SidIsha OS | Germophobic to JAADU KI JAPPI | Sanjivani OS | Sid | Ishani

Healing Touch - 1

Image result for sidisha
Back Story: Dr Ishani says sorry to Dr Sid and warns Dr Rishab.  All the junior doctors plan to visit Dr. Sid's home for Ganpathi pooja. Dr. Ishani feels happy on meeting Dr Sid's mother. Though she doesn't like to be touched by any other person she likes when Sid's mother (gayathri..iam giving name for reference ) feeds her & hugs her.  Sid happens to take care of her so that others don't touch her ( more for her comfort).  Just then Asha fights with goons & ishani also happens to fight with them & Sid is oblivious to this situation & playing with Kids. 
At Sid's Chawl:
Please remember the look of all the doctors .. same as it is...
 One of the goon takes Ishani's Dupatta  and proceeds towards her. And there Naman, rahil & Sam struggle to save both the girls.  That goons are about to touch Ishani  and just then Sid appears before them and says;
Sid: arey! Bhai Do not bother them.. Today is a Ganpathi's day. so please leave..
Ishani: Dr Sid! are u insane ? why are requesting them ? they misbehaved with Asha & with me and now u are requesting them.
Goon: Arey! this girl has lot of audacity to speak like that.. i'll not leave her ...
Sid: Places his hand on him & gently pushes him aside and says Bhai! leave her na .. I am sorry .. on behalf of her ...  please..1
Goon: no! we want her right now.. she has to  dance with us..
Sid: (in mind) i think i have to fight now ..what a situation first i have to fight u & then i have to treat u...(speaks out) OK ..So let me do some rehearsal before her.. and starts fighting them.. by then..Others also join and fight them...1
In midst of fight , sid happens to  help Ishani , so that none touches her while actually he being very close to her.. Gerua ...only music plays as bgm...she feels a different kind sensation with his touch.. at last she happens to hide her face on Sid's chest.. & Sid comforting her saying nothing!!!
Just then Gappu mama comes with kids & other Chawl members  and chases goons .. 
Goons run away from there..(angrily).. Sid & Ishani gets themselves separated..  In fight Sid & other boys get hurt.  After this Ishani feels little drowsy & was about to fall , just then Dr. Sid holds her. She gains her consciousness. Gerua ...only music plays as bgm...
 Sid gives her dupatta  but it is torn. bgm continues...He covers her with that..  He asks everyone to visit his home. so that they can fresh up & go.
So they all visit Sid's home. Ishani gets surprised seeing his home. As soon as they enter, Gayathri gets shocked seeing them.. They explain her what happened and she takes gappu mama inside...Asha & Ishani start treating their wounds ( boys were hurt due to the fight). 
Ishani first dresses Sam's wounds . Asha tends to Naman's wounds. Sid treats Rahil. Just then Ishani happen to see a wound on Sid's hand. She promptly  catches his hand and starts treating..
Just then Gayathri also sees the wound & before she can approach him.. Ishani catches his hand starts saying...
Ishani: are u crazy ? ur hand is bleeding! first u get treated before treating others.. 
Sid: ok ok! Dr. Ishani.
Ishani: Why did u fight ? U can simply talk and finish the matter na!! See how deep the cut is!! Oh ..No....! Iam Cleaning!! Wait dont worry ...Sit! 1
Sid: Are u insane? 
Ishani: What? .....Why are u scolding me now?
Sid: I mean first u scolded when iam talking with them for not fighting & now u r scolding me for fighting !!! Seriously!!! are u ok!!
All laugh at Ishani... for this...
Ishani: (fumbling) I mean i got scared at that time.. but.. but u should fight in way u  dont get hurt...OK..So this is ur mistake.. (not looking into his eyes...& treating his wound) 
 Sid: Seriously! So u mean I should ask those goons like.. Bhai! Please beat me slow & dont hurt me ..because Dr. Ishani doesn't want me to get hurt... 4
Gayathri smiles at her innocence...!
Ishani: Very funny!! U should know to protect ur self first..
Sid: Well! But u were my Priority at that time.. Ok.. (She just stares at him after listening this remembering how he took her protecting from everyone's touch) Gerua ...only music plays as bgm...Dr. Ishani ..DR. ISHANI....! (comes to reality) what happened!!
Ishani: let me complete dressing ur wound. dont disturb me...
Gayathri gets happy looking at them caring for each other.  Just then the chawl kids come there & say
Kid 1: Arey ! this is something new... we saw Sid bhaiyya treating others & see he is getting treated by this Didi..
Kid 2: are u also a big doctor like Bhaiyya?
Sid: Oh! she is bigger doctor than me...! Infact all of  my friends are bigger doctors .. U know.. 
Kid 3: so u wont take fees na.. i mean  same like Sid bhaiyya..! Every week he treats chawl people for free...
Ishani stares realizing how generous Sid is & smiles..
Just then Gayathri asks kids to leave as they are tired & says:
Gayathri: achha! beta.. eat something na .. its already evening!!
Asha: No! aunty ji.. Me, Naman& Sam ate at mela .. we ate bajjis, laddu, Modak & Golgappa...(naman signs her to stop)
Sam: No! aunty we are fine.. actually Ishani didint had anything except prasaad! 
Asha: This babydoll doesnt eat out na .. !! 
Naman (to Asha): Oyy.. Madammm! Chale.. lets go..
Asha: Aunty ji we shall leave...
Ishani: wait iam also coming..
Gayathri: Where are u going ? U wait for sometime.. u didint had food na.. i'll feed u ok..
Ishani was happy hearing & was about to agree ..but just then
Sid: No Maa! He asks others to leave & says...she doesnt like all this .. I'll take her out & make her eat something .
Gayathri : Also drop her home safely.. OK!!
Ishani was disappointed for some reason & given an angry glare to Sid. Sid doesnt understand anything..
Ishani was about to leave just then gayathri comes & cleans her face & hands with wet cloth like a mother doing it to her child..She feels emotional .. Ishani feels emotional... Gayathri also gives her one of her dupatta (not so new one).. to her as her dupatta is torn...  Saying 1
Gayathri: u r going out right.. it is not good to go like that.. & see ur face.. u didnt even clean it is all coloured... u r just like this Sid...She Completes cleaning & signs like now perfect...
Sid panics seeing this thinking that she might not like it.. but he is surprised to see Ishani accepting it... HIS mom pins dupatta to her dress & what Ishani does next makes Sid's jaw drop!!!
She just hugs his mom's dupatta tightly to her & takes blessings from her .. Gayathri blesses her.. Seeing this kind of Ishani is  new to him.. but he just smiles ( with .. Whoa! this is new kind of expression) & both start from there.. 
They complete  their dinner & start towards ishani's home.. Sid finds Ishani to be more happy today... Just then Sid gets call from Rahil , saying that he reached his PG . also Asha msgs Ishani that she also reached her PG & others also msged Sid that they reached to their PGs.+
Ishani then insists Sid to leave from there she can manage . But Sid doesnt agree... 
Writer: Madhu-123

"Please Don't leave me"-2

Precap:  Dr Sid fights with goons to save Asha & Ishani. Ishani feels attached to Dr. Sid's mother. Sid & Ishani leave together to Dr. Ishani's home.
Dr. Sid: No! No! NO way.. i am not leaving you here until i drop u at ur place.
Ishani: No need Dr. Sid. I am fine. I can manage.. So stop being stubborn
Dr. Sid: Ok till u reach Highway.. OK?
Dr. Ishani: What! y did we take this route? We can take highway very much before na!!
Dr. Sid: (turning other side & smiling) Oh! i haven't noticed it.. its okay only 20 more mins. we can reach highway.. (he deliberately took that route so that she would take him with her.. well he really want to accompany her ,, ofcourse for her safety) 
Just then  its starts raining. they run to nearby tree for shelter... 
Ishani: see we gonna be late.. we will not be able to reach highway in 20 mins.. its just because of u..
Sid: Dr. Ishani, u cannot always mourn or panic on situations .. just think of bright side.. atleast we got to spend some time.. (aw! look on Ishani's face) and u r not alone.. thank god i didnt leave u alone to go.. right .. y u have to always run.. stay calm & cherish all good things of today!!
ishani remembers her meet with Gayathri & her care & concern. She sees her dupatta & hugs it tight . just then a car passes by as the land is muddy due to rain ..just before it could splash muddy dirt water on ishani Sid pulls her towards him.. Gerua bgm plays.. Ishani stares at him.. she feels a different sort of comfort around him..  
Just then sid realizes their position.. immediately moves a bit & says
Sid: So sorry! i forgot.. 
Ishani: still staring ) its ok.. 
Sid: what?
Ishani: Coming to reality) its not ok . not at all ok..(looking here & there..
Sid: ok sorry. but By the way.. u seems to be so happy today.
Ishani: ha! kind of.. i just felt it.. (smiling & looking at her dupatta). Thanks for taking care of me.. understanding my phobia..
Sid: If u dont mind i just wanna tell u one thing
Ishani: yess!
Sid: u r not germophobic..OK .. stop saying that, ok. u r not afraid of germs or dirt. U r afraid of people & trust me the people made u feel like this are real shit. just ignore them because u will find lot of people who will hold u anytime & everytime. OK
Ishani(looking into his eyes till now & keenly listening): I am feeling like i can agree.. but iam afraid.. 
Sid: chalo.. Then lets give it a try now.. Friends? (extending his hand).
Ishani: Hesitatingly.. trying to give her hand... in midst sid  saying  try it ishani u can do it... & atlast  join her hand with his.. 
Sid: Whoa! last got it.. OK when we are friends, no Dr. Sid.. simply, Sid goes fine for me.. now say the truth,, u felt happy meeting my mom.. did u remember ur mother?
Ishani: (little shocked).. ha.. actually...
Sid: come on Ishani we just became friends u cannot cheat me..
Ishani: i really don't remember my parents, not even their might sound weird..but i felt a motherly warmth from ur mother.. U r so lucky to have her..
Sid: I know.. but trust me.. its not weird . sometimes it happens. So u r willing to diagnose ur idleness disease..nice
Ishani: But some diseases cannot be cured totally..
Sid: May be. but this is curable..  & u want demo.. Ok I'll give u instant reliever.. give me a "jaadu ki jhappi"
 Ishani: (with What !..look)Dr. Sid.. no please.. Sid is approaching her with open arms....
Rain stopped. so Ishani starts running on road towards.. Sid smiles looking at her childish behaviour.. and runs behind her...
They run & run and finally stops to breath. they laugh a lot . sees that they almost reached highway..
Just then a goon comes & hits Ishani . she happens to fall down on side of road.. just then Sid realizes the situation & blocks them & fights them.. Ishani gets up  & asks him to take some log or stick ... he doesn't listen & takes her into his that they doesn't harm her..She stares at him.. & cries .. they hit him on head.. Still Sid Yells POLICE.. where the goons get scared starts to run back.. here Sid takes her hand runs towards Highway.. before goons realize the lie & come back to Sid& Ishani.. they reach highway.. So the goons leave on fear of getting caught by anybody..
On reaching highway, Sid collapses there.. 
Ishani: SID!!!!!!!! Please open ur eyes .. sid Please.. she hugs him & shouts somebody help.. please ... 
Sid: Are...U Okay...?  
Ishani: I am fine.  Sid.. please dont close ur eyes .. Stay like this.. stay with me.. She hugs him tightly  rubbing his back.. checking his wounds & condition.. she gets panic and now & then shouts for help...
Sid happens to open his eyes slightly in blurred way he sees Ishani hugging him, crying, asking him open his eyes, shouting for help.. he smiles slightly.. 
Just then some people hear her & a poice passing by in his vehicle, stops & enquires about situation. She asks him to give his phone & he gives her a phone & she phones Ambulane & thanks him. She tries to do first aid & analyse his situation..
(GUESS who is this POLICE?)
Police observes that she is a Doctor.. he happens to see her very tensed.. so he informs his polce people to inform the traffic persons to let ambulance pass through traffic, so that it reaches their place early..  
Police : Madam! dont panic. I have spoken to the police nearby, they will make sure that ambulance reaches here at the earliest...tell me where are ur mobiles  so that we could inform to ur family or friends & tell me what happened with U.  Ishani says the location where the goons attacked. All the time she doesn't leave Sid.
Police: DD! please go there check if there are any phones!!!
(guessed who's this police.. yupp! Its Neil Khanna IPS from Namkarann)  4
after some time ambulance comes. DD brings back their phones. Ishani calls & informs her friends.. All get shocked & immediately start to hospital. Dr.Rahil informs to Gayathri..she also starts to hospital.. Ishani throughout the journey catches his hand & says "please dont leave me.. please dont leave me.."  to Sid which he hears it now & then..
PREVIEW: Sid: Why Ishani didnt come to meet me after my treatment?
All look each other faces. 
Scene-2: Sid in his mind lets see how u are going to avoid me..
Ishani in her mind iam the reason all this happened. Just then nurse comes & says Dr. Ishani..actually Dr. Sid.(muted)... Ishani panics & leaves to Dr. Sid room.  

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