Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin | OS : The Community Room| SaiRat | Neil Bhatt | Ayesha Singh

SaiRat OS

PremiseSai and Virat started to live separately in different rooms on Aai's insistence. Virat in their own room upstairs and Sai in Devi's room downstairs. Both are frustrated, especially Virat has turned to show his disappointment physically by throwing stuff that comes his way if people try to converse with him. Sai is getting there too but holding herself from showing it openly, however she stopped responding to everyone cordially, especially Aai . Everyone is happy seeing their situation, understanding their turmoil and are praying silently for the day when one of them, will fight with the elders to stop this experiment! There is one more person who is jubilant in this current mood for a whole different reason, waiting for a chance to find the prey in its vulnerable moment. One such evening....

Sai is restless in her new room. She gets to see her husband only at dining table, just like all others. phew. Living in such a huge family, there are not many opportunities to meet him privately. She dared to go their room couple of times, but felt too shy! Bold Sai Joshi, my foot! she berated herself. 

Virat is in perennial bad mood these days. Samrat wished him good morning today only to be met with a death glare from him. By now, all of them in the family understood that they should never wish him good night! for their own safety. 

Pakhi was waiting for a chance to barge into Virat's room every time she passes by it, but alas these days it is always tightly locked and covered with curtains. What is he doing alone anyways, she would wonder with a sly smirk on her face. 

That night, Sai had enough of missing her husband, and knowing that he is away, she went to visit their room to feel closer to him. She felt alive in that room for a while but later got emotional going through her husband's stuff. She took out his white shirt, worn it and went and slept on his side of bed recollecting all their good memories. Thats when she listened to the sound of bangles! Terrified that it could be Aai who banished her from entering this room, she quickly pulled over the blue blanket on her head. 

Pakhi found the room open for once, and grabbed the opportunity! Moreover she saw Virat lying under the blanket wearing her favorite white shirt. She did not want to lose this moment, so she went inside and started her reverse psychology which has proven to work on him with 100% success rate! So she started. 

'Viraaaat?!! Are you ok? Do you need any food? Look at you how have you become in your blind love for your wife. I know you love her so told me directly multiple times what Sai means to you", Pakhi started on a high note of inducing self pity. 

Sai wanted to move but this talked stopped her from removing the blanket. She wanted to listen from her mouth, if not from her husband's! She believes in her words to the T afterall, thats why her walls are so strong!! So she listened while Pakhi continued describing all the umpteen times Virat declared his love for his wife and denounced her advances, including the cafe incident...word to word. Sais heart is bouncing and so is she but Pakhi thought Virat is crying under the blanket! Feeling triumphant, she moved to her sob story...

"Do you know Virat...I know you dont see me as your friend also but believe me Virat...I want to be your friend....So let me meet you here in this room...afterall when could I ever pass this room without peeking into it. I made my dreams around this room." She started her delusional illusionary talk sounding upbeat. 

" I wanted to make this room more livable, more fun by changing these colors. It will make your mood fresh. You know we can remove these candle holders and fill it with our memories from 2 day yoga retreat. That corner will be adorned with our yellow yoga mats. We will create a personal yoga space where we recreate our old memories. You can share all your troubles with me in this room. This will our friendship room. Let the room be ours Viraaat." she ended applauding herself for being as indirect as possible but still conveying the message. 

"Pakhiiii", an almost accusatory tone called her! She wondered why the voice was coming from her back and not from the blanket!! she turned around to see Virat near the door who is fuming and ready to throw the nearby candle holder any moment....and boom...

The person under the blanket popped up and jumped like a happy bunny on the bed and rushed towards the door."Virat Sirrr.!". Pakhi was still reeling at the unexpected turn of events when she was again hit with spectacle that unfolded in front of her eyes! 

Sai rushed and threw herself on Virat...not stopping there grabbed his head and kissed him multiple times on his mouth, every time saying :"Really Virat sir! Did you say all that to her, really" and kept on kissing over and over. 

Shock is the small word for Virat. He was not sure whether he is getting turned on or electrocuted but still had some sense left that he could see a  third person there. So he stopped Sai, unwillingly for a moment and started giving explanation before Sai accuses him with Pakhi. 

"Sai, Sai...wait a second...please dont believe in what she said. I have nothing to do with her...whatever she told you or asked dont have to...." he was cut by his wife again with a kiss. 

"Dont worry Virat sir...I will give her what she wants"..she declared happily..leaving Virat on the verge of a heart attack but before he could figure out what is happening with him and his wife...Sai turned around to Pakhi and said. 

"Pakhi didi, please take this room as you wish and use it as you wish", she said gleefully and turned to plant few more kisses on her husband. Virat had to again control himself from giving in and reluctantly pulled himself back and asked. 

"Sai, where will I go?",he shouted making the happy bunny to calm donw. He gets too sensitive around rooms these days. 

"Oh Virat can come to my room", Sai said shyly "Let the room be ours...henceforth". 

Virat could not believe what he heard, but definitely felt like ground is slipping under him so he tightly held the live wire jumping in front of him to get some support. Before his wife could assault him with few more kisses, he held her back and asked one last question..."Sai, what will you tell Aai?"

"That I need high dose of Vitamin V", she said pushing him out of the room with a kiss. 

So when both husband and wife embarked on a long journey towards their new room, Pakhi started hatching new master plan to save herself in the ZIllat Arena when Sai will announce about her wish to have Virat's bedroom to everyone

Writer : Sadiltl

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