Destined To Be Together | Romantic | Love Story

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Dr.Sanaa a perfect definition of beauty with brains.
   Rehan a businessman who gets what he wants.
  Sanaa is the leader of world's top most Medical Council. She is a successful doctor. To an outsider everything looks perfect but life is far from perfect. She has got a past where she is hurt by the most important men in her life.
   Rehan is a young business tycoon who once saw her few years ago and is unable to keep her out of his mind and heart! He knows nothing about her not even her name still he finds it impossible to forget her Angelic face. She becomes his Angel!
   Rehan finally meets his Angel at the most unexpected place and something instantly clicks off.
  They get together but with lots of past, secrets and surprises will they be able to live together? 
  Will he be able heal her?
  Will she be able to handle his haughtiness?
   Journey of two people who are Destined To Be Together!
Writer: Zoya_001

Chapter 1: Her Arrival

Sanaa's POV:
Coming back home after 4 years is really a nice feeling.
Well home... the word sounds so foreign especially when there is no one there you could actually call family. But I stopped feeling sad now because I am satisfied with my life at present. I'm a doctor. A neurosurgeon precisely. My career is at its height and I am no more dependent on anyone. In fact life is going on smooth though nothing like before but well I have adapted myself .5
Past the one thing which I want to forget but it is hard to forget those memories. They hurt badly. But one can at least try. That's what I had been doing.
Coming back to reality I took a look around, I can see that not many things have changed in 4 years. I enter my home...well a place where my parents live along with my elder sister Sanya. My relation with them is far from good; in fact I only call them once in month to inform that I am alive. Yes that's how our relation is!
As I entered the big hall I was welcomed by a silence as everyone look at me like I am an alien. Though I don't blame them because I am not the same girl that they saw 4 years ago. I have changed both physically and mentally. I have become thinner, my dressing sense had changed, hairs became long and straight and most importantly I am no longer holding back the vulnerable look.
"Welcome back Shenu" my sis said breaking silence. She was looking beautiful as always. She smiled at me but I can see that her smile wasn't reaching her eyes. There was emptiness in her eyes. She suddenly hugged me and it was not a formal hug but it was like she was looking for some comfort. Though we are not as close as we were in the past but still I can say that something was not alright. I wanted to ask her then and there only but there were many people looking at us. I made a mental note to talk to her later. At present I reciprocated the hug.
Its Sanya's wedding in one week which brings me back here. My sis Sanya a famous Fashion Designer by profession is getting married to some big businessman whose name I didn't bother to find out. It's not a surprise as I already said we are not a typical happy family. It's far from that. But Sanya's action made me think about it. I really felt the need to find about this guy afterwards.
I greeted others and finally after gathering all courage went inside my parents' bedroom to face them after four years. Weird that's what I am feeling but I can't do anything about it. I knocked the door.
"Come in" My mom said. Her voice is same as before. As I entered my parents looked up to see visitor and were shocked to see me. I guess they didn't expect that I would come back. I greeted them breaking the ice and to my surprise mom engulfed me in a hug.
"How are you doing" Dad asked.
"I am fine. How are you guys? "
"You can see" but his eyes were cold asking me do you really care? I ignored it as I know any of my explanation won't satisfy him. He neither understood me before nor does he have any intention in future.
"I'll go and freshen up. See you guys at diner" saying that I came out of their room. These are my parents who seeing their daughter after four years not even once asked about how my life had been? How my work is going on? In fact our conversation was pretty much like my interaction with my patients. The only difference being that my patients do respect me a lot.
Thinking all this I entered my room. I sighed and looked around. Nothing has changed, except for some photo frames. Well I know the reason for that and for now I chose to ignore it...for now. I was tired from long journey so I made my way straight to the bathroom and changed myself into my comfortable pj's. As I lay on my bed my mind was flooded with past memories and like always I started thinking about my work to distract myself. I got successful in my effort and after half an hour I was able to sleep more from mental stress than physical.

Chapter 2: Some Best Friend

"How dare you sleep without even meeting your soul sister, best friend, better half?" Came the voice of my best friend Vaishli Khanna a.k.a. Vaish.
"Do you even know how many fasts I have done, how many temples I visited for you to come back? And when you finally grace us with your presence you didn't even bother to meet us? Only this was left to be seen! Oh my God why I am even alive to see this day." Drama queen has not changed a bit. This girl can easily beat any professional actor with her oh so highly dramatic skills. Sighing I finally opened my eyes.5
"Someone is angry?" I said.
"Someone is an asshole!" Vaish replied. This is our usual style of conversation when one of us is angry.
"Someone does not want to look at her gift." I tried to bribe her for forgiveness.
"Only this was left to be seen. My friend is now bribing me for forgiveness. Listen Dr. Sanaa Malik! If you think your gift can buy my apology then you my friend are highly mistaken. Money can't buy me."
Well looks like even I had to do my part of drama. I turned to other side of my room and said "I didn't know that my gift will be considered as bribe. I only thought of it as a way to express my feelings but someone is not ready to listen" I wiped my imaginary tears.
"Oh cut the crap! I can't take this drama of yours" As I turned around she engulfed me in a hug. I hugged her back and don't know why her hug brought out my buried emotions and my eyes become watery. Perhaps this was a real hug full of emotions and not formality. Perhaps finally I can show what I am actually feeling after coming here. Perhaps I can let my emotions out without any fear of being considered as weak.
I looked up to see even Vaish tearing up. This is what happens when you meet your best friend after four years. Though we were in contact through Facebook, Skype, still physical contact was missing.1
We practically grew up together. Same playgroups. Same school. She knows each and everything about me. My hobbies, my dreams, my fears, my achievements, my darkest secrets, my past, my relation with my family. Everything. She can understand from my tone what the matter is. Well I also know her in the same way. So we are even in this matter.
"Shh... Stop Shenu. Everything will be alright." It was long time after I heard my nickname that reminded me about the good times we had. It calmed me a bit. "As much as I love you but I'll be very happy if you stop wetting my clothes with your waterworks." And there it is. My bitch is back! I hit her playfully and smiled.
I opened one of my bags and gave her the gift which I brought specially for her. She opened it like a child. And when she finally saw it her expression was priceless. It's Vintage Rucksack Bag pack!!
She loves travelling and when I saw the bag in the mall I knew it would be perfect for her10
She loves travelling and when I saw the bag in the mall I knew it would be perfect for her. She jumped like a teenager. "Thank you... I'm not going to say that because I know you'll beat me then. All I can say is I Love You Shenu!!!" Well this girl knows me very well.
out what her family says or will she stick with him. This...
Finally keeping the bag aside I asked her the question which I have been thinking for a while now. "What is the name of the groom?"
She looked me like I have grown two horns. "Don't tell me you don't have any idea to whom your elder sister is marrying in a week?"
"Why is it even surprising Vaish? Do you think my family cares to inform me? I won't be surprised if the groom's family didn't know about me! And I don't even care about it anymore. You know it very well. So don't be surprised!"
"Yaa I know it very well... but I thought things might have changed. I mean you finally came back so I kind of got hopes that may be finally your relation with your family have improved." I lost it then. Improvement in our relation Not Possible!!!
"Firstly I didn't come back for any family reunion. I'm here to only to attend this wedding so that our relatives don't raise unnecessary questions anymore. Secondly I don't want to keep any relation with them. And no advice of yours is helping me. So please don't bring it again!" I shouted at her. Her face fell. I myself was shocked at my tone because I am not the type of person who gets provoked easily. I am not shouting type person but she hit my nerve and it made me lose my normal calm composure. I closed my eyes to calm down and then realized that it was wrong to take out my anger at her. I must react maturely. I need to get a grip on my emotions.
"Sorry Vaish! I seriously lost it. I understand your reasons of asking are all good but never bring this question again. Nothing has changed. So please don't talk about it. Ok?"
"You need not to say sorry Shenu. I understand your situation and I won't bother you. All I can say is you need to overcome your past only then you'll be able to enjoy your present. You need to come to terms with past. It'll be good for all of you and you'll be able to get the mental peace which you are lacking right now."
I sighed as I listened to what she said. She was being reasonable but sometimes we can't be reasonable.
"I'm trying Vaish... I'm trying"
"Leave this. Tell me how is life in Sydney? Finally happy to fulfill your childhood dream? And where is the party for becoming the leader of one of the most important medical council of world?" She changed the topic. She knows very well that I'm very passionate about my work and it helps me to divert my mind from unnecessary thoughts.
"Life is smooth. Obviously I'm happy to fulfill my dream of becoming a neurosurgeon.Being leader of Sydney Medical Council(SMC) is a nice feeling. As for party ... You decide the place I'm in for it!"
"Whoa I didn't know that you'll agree that easily but it saves my effort. So we're going to The Vague. It's a new restaurant by the lakeside and the food is amazing and Congratulations once again for your achievement! It's really a big thing. SMC is known to have the best doctors and to think you are its leader it's just amazing!!!You're the youngest leader of SMC right?"
"Yes. I'm also very happy about it. Being selected to SMC was like a dream coming true but being the leader was something I never imagined and stop congratulating me again and again. It's have been six months now. How is your company doing?"
"Company is doing well. Earlier I was very scared to start my own company but Papa helped me in learning basics and with his help and support we are achieving new heights." She replied cheerfully.
"Congo sis. I'm very happy for you. Uncle must be proud of you!" I replied and thought what it would be like if my parents also knew about my achievement. Would they be happy? Proud? Well why am I even thinking about it because they never took any interest in my life from last four years. I doubt they even know the fact that I made it to SMC!
Vaish must have noticed my expression that's why she asked "Arr Shenu... Uncle Aunty doesn't know about it yet. Are you planning to tell them?"
"No. They never asked me a single thing about my work and I don't think that I'll inform them myself as they'll think that I'm boasting about it. So let it be. Their words don't mean anything to me now" Ya its true my parents don't have any idea about my life. They just know that I'm working in some hospital in Sydney. Amazing right!!!
"Ok. Forget about it. Now you are here we are going to have lots of fun."
I suddenly got reminded about Sanya's face in the morning. I should ask Vaish. She must have idea about the guy and his family. After all our parent are also best friends.
"You know about my soon to be brother-in-law? What is his name? What does he do?"
Her expression changed. She looked worried. "Why are you all of sudden interested in him? You were not interested in it earlier right?"
"You know what I feel something is not right.  Sanya doesn't look happy. I mean she is trying her best to hide her true self beyond a false facade but I still find something fishy and I know it very well you have got some idea. So spill it right now"
"Umm... actually I also find this all weird. I mean she met the guy once and she agreed for marriage in one month?"
"What?? She agreed for an arranged marriage that too in just one meeting! She always wanted to have love marriage. She loathed the idea of marrying a stranger. How is that possible? Now I'm sure something is definitely wrong. I need to find out. As much as I hate them but still I can't leave them in trouble. I'll find about it. Whether they like it or not!" Sanya's face clearly told me that she is not exactly happy with this marriage then why she agreed to it in first place? It's all so confusing. I need to know about it and that too soon.
"Tell me this guy. All details about him" My own family is not going to help me so I need to begin with him.
"You seriously don't know that your sis is getting married to such a big business tycoon." She asked again.
"You know I'm not interested in anything related to them. I'm doing this because I sense that she is in some problem and I can't just leave her like that. If anything wrong happens in the future then I'll feel guilty that I didn't help her earlier." And also it'll help me to make up for my previous mistakes for not being there for the person whom I loved the most in the world. I thought.
She looked at me and understood my unspoken thoughts. She is my best friend afterall but she didn't say anything. It's a good thing because right now I don't want to talk about past.
So I asked again "what's his name? "
"Rehan... Rehan Siddiqui. He is the CEO of Siddiqui Group of Industries (SGI).The company is involved in many sectors but its main area of work is Software and Programming Department. It's one of the biggest IT Company, probably number second and the rate at which it is growing it is expected to reach the top soon."
Rehan Siddiqui. SGI. Why do I feel like I have heard this name before? I try to think where I heard it but I can't remember it right now.
"When I heard about Sanya marrying him I out of curiosity searched the web about him though not going for the details about his life and companies and you know what the first thing about him was that he is a young , talented, hardworking CEO who has taken the company to new heights after he took over the company. Apart from that he is not a media friendly person. Even now the marriage is kept a low affair and paparazzi are kept away from the event. They are not given any details about his bride. They'll just get a glimpse of the couple after marriage if they are lucky. Hey why are you looking confused?" She asked looking at me.
Though she supplied me with a lot of information I was still stuck at one place. I was trying my best to remember where I heard this name but it was all blank.
"I have heard about this company before but I don't know where?" I put forward my confusion.
"Ofcourse you would have heard it from the newspaper or tabloids. It's among the top companies afterall" She stated as if it is the most obvious thing and I'm the biggest idiot ever.
"Well my dear Vaish do I need to remind you the fact that from last four years I haven't read anything about Indian Business. I didn't even search a single thing about my father's business. I never looked for anything. So how is it possible?"
"Oh I forgot that from last four years you have blocked India but then how you get to know about this company?"
"I don't know anything about the CEO. I just heard the company's name somewhere."
She was about to say something but then I was called out for diner. I wasn't ready yet so I decided to freshen up and we decided to talk later. I asked her to find more information about the company and she assured me to try her best. We bid each other bye. 

Chapter 3: Meeting the inlaws

With all the past-present situations I was pretty stressed. The warm shower helped me to calm my nerves. After shower I got dressed in simple red kurta and paired it with black leggings. (Image at the top)
I don't know why my parents were calling me for dinner . I mean they know it very well that I'm not really interested in family dinner. I would prefer eating in my own room and they also don't like my company then why was I called for? Just when I was on my way to enter the dining room my father appeared and asked me to come aside. Well it was second surprise or shock rather as we never talked in last four years except formal greeting. I wondered what the matter is. 
Before I could ask anything he started speaking.
"I know you don't about us and our social reputation but today I want you to behave well. Sanya's in-laws are here to discuss wedding preparations and they know about you. I don't want them to suspect anything so I called you for dinner. I don't want any nuisance from your side. So behave yourself. They should not know anything." He told in his cold voice which is capable of scaring anyone but I'm immune to it. It doesn't work on me anymore. He is trying to scare me unnecessarily as I never created any scene in front of others. He knows very well that I'm not the type of person who creates any drama.
Under normal conditions I would have walked up from there turning down the dinner but today I have a motive. I really want to meet the family so I just nodded and walked towards the dining room. He stayed there to make some call.
As I entered the room I saw my mom and an elderly lady engaged in some serious conversation. She appeared to be in her late sixties. Her face has got some wrinkles but still it had a glow. Probably she was Mrs. Siddiqui as all other guests have left for the hotel near the marriage venue. They'll come in the morning after breakfast to carry rituals. They were so much involved in their talks that they didn't notice me. I thought I shouldn't disturb them so I walked ahead thinking dad will introduce me after coming back.
On the other corner of the room I saw Sanya talking to a beautiful couple. The lady was talking cheerfully and the husband was checking his phone. He appeared to be busy but still he had a hand over her palm. This small gesture showed that he was not totally ignoring her and that he cared for her. As for my sis she was just nodding her head in yes or no. It looked like she was forced to talk to them. I found it rude but I can't interfere.
Sighing I went towards my favorite spot in the room. The window. I loved this window as it gave clear view of our garden. I love gardening and I'm very close to plants so it is always a sight to watch.
As I was walking towards the window I saw a tiny figure sitting at the chair near the window. He appeared to be 5-6 years old. He was solving trying to solve a Rubik cube. He was looking very cute and adorable. I like kids more than adults as they are so innocent and pure away from the any kind of fakeness. They speak from heart. Back in Sydney I used to spend my Sunday evenings in orphanage. It gave me energy and motivation. Also it fulfilled the emptiness of my soul. Most importantly it reminded me about Him... about Us...about our time together...
I shook my head to prevent myself from drowning in the past memories and shifted my attention towards the boy.
"Hey can I sit here?" I asked the boy.
"It's not my house. You don't need my permission." He replied still busy with cube.
So he is a little bossy. Well it's going to be an interesting conversation. I like naughty children.
"But you are already sitting here before me and you seem to be doing something important so I'm asking if my presence is disturbing you." I calmly said.
He looked at my face trying to judge whether I was asking genuinely or making fun of him. I kept my face normal.
"So may I?" I asked again.
"Yes you can but don't disturb me." He said and again immersed himself in that colorful piece of trouble. I smiled at his bossy manner and looked outside not wanting to disturb him.
At night I like to watch stars. It has become a habit now that before sleeping I'll watch stars. I have heard many people like moon but I like stars more. Stars are like small little things which make us happy every day. These things though small never fail to bring smile on our face. Moon on the other hand is bright but it leaves you alone many nights. How much hectic a day is you can see stars but same can't be said about moon. It plays hide and seek with us and I hate it when people hide themselves. I hate it when people close to me go away because it really hurts. It hurts badly. We can't forget them and move ahead.
While I was busy in my thoughts I heard a frustrated growl. I saw the boy sitting in front of me. He said something about losing the challenge. He then looked up. His gaze met mine and he realized that someone else is also present there.
"Any problem champ?" I asked.
"Yes there is a problem but why are you asking?" From where does he get this stubbornness? I may ask him one day.
"So that I can help you."
"No one can help me. It's not easy"
I have dealt with many stubborn kids so I didn't get irritated. "But you need to give others a chance. Maybe your problem is not that hard! So I offer my help once again" I calmly asked.
He seemed to think about it and said "Why will you help a stranger? What is your benefit in it?" Definitely a Businessman's son.
"Let's introduce ourselves so that we are no longer strangers and as for help let's make a deal that if I'm able to help you then you'll agree to my condition"
"First tell me the condition then I'll decide." He said. His tone was that of a person in deep thinking. He is going to be a great businessman. I'm sure about it.
"My condition is simple. You have to become my friend. Is it fine for you?"
"Fine. But I'll tell you my name only if you are able to help me. So are you in?" His tone is challenging.
"Ok champ. Challenge accepted. Now tell me about your problem?"
"My buddy challenged me in the morning to solve this Rubik cube. I tried it many times but I can't do it and I hate losing. So if you are able to solve this then I'll become your friend." His face looks worried. He really hates losing.
"Okay. Let me try."
He handed me that colorful trouble. I tried to concentrate on it and remembered my brain storming sessions and mental ability classes. After twisting and turning it for about five minutes I finally solved it. I smiled lightly but my smile got wider when I saw the look of victory on the face of the young one in front of me.
"Thank you. Thank you so much" He grinned.
"So now can we be friends?"
"Yes of course. I always fulfill my deal." His eyes were still on the cube.
"Hey Champ. You don't need to befriend me for some silly deal! I helped you because I wanted to. So don't fill obliged" I don't like to pressurize children.
He immediately looked up and said "No no no ... I would actually like to be your friend. You have all the qualities to become my friend. You are smart, intelligent, beautiful and most importantly you are not treating me like an infant. So will you be my friend?" He put forward his hand.
I smiled at him and said "Friends." We did a formal shake hand to start our friendship.
"So champ now you are my friend so tell me something about you?"
He nodded and said "My name is Arhan Ali. I'm six year old. I'm in first grade now. I'm here with my family. My parents are sitting on the table talking to that young aunty and my Grandma is talking with that old aunty. I call Grandma GM. I love swimming and solving puzzles. Tell me about you?"
I found it very hard to control my laughter when he called Sanya and Mom young and old aunty.2
"My name is Sanaa but my friends call me Shenu. So you call me Shenu only. I'm 28 years old. I'm a doctor. I'm also here with my family. That young aunty is my sister and that old aunty is my mother. I have a wide range of hobbies about which I'll tell you sometime afterwards when we both are free! Ok?"
"Ok Shenu. Now I'll introduce you to my family. They always complain that I don't make friends easily so they'll be happy to meet you!" He excitedly said. No doubt he doesn't make friends easily. His requirements are very tough but he is a nice kid and I enjoyed his company and I'm surely going to enjoy this new friendship. But I can't meet his family. I mean they are Sanya's in-laws and it'll be good if dad introduce me as I don't know what he had told them about me. I was going to refuse him when I heard a voice.
"Arhan where are you?" This was the voice of Arhan's GM.
I looked there to see everyone was present near the sofa. Arhan dragged me towards her. She looked at me questioningly and before my Mom could say anything Arhan excitedly said "Mom Dad GM!!!Look I met someone here. Her name is Shenu. She is my Girlfriend. "
They all looked at me shocked. I didn't find it wrong as he was just a child but their reaction scared me. So I looked at him.
"Why are you looking at me like this? You are a Girl and you yourself agreed to be my Friend. So that makes you my Girlfriend. Right GM?" He asked innocently.
After listening to his sweet and innocent explanation I don't think that they would have any problem but still they were having shocked faces like they saw a ghost. I was beginning to get uncomfortable. The old lady realized my situation.
She smiled at him and said "Yes my dear son you are right as always. She is indeed your girlfriend."
I looked at her face to see if she was mocking but no she really had a genuine smile in her face.
She then turned towards me. "Sorry Shenu. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. The only thing is that this young man over here don't make friends easily and we never had the pleasure to meet any of his friends"
Then Arhan's Dad said "Mom is right Shenu. It's rare for our son to make friends that too in such a short duration"
His Mom joined in the conversation "My son is very shy you know. He avoids girl like plague. In fact you are the first girl to become his friend ... I mean Girlfriend that too in first meeting so were startled but I'm happy that my son has finally shown interest in girls. You don't have any idea how much worried I was over the fact that my son is not interested in girl. Thank you so much. You freed me out of a big worry. By the way you have got a cute name Shenu" She was very cheerful lady and Arhan has definitely not taken her genes.
I smiled at her. "You need not to worry about him. He is going to be a great man in future. His communication skills are very good."
Just then my mom finally got her voice and said "She is Sanaa. Sanya's younger sister. She is a doctor working abroad." She turned towards me and introduced them. I got to know that Arhan's GM or Rehmat Aunty is Rehan's mother. She has a down to earth personality despite of her wealth. Next was Rabiya di with Armaan Jiju. They were such a sweet couple. You could see their love for each other in their eyes. Though Di is little chirpy still Jiju listen to her patiently. I already started liking this family.
As dad entered the room we began our dinner. I was thinking about the one person whom I was so curious to meet but Rehmat Aunty informed us that he won't be able to make it to the dinner as he was in an important meeting. I was very disappointed to lose this opportunity of meeting him.
We all talked over the dinner. As soon as the dinner finished Sanya left for her room saying that she was feeling headache and needed rest which was obviously a lie. Aunty and Di were disappointed but they covered it with their smile. Sanya's behavior is becoming really weird.
Elders were discussing preparations while we younger people were talking randomly. It felt nice talking to Di, Jiju and obviously Arhan was such a sweetheart. I really liked their company. I don't understand why Sanya is not comfortable with them. No one asked me about my work as Di had a rule about "no work talk during dinner". I felt relieved as I don't want them to know about my position. They are nice people but even my parents have no idea about my job so it's better that way.
Well it was time for them to leave and by that time we bonded really well. When they were leaving Aunty caressed my head lovingly. I immediately felt motherly affection which was absent in my life. Di hugged me and my sweet little boyfriend kissed me on my cheeks which earned hooting from his mother and made my boy blush. He looked so cute that I immediately kissed him back.
As soon as they left dad glared at me which I totally ignored. I didn't do anything wrong so why I should feel bad.
"Don't act to be a loving and caring person in front of others." He said
"I'm a bad actor." I simply replied and left for my room.
The family is nice. So why Sanya is looking worried?
 If there is something wrong then it is Rehan but how can I find about him?Vaish told me about his companies but no one gave any information about his personal life. He seemed to be a mysterious personality. Vaish asked me to look at his photo but I refused telling it's none of my business. According to her he was Greek God and my sis is lucky to have him but I was still not interested. For me more than looks personality matters so it didn't matter and his personality is hideous !+
Rehan Siddiqui who are you? With this question in my mind I finally drifted to sleep.

Chapter 4: The Truth & The Past

Rest days passed in blur with me not getting any useful information about Rehan. Vaish gave me some more inform about his education and business but his personal life is still a mystery. So nothing important except the fact that he is a Gold medalist in Business Management.
My routine was simple. To hide among crowd and stay at safe distance from my parents which was a nice idea as it kept me away from trouble.
It was the evening before Nikah. All guests left to give us some Family Time.
I was out to attend a call when I heard noises from my parent's room. I was going to ignore it but I stopped myself when I heard Sanya's shouting.
"Dad why don't you understand that I can't act anymore. I love someone else and I can never be happy with this forced arrangement. Please don't make me do this marriage...Please!!!"
"Don't you dare to raise your voice against me! Let me remind you the fact that I'll cut your allowance for your new boutique. So just stop this nonsense. It's only one day left for marriage and I don't want any tantrums now! Understand it clearly!"
"Dad you can't do this to me! You can't use me for business venture!"
"Enough now. I don't have time for this. We have already discussed it. Go and sleep!"
I stilled at my place. How low will they fall? How can they do this? They are once again giving money priority over their children? How long will this continue? Four years of separation has not changed anything at all. They are still the same.
What they don't realize is that they don't have any right to play with others life. They are cheating Rehan and his family. Throughout the time I thought that Rehan had done something wrong to make Sanya upset but little did I know that it's my own sis practically cheating this guy. Yes I know that dad threatened her but she can't agree for marriage just for the sake of money!!! Once again she proved that she is like dad only. Money minded...
They did it once and now they are repeating the same but this time I'll not sit quiet. I can't allow them to cheat this nice family and that guy. No man deserves this type of deceit. I made a decision.
I moved in my room. Since it was late night I messaged her to meet me tomorrow before breakfast saying that it was very urgent. She replied positively and assured me to meet tomorrow.
Having completed this task past memories started making their way in my mind and this time I can't stop myself...
I looked at Our photo together... Our smiles reminded me of the happy times we shared. How much fun we had. All this was destroyed just because of dad's one decision.
I still wish I could go back to that day and persuade him to change his decision.
I still wish I could go back to that day and stand for him.
I still wish I could go back to that day and stop him from leaving us...leaving me.
We were so close. We never had any secrets between us. We promised to stand for each other, to support each other at every point of life but because of one person we drifted apart.
I can never forgive dad for doing this to him...for doing this to us...
Dad knew it very well that I'll stand against his decision that day so he purposely send me away so that I can no longer interfere in any of his plans and he was successful because when I came back everything was shattered.
He was gone leaving me alone without any clue to search him. Though I still tried my best to find him but he made sure that no one could trace him.
I was angry with dad but more than that I was upset with him for leaving without talking to me once. I just wanted to go away from here and that's when I got my acceptance letter from Sydney Medical Council. I planned it to be a surprise so I never told anyone about it before and at that time it proved to be the best way out so I just left saying I got a job in Sydney. I no longer needed their permission as it no longer mattered anything to me.
It took me a long time to accept the fact that he left me without saying a single word. I still think why he didn't inform me once?
Why you left me alone?
Why you never tried to contact me for once in last four years?
I didn't realize that I was crying until a tear drop fell over his face. It was like all the buried emotions were resurfacing and this time I was no longer able to hold back myself.
I need comfort. I need a hug. I need his warmth. I need HIM.5
I need him to support me to stand against dad this time. I need him to be able to face dad tomorrow.2
I once again looked at his photo and said "I need your help. I need you."
Please come back for your sweetie pie.
Come back KABIR!!!
I was awoken by loud shouts. I don't know how I slept away in the same position. I think I cried myself to sleep. Well that's so unlike me but I can't blame myself. For once in four years I can lose my patience. Its justified.
But what happened to dad? I have not said a single thing yet still he is shouting at the top of his voice. I glanced at the clock. It was half past six. So I slept for a long time.
I heard my name being called so I quickly took a shower, tied my hair in a bun and slipped into simple jeans top.
I heard my name being called so I quickly took a shower, tied my hair in a bun and slipped into simple jeans top2
The scene outside was just unexpected. My dad was shouting at someone over phone and my mom sitting at the sofa and her hands over her head like she was having some headache. She was holding a letter in her hand. Sanya was nowhere in sight and I suspected that the letter is related to her.
As soon as dad saw me he took the letter from mom and walked towards me angrily. Now what is the problem? I mean till now I did nothing wrong to make him angry then why he is glaring at me like I murdered someone?
"What is this? You find it great fun to play with my reputation! You did this to take your revenge for what I had done earlier. Right?" He shouted at me pointing at the letter.
I was very confused at that instant. Though his words were harsh but I don't feel bad about it. I stopped having any emotion for him. Love, Hatred, Anger. Nothing. No emotion at all.
"I don't know what you are saying. I never disrespected you in any way not even in the past when you were clearly wrong and about revenge... You know it very well that I'm not the type of person who goes for such thing. So first of all keep your calm otherwise you'll have high BP and secondly I have no idea what is going on so please tell me what exactly happened?" I replied in my normal voice.
He seemed to be in some deep thoughts. He looked into my eyes and released his breath. Looks like he got the point.
"See for yourself" He gave me the letter.
It was Sanya's letter. So I was right but what she had done to make dad this much angry? After all she is Dad's Princess. 
I started reading the letter.
I agreed to this marriage as you threatened to cut all my expenses  but I can't do this anymore. I love someone else and I'm going to him because finally I realized that love is more important than anything else. I need him more than my allowance. You always agreed to my wishes, I was your favorite afterall so please do fulfill my last wish, ask Shenu to forgive me as I was somewhat responsible for what happened four years ago. I could have stopped Kabir or informed Shenu but I didn't try. I now realize that love is the most important thing in life. So ask Shenu to forgive me and don't try to find me because I have decided to marry the love of my life and no one can change my decision.
Good Bye
I was shocked to find that my sis finally changed. I'm happy for her. I decided to forgive her as she finally realized her mistake and I'm sure that she got her lesson. I smiled and look up to see my dad though not shouting but was still having an angry face.
"You thought I helped her."
He didn't say a word but I knew it better.
"I wish I could help her but she is really smart to be able to do all this without any help. I sincerely wish for her bright future with the one she really loves"
He was startled. I never said a word against him so he was shocked but soon he composed himself and said in his normal cold tone.
"You are enjoying it aren't you but let me tell you one thing that I'll find her soon and this marriage will happen at any cost. I won't suffer such a big loss just because of her childishness. So the smile on your face is going to be wiped away soon. Remember this!"
"All the best dad! But I don't think that you can force her now. She has found her true love and no one can force her not even you"
At this point my mom interrupted. "We shouldn't waste our time on these useless arguments. Find her soon. Her in-laws are coming. There is a ritual where the bride is given her bridal dress and jewellery . They can come anytime now how we will answer them?"
"I think we should tell them the truth because we know even if we find her, she won't say yes for this marriage."+
"No one asked for your advice and don't you dare to inform them. I'll find her in time and she has to agree" Dad snapped at me.
"Why don't you understand that she loves someone else and has gone now. The letter clearly shows that she never wanted this marriage and agreed as you forced her."
"What are you saying?" Came a voice from the door. We instantly looked at that direction to see Rehmat aunty standing there with Rabiya di.

Chapter 5: And They Finally Met!

"Why don't you understand that she loves someone else and has gone now. The letter clearly shows that she never wanted this marriage and agreed as you forced her."
"What are you saying?" Came a voice from the door. We instantly looked at that direction to see Rehmat aunty standing there with Rabiya di.
We all were shocked. I wanted them to know the truth but not like this.
She turned towards my dad and said "Is she saying the truth?"
I know that my father was going to offer some lie. This was my only chance to help my sis and this family as once they find out the truth they themselves will break the alliance and my dad won't be able to do anything. So I made a decision and walked towards them.
Before dad could think of an answer I handed them the letter. She read it followed by Di. She was shocked like us but soon her face showed anger. She had every right to be angry. Rabiya Di went out to call someone.
Aunty turned towards mom and said "How can you do this with us? Such a big deceit! From the beginning we can see that your daughter was not happy but we thought that she is taking her time to adjust to new environment. We trusted you and look what result we got!" She was now breathing heavily. "I was very happy that finally my son was marrying. When you brought the proposal I overlooked everything else and made him swear my life to convince him but you made marriage a big joke. How will we face people now? Do you have any idea that our reputation is going to get shattered?"
Her face became pale and she was sweating heavily. Her hands were closed in tight fist. Since I'm a doctor I immediately recognized that she is going to have a panic attack. Oh No! This was not my intention. I never wanted to hurt such a sweet lady!
I immediately ran toward her and forced her to sit. She was now saying only one word Rehan. I asked servants to bring water. I rubbed her back. I saw my parents coming towards us but I stopped them with my hands. "Don't come in front of her again. I'm taking her to my room. She needs rest urgently and these are a doctor's word not your daughter so please cooperate!"
I took her to my room and help her to lie down. I brought the medical kit from my bag and gave her the medicines. She slept away. Di came inside and started crying. I felt more miserable. I'm responsible for this. I should not have broken the news like this. I became selfish to think only about my sis.
"She will be fine Di. I gave her medicines. She'll be alright"
"Do you think medicines can help her?" She said accusingly.
I bowed my head down. "I know Di. Your anger is right. I know no apology will be sufficient but still I hope you will be able to forgive me"
"You knew this before?" She asked.
"I heard their conversation last night but I didn't have any idea about her leaving until this morning"
"You messaged me to talk about this?"
I nodded. Yes I messaged her last night. I was planning to confront my family in the morning and informing Di about my sis. At that time I had no idea that in the morning my sis will be gone and truth will unfold like this.
"You were not involved in this planning?"
"No. I know what my family did is unforgivable but can you please forgive your small sister?" I really don't want to lose a friend like her. Only if circumstances were different.
"If you were not involved in this than why are you apologizing?"
"I think I should not have handed you the letter like this. I should have-"
She cut me in the middle. "What you did was not wrong.If you had not shown us the letter  we won't have trusted you and your father might have fooled us again. So you don't need to apologize and I'm thankful to you for saving my mother"
"Please don't thank me Di. It's nothing in front of the affection she gave me. Besides it's my duty as a doctor."
She just nodded and gently caressed Aunty's forehead.
"I called my brother. He is coming here. Now he'll handle this matter." Di said sitting near bed.
I just nodded and went to stand near window.
I was thinking about the uncertainty of future. An hour before everything looked good and now everything is changed. I was also thinking about Sanya. I know that she should not have left like this on the wedding day but my dad was responsible for this. He should not have forced her at the first place. Marriage is a big thing. It's a lifelong commitment. It should not be forced on anyone. I hope dad understands this but whom I'm kidding? He never accepts his mistake. I'm sure right now he must be cursing me and Sanya for ruining his perfect deal. I was lost in my thought when I heard my phone ringing. Not wanting to disturb anyone I went in the corridor to attend the call.
As I was discussing an important case with my colleague over phone I heard more shouting. I immediately ended the call and went out to see who was the shouting now.
As soon as I entered I said "What's happening here? I told you before that these loud voices can disturb her! Why are you –"
I stopped speaking when I saw who was present there.
A young handsome man. No not just handsome but deadly handsome. With his 6'2 height, broad shoulders, well-muscled chest, flat stomach and long legs he definitely has got a body to charm young girls. His well sculpted face, strong jawline and sharp nose and silky black hair were enough to make any girl drool over him but what striked me the most were his dark brown chocolaty eyes. They were showing great depth. Deeper than any ocean. He looked at me. His eyes show surprise, happiness, recognition ? But we are meeting for the first time isn't it? I can never forget meeting such a handsome man! He was also staring me! Looks like we were having some staring match.
We would have continued with our staring session for God knows how long but we were distracted by my dad's voice.
"Sanaa this is Rehan and Rehan she is my younger daughter Sanaa."
I was now able to compose myself. He also came out of his thoughts. When he heard my introduction he looked shocked. May be he forgot that Sanya even has a sister. He wanted to say something to me but dad again interrupted.
"Rehan listen to me. I'll make it alright"
He finally turned towards Dad.
"Mr. Malik I didn't expected this kind of cheating from your side. I have a reputation for god sake and your lover daughter's actions are going to ruin it and I'm not going to tolerate this and how are you going to make it fine now because even if you bring her back I'm not going to marry a girl who loves someone else. So Mr. Malik you have no way out. You will regret cheating me. Forget about the deal which we were going to sign"
I don't understand why he is talking business when his mother needs him inside. May be he don't know about her. So I interrupted.
"Mr. Siddiqui these talks can be done later but right now your mother needs you more"
He looked at me for one second and then realized something.
"What happened to my mother?"
"She was going to have a panic attack though it's noting serious-"
"Where the hell is she right now?" He shouted.
I flinched at his tone but immediately composed myself. I'm a doctor and have faced many situations where patient's relatives are aggressive so I got over it soon.
"She is here only in my room but please be quiet. She was very much worried about you and your angry tone will cause her more damage. I don't think you want that so please keep patience"
"And who are you to say that she is alright? Why no one called for hospital? Why-"
"She is alright. Trust me. I'm a-"
"I'm taking her to a doctor right now. Tell me where is she"
He is really being stubborn.
"You can't take her anywhere right now. She needs rest"
"Why should I trust you? Are you a doctor?" He asked sarcastically.
"What yes?"
"Yes I'm a doctor and these are a doctor's word that she needs rest. Now come with me and please react calmly"2
He was once again shocked. He tried to say something but I turned and started heading towards room. We can't waste our time in useless arguments. I heard his footsteps behind me. Thank god he is no longer arguing.
I opened the door. As soon as di saw him she hugged him. He went towards his mother and gently caressed her head. He really loves his mother. His mother recognized his touch and opened her eyes.
"Rehan" She tried to stand up but she was weak.
I gave her glass of water.
She looked at me with anger. So she hates me. I felt very bad.
Rehan was going to say something but than Rabia Di interrupted.
"Mom please drink water you are not well" She took the glass from me and made Aunty drink it.+
I was going to leave the room to give them privacy but Aunty stopped me.
"You were also involved in it! Right Shenu! Why you did this with us? I thought you as a lovely person but you-"

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