saima and chotu, keeps leaving glances secretly at her. Chotu asks him, “Instead of standing here and struggling to look at Chachi, you can go and sit near Chachi and keep looking at her.” Aman blushes in embarrassment. Soon, Baby comes near Roshi with two neatly stitched silver bands containing gold coins and ties them around Roshni’s hands. Baby asks her, “Do you know the meaning of this ritual, Roshni???” Roshni shakes her head denying, Baby continues saying, “Well…” Then says, “I too forgot!!!” Dadi bangs her forehead and then explains, “This rasam means that Roshi has officially become our daughter-in-law and now onwards she BELONGS TO AMAN.” Roshni and Aman look into each other eyes. They share an eyelock. (bgm plays)
Dadi informs, “Now since Imam Zamin is done, we have to conduct Mangni, all the other rasam preparations have already been made in our house, and Roshni will be staying in our house, so Salma bhaiajan, we wish that you too accompany us to our Junaid Mahl, till Roshni and Aman’s Nikaah.” Salma is enthusiastic; however, she acts of denying talking about the ill things which would follow after staying in daughter’s in-laws house. But Baby and Dadi continue to persuade her, for which Salma finally gives in. Dadi and the whole family leave towards the exit. Salma continues to think “Now that I’m entering Junaid Mahal, I will try all the means to poison Roshni’s mind against Aman, such that she will be convinced not to pronounce “qubool hai” thrice during her Nikah.” she smirks.
Episode 7
In Junaid Mahal
Dadi and Baby are going through the decorations of the Engagement of Aman and Roshni, Baby asks Dadi, “Ammi, why are we decorating the house right now, neither is it Eid nor Muharram, so why these decorations???” Dadi tells her, “These decorations are done for my NIKAH!!!” Baby says “OOOH!!!” then all of she realises what her mother just said and asks her, “AMMI, you are getting married at this AGE????” Dadi bangs her head saying, “Baby these decorations are of Roshni and Aman’s engagement!!!!” Baby continues embarrassingly, “Oh yeah, I forgot!!!”
In Roshni and Aman’s room
Roshni is getting dressed, when Salma comes to check on her saying, “Oh my little princess is looking really pretty just like her mother.” Then slowly Salma starts playing her trick, “Roshni, how is your relationship with damaad ji???” Roshni says cheerfully, “Allah knows best!!! Khan baba is really good Ammi, he takes care of me a lot, yesterday he was giving lecture to all those people who were questioning YOUR COURTESANSHIP STATUS!!! He is really caring!!!” Salma maliciously continues, “And what about LOVE, does he love you???” Roshni blushes thinking of the earlier moments when she was together with Aman, unknown to the fact that she had already fallen in love with him. Salma notices her face brightening up over her question and also realises the development of feelings in Roshni. She snaps asking, “What happened??? Where did my laado go???” Roshni replies, “Nowhere Ammi, right now there is nothing like that between us, but after NIKAH, every MIA and BIWI start accepting each other, right???” Salma asks her, “Do you think Aman will ever accept you as his BIWI???” Roshni is shocked at that question, she questions her furiously, “Ammi, what are you asking, Allah knows best!! Khan Baba is nothing like that already engaged SAMEER with whom you had proposed my NIKAH!!!” Salma is astonished. Roshni says, “Allah knows best, I came to know about it Ammi, but regretfully through my MOTHER-IN-LAW” Salma tries to divert Roshni’s attention saying, “Your mother-in-law, that is what I’m talking about, Is she alright about you being the daughter-in-law of this house???” Roshni asks her surprisingly, “Why are you worried about that Ammi???” Salma smiles maliciously with her back towards Roshni thinking, “Now you are falling into my trap, after all I’m your Ammi.” She turns towards Roshni showing her sober face and says, “Laado you are not able to understand, how these people are making use of YOU!!!” Roshni asks her curiously, “What do you mean, Ammi???” Salma continues, “Beta, damaad ji doesn’t LOVE you, neither will he be able to LOVE YOU ever!!!!” Roshni is disheartened to hear that, “But why are you saying so, Ammi???” Salma smirks and says, “BECAUSE THERE IS SOMEONE ELSE IN HIS LIFE” Roshni is bewildered, the bangle set which she had been holding falls down scattering the bangles all over the room. Salma continues, “That is the REALITY, laado, he married you at that time, only because he wanted to save his mother, and now he wants to protect his family using YOU, once everyone are safe, and everything is settled, Aman would give you TALAAQ and marry ADAA, because he loves ADAA!!!” Roshni asks her desperately, “But how do you know that Ammi!!!” Salma continues with her sober face, “Because I have lived that life, laado, A COURTESAN is a woman who is used for pleasure and then thrown out!!! Aman considers you a COURTESAN, and since you are an AYAANA, you are necessary for him to protect his family and after that he will leave you and go to his real LOVE.” Roshni eyes fill with tears and they smudge the dark eyeliner applied below her eyes. Soon the tears roll down faster through Roshni eyes. Salma tells her, “Laado, as your AMMI, I just informed what is really happening in your LIFE!!! You were disgusted with me because I proposed the already married SAMEER for you, but believe me, Sameer would have always kept you happy, while you will become a unwanted second woman in Aman’s life after he marries Adaa!!!” Salma leaves her room smiling, “I have instilled doubt in Roshni’s mind Rakh Jinn, now you continue what you have to!!!
Rakh Jinn and Adaa disguised as guests have come inside the Juniad Mahal. Adaa asks her, “Today is Aman’s engagement with Roshni, do you want me to stay here and watch their engagement being done??” Rakh Jinn tells her, “Be patient, we have not come here to feast Aman-Roshni’s engagement!!!” Adaa demands, “Then for what have we come here???” Rakh Jinn smiles and replies, “To get Sifrati Jinn back!!!” Adaa is surprised “But how is that possible, you tried to get his ashes once and you failed, right???” Rakh Jinn replies, “Yeah that’s right, but later, I realised that we can bring him back without his ashes!!!” Adaa asks her, “How??” Rakh Jinn smirks and tells her, “Through Aman, remember, AMAN is a DEMI-JINN, so A PART OF SIFRATI JINN LIVES INSIDE HIM!!!!”
Episode 8
The episode starts Roshni still lost over the words heard from Salma and standing still in front of the mirror, Aman comes there and sees her disturbed. He asks her, “Aren’t you ready yet, the engagement ceremony is going to start soon!!!” She turns towards him frowningly and asks, “Allah know best, Khan Baba, you had married me earlier in a jiffy to save your Ammi from the curse of the RAKH JINN, but why are marrying me once again now in front of the WHOLE WORLD???” Aman is surprised to hear that question from Roshni, and questions her, “Why are you asking that now Roshni???” Roshni replies him, “Because I want to know whether you will ever except ME AS YOUR BIWI or not!!!” Aman is left confused and speechless over that question, as he has no answer to give her, he tells her nervously, “Roshni, don’t waste your time on such useless stuff, get ready and come downstairs, the whole family is waiting for you!!!!” He turns around to leave, when Roshni points out loudly, “What happened Khan Baba??? Don’t have any answer for that question right!!! Well I know your answer!!!” Aman turns towards her in amazement while Roshni continues in tears, “Isn’t it a NO” Aman eyes too fill with tears, he is unable to comprehend why he is feeling bad when Roshni is saying the TRUTH to him. Roshni says, “Allah knows best, Khan Baba, I knew it, I just wanted to affirm it from it you, and SILENCE revealed everything!!!!” Aman is unable to control himself, he says, “Roshni get ready and come downstairs !!!” Roshni interrupts, “You can never ACCEPT ME all because I’m a COURTESAN’S DAUGHTER right, Khan Baba!!!” by now Aman has lost his patience, he replies in anger, “You are right!!! I can never accept you into my life, because you are a COURTESAN, a woman who knows only to destroy a family, a woman who was ready to marry an already engaged man only for his money., and a woman who married me for MY MONEY, I hate such WOMEN , because I lost both my AMMI and ABU all because of ONE SUCH WOMAN!!!” Roshni is taken aback at his words, Aman continues in pain, “My Abu left my Ammi for a courtesan like YOU, and from that very moment we also lost our Ammi because she went into a CLINICAL DEPRESSION after that!!!!” Roshni is heartbroken to hear that, she feels sympathetic towards Aman, but Aman had already started losing control over himself, his eyes had turned blue and nails grown longer. Roshni keeps her hand over his shoulder, but then, he catches her hands and twists it badly with her back held tightly towards his chest, she cries in pain saying, “Khan Baba please leave me!!!” He murmurs into her ears, “All because you are AYAANA, you are necessary for me to PROTECT MY FAMILY from MY CURSE. And once my family is SAFE, there will be no place for you neither in my LIFE, nor in my FAMILY.” Aman pushes Roshni forwards, she goes and hits the dressing table, and gets hurts. Aman rushes outside ignoring Roshni.
Aman goes to the bathroom inside the guest room, closes it and then vents his complete anger onto the mirror, by hitting it hard with his fists, “I’m sorry Roshni, I don’t want you to share a cursed life with me.” his hands start bleeding and blood droplets fall onto the floor, soon Aman eyes fill with tears and he starts weeping bitterly, he thinks, “But why is that I’m feeling pain when I see her in pain, why is that I feel miserable every time I hurt her???” He catches his head unable to control his emotions.
On the other side, Roshni is still in tears remembering over what Aman just told her, she gets up and bandages her wound. Baazigar flies towards her and sits on her shoulder, his tears fall on her wound. Roshni wipes her tears and tries to cheer up Baazigar. “What happened Baazigar, you feel bad that I’m crying??? You really LOVE me right, unlike you attitude ridden owner, Khan….” She stops herself from taking out Aman’s name. then she continues smilingly, “Don’t worry for me, Baazigar, because I’m going to find a biwi for you soon, but promise me Baazigar, you will ACCEPT and LOVE your biwi no matter she is poor or comes from a DIFFERENT FAMILY BACKGROUND!!!!” Baazigar rubs his forehead on Roshni’s face” Roshni brightens up with a smile.
However she is saddened thinking, “Khan Baba has gone through a lot in his life, but still always cares for his family and keeps them his priority, if KHAN BABA need me just to protect his family, then I will stay here until they are safe and leave YOU FOREVER after that.”, On the other hand Aman who just recovered himself from Jinn form continues crying miserably thinking, “I wish you get a more deserving person than me Roshni, who can take care of you and with whom you will happy forever without sharing a CURSED LIFE.”
Maddie the fairy narrator says, “Both Aman and Roshni are heart broken with the fact of getting separated from each other, but still are ready to undergo the pain of separation just for the sake of the other, what is this CALLED??? Does anyone know!!!” Maddie asks mischievously.
Episode 9
The episode starts with Parveen angrily walking up and down in her room. She says, “How to make you understand Aman, that girl Roshni is not Ayaana!!! And your life is great danger right now without Adaa near you.” Salma comes coughs to show Parveen her presence, the latter fumes even more on seeing her, she asks, “What do you want???” Salma talks sweetly to her saying, “Come on Parveen sahib, we are in-laws, so can’t we meet each other to ask about the other’s well-being.” Parveen replies angrily, “Your daughter is not my daughter-in-law and until I’m alive, I will never allow her to come near my Aman!!!” Salma smirks maliciously and says, “That is what I too want, samdi ji!!!”, Parveen is amazed and asks her, “What do you mean???” Salma continues, “I want your son Aman to leave my daughter forever!!!” Parveen is shocked at her words “You are her Ammi, right?? So why do you want such a thing for your daughter???” Salma confesses, “I’m Roshni’s Ammi, but I was not the one who gave birth to her!!!!” Parveen is astounded at that revelation. Salma continues, “I got her when she was a baby, and unknown to her I had raised her only for my benefit, for MONEY!!! And that is why I want your son to leave her!!!” Parveen is disgusted, however she is still not able to digest that Roshni was raised by a COURTESAN and hasa courtesan’s upbringing values imbibed in her and still believes that Adaa is only Ayaana. She thinks about Aman and asks Salma, “So what do you want me to do???” Salma is delighted, “Just join us for the engagement right now!!! And later I will explain what should be done!!!” Salma goes out smirking, while Parveen looks on confusingly.
Downstairs, Chotu, Sara and Saima ask Baby, “When will the engagement start??” Baby asks her, “What!!! I’m getting engaged, finally my dream to get married is going to happen!!!” Sara, Saima and Chotu bang their foreheads, Chotu says, “Not your engagement Phupi!!! Today is Chachu and Chahi’s engagement!!!” Baby says, “Oh yeah I forgot!!!” Dadi comes and asks to go and check if Roshni and Aman are ready. Sara, Saima and chotu go upstairs and while going to Aman’s room, they see Aman coming out of the guest room. Sara asks him, “Bhaijan, what are you doing here???” Aman remembers all that just happened and says nervously, “Actually Roshni was using the washroom of our room, so I came over here!!!” Chotu tells him, “Then you should have taken BATH together with Chachi nah, like last time!!!” Aman gets embarrassed, Sara and Saima giggle. Aman tells them to go and fetch Roshni while he goes downstairs.
Downstairs, Parveen joins Dadi and Baby, Dadi becomes glad and says, “Good that you have changed your mind Parveen, your son need your blessings the most!!!!” Parveen says, “After all I’m Aman’s Ammi and I need to be with him, during his engagement!!!” Dadi and Baby smile, while Salma smirks at the success of her plan.
Upstairs Rakh Jinn and Adaa come to the washroom of the guest room, which Aman had left stained with his blood. Rakh jinn uses her powers and combines all the blood droplets together and fills them into a small crystal bottle. She says, “Since it is Aman’s blood, this blood is infused with Sifrati Jinn’s soul which will bring him back to our world, he will not have his jinn powers until his ashes are freed, but his form will be back to attack the Khan family and get his ashes back.” Adaa looks on curiously.
Sara, Saima and Chotu come to Aman’s room and are amazed to see Roshni’s beauty. Saima says, “Bahabhi jan, you look so beautiful today, let us go downstairs and let the others too see your beauty!!!” They bring Roshni downstairs, all are amazed to see Roshni, except for Parveen who gives her disgusted looks. Aman looks up towards Roshni and is mesmerized to see her such that he could not take his eyes off from her. As, Roshni comes near Aman, she looks towards him with sad eyes, he turns his face away without looking at her, as she looks down, he gazes at her side wards. Dadi asks them to sit to continue with ring exchanging. Aman and Roshni have their seats.
On the other side, Rakh jinn is constantly chanting verses, while pouring Aman’s blood into a spiral of fire. There is slow evaporation of vapours from the fire. Adaa looks on scared with wide eyes.
To be continued.