Bepannah 21st November 2018 Written Episode Update

Arjun tells Zoya he wont do anything like that. Aditya Hooda is my Dad’s murderer. You want me to fight for him? Zoya reminds him tat he is his brother too. He was Harsh’s son too. Think once. Do you really think he can do this? Arjun replies that being a lawyer, he thinks using his mind. I believe he is a culprit. He dint say anything against himself. All the proofs are against him. It is very convenient. She points out that he was inebriated. He calls it the easiest way to kill someone. Who else would have done it if not him? Rajvir? I don’t think he had a motive. I cannot take this case. I have to take care of my Ma right now. You only told me to take care of my family. I am doing that only. I have only my mother in my life now. Nurse informs him that Anjana has gained conscious. He goes to
check on her. Rajvir dangles a key in front of Zoya. This is the key to your husband’s safety. Keep it safely with you. I will wait eagerly for you at 8pm. He goes.
Aditya is in his cell. Harsh calls out to him. Aditya is about to hug him when he notices the wounds on his chest. He starts crying and apologizing to him. He touches him. His hands get bloodied. How did this happen Pa? Harsh falls down. He looks at his hands in shock. Get it out of my hands! He starts shouting and rubbing his hands on the wall.
Zoya looks at Aditya. Doc shares that Aditya is fine for now but we cannot say how long it will last. He has been affected badly. He got saved this time but there wont be someone to save him every time. I am shifting him to normal ward. You can meet him. Zoya steps inside the room. She sits next to Aditya. His hands are bandaged. She touches his hand and he wakes up. He tells her not to waste her tears or time. Save yourself. I don’t wish to be saved. She tells him not to say so. I will save you. You trust me right? He does not even look at her. Constable asks her to come. Time is up. Aditya remarks that it is time for them to part ways. She requests him not to say so. He keeps staring in front of him blankly. Zoya leaves.
Zoya sits on a bench and is crying. Everything keeps flashing in her mind. She thinks of how Aditya was banging his hands on the wall and ended up hurting himself. She looks at the cross in front of her sadly. She lights a candle and prays silently. She cries her heart out. The key falls out of her hands. She remembers Rajvir’s words as she looks at the key. It is 7:55 pm. She gets thinking.
Aditya is brought back to his cell. He finds Nani there. What are you doing here? She offers to help him which only angers him further. She says I was pained to see you and Zoya away from each other. You guys love each other a lot. He tells her to stop her drama. Why are you here? She shares that she came to praise his wife here. She can go to any extent to get you out of the jail! He warns her not to drag Zoya in all this. I wont spare you otherwise! She knows he cannot do anything. I want you to rot here but I also want you to know what all Zoya can do to get you out of jail. He tells her to come to the point.
Zoya opens Rajvir’s room using his key. He happily welcomes her. You lost the right of being called Mrs. Hooda my coming here. Aditya will be very much hurt if he finds out about it. She aims a gun at him. Show me the proofs before coming closer to me! He inches closer to the gun. I wont mind dying by your hands! There will be one gunshot but two aims. Hope you know that. I will be the first one. He closes the door. Your husband will go down next. She again asks him to show her proofs. He sends her a clip.
Harsh is in his study when Aditya walks up to him. He kneels down in front of Harsh. Please help me Pa. I cannot bear it! I will either kill Rajvir or you can kill me. He pulls the knife out of Aditya’s hands and throws it on the table. Please forgive me son. You all have been hurt because of me. I need your help so no one else is hurt. No one can take your place. You are mine! Till date, your father has done everything for his kids. Rajvir also deserves a place in this house. I love your mother very much but the decisions taken in the past have come back as a big hurdle. I will have to tackle them and need your help in that. Aditya agrees to help him. Harsh suggests him to rest for now. I will tell you what needs to be done. Aditya and Harsh share a hug after which Aditya leaves for his room. Harsh looks in another direction and sees someone. You?
Zoya says I knew that Aditya was innocent. The video clip disappears from her phone automatically. She says I know that only have killed Papa. He tells her it isn’t important as to who killed Papa. Important thing is that Aditya dint kill Mr. Harshwardhan Hooda. You need this clip to save your husband. You know what I need in exchange for that.
Nani tells Aditya to calm down. You have to see lots of heartbreak and pain once outside. You have to take out your anger outside! Stop for now. Inspector tells Nani that he has the bail papers. Aditya looks at her in shock. Nani tells him that she came here as his saviour. Inspector adds that his got acquittal from the case. Aditya asks Nani what she wants. Nani says I want to see your relation with Zoya burning down. Do you know where your Zoya is right now? She has gone to bring proof of your innocence? Do you know how she will get hold of that proof? She will have to lose herself and her dignity for that! Aditya looks at her stunned. It cannot be! She insists it is true. She will spend the entire night with my Rajvir! She will bring a proof of your innocence in return. You have got such a great wife! Will you call it a sacrifice or cheap? He refuses to believe it but she tells him to see it for himself. You are free now.
Rajvir tells Zoya not to put too much pressure on her soft hands. What will happen to your husband if you kill me? She steps back as he tries to touch her. She sits on the bed.
Precap: Rajvir leans closer to Zoya. Zoya is stunned to see Aditya come in the room. Zoya tells Aditya she had no other option. He calls her a cheater. She tells him she wont give any explanation. I did it all for you. I wouldn’t have to do all this if you weren’t in jail! This Sita wont give any Agni Pariksha as you are not Ram!
Update Credit to: Pooja

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