Ishqbaaz 21st November 2018 Written Episode Update

Shivaye shouts Anika and pulls her back. Rudra says I told you, you will always remember this party, I have waited for this moment since long. Shivaye asks what are you going to do. Rudra says sorry and pushes Shivaye in the pool. They laugh. They see the live wire hanging down in the waters. Anika shouts Shivaye. She stops Om.
Om shouts to Khanna to switch off power. Omru get Shivaye out of pool. Doctor treats Shivaye. Omru ask is he fine. Doctor says he got saved, don’t worry, he will be fine. Rudra cries. Om says I don’t know how did a live wire end up in the pool. Khanna says Rudra has checked the lighting, I asked him, he told me not to tell anyone about the spark. They get shocked.
Rudra asks why are you looking at me, its not like that. Anika slaps him. She says I thought you
have realized your mistake and became old Rudra, I was wrong, your hatred is so strong, you tried to kill Shivaye. Roop says I didn’t expect this from you, what’s happening here, a brother is killing another one. Rudra says I didn’t do anything. She says don’t lie, I know that you are after Shivaye from a long time, you tried to prove him liar and mad, I have seen you scaring him, your madness, I saw you scaring him by mimicking Tej, he must have been terrified, you have put the ashes in Shivaye’s shoes, didn’t you, I thought you will understand gradually, I didn’t know you will fall so low. Om asks is this true Rudra. Rudra says yes, I made a mistake Om, I even apologized to Shivaye in front of you, I can never do this, I didn’t know about the live wire. She says how do we believe you. He says I don’t know how to prove you. He asks Anika to trust him. Anika pushes him. Nani says what have you done. Rudra asks Nani and Bhavya to believe him. They get away and cry.
Rudra says Om you know me since childhood, you think I can try to kill Shivaye. Om shouts enough. Rudra says I don’t care if you don’t trust me, Shivaye trusts me, he knows that I can’t do this. He goes to Shivaye and says I did many stupid things, I tried to prove you mad, I didn’t do this today, get up and tell them that I didn’t do this. He cries. Shivaye gets up. He says Rudy, don’t be a cry baby. Everyone rushes to him. Anika asks are you fine. Shivaye says yes, I m alright. Rudra says sorry for pushing you in the pool, I didn’t know the water has a live wire in it, I m ashamed for my mistakes, you know I can never do this, tell them I didn’t do anything.
Shivaye says you didn’t do anything, I know what you did today, I know you did this being childish, what you did before was because of justified anger, lets forget it, whatever happened with me was an accident, Rudy wasn’t involved. Om asks but why did that happen. Shivaye says lets move on. Nani says forget the past. Roop says yes, I will just come. Shivaye says Bua you know, this has happened because of you. Anika says she wasn’t even there. Roop says yes, how am I related to this. Shivaye goes to her. He says you know why this happened to me, because you didn’t attend our party, you are the one with us, whom we consider dear, we didn’t get your blessing. Roop says my blessings are always with you. He says I m getting married, you have to manage everything now. She says yes. He hugs her.
She thinks I will play such a game that everyone will be shocked this time. Its morning, Nani greets Shivaye and asks him to go and have breakfast. He asks where is Anika. She says she is at poolside, she looked worried, I told her to take rest, I will get breakfast for you. He goes to Anika. Gauri sees Anika and says come, we need to see the fitting of wedding outfit. Anika refuses. Shivaye signs Gauri. Gauri goes. Shivaye holds Anika and jokes you also give current jolt, it was a joke, what happened, are you worried. She says stop this marriage, there are so many bad omens, Bua is right, we should postpone this marriage. He says this can’t happen. She says something or the other is going wrong, your life fell in danger, I m scared. He says okay fine, if something goes wrong in puja today, we will postpone the marriage. He hugs her. Roop looks on and thinks he made my work easy, this puja will be last one for Shivaye. She goes.
Shivaye gets some almonds near the poolside. Anika asks what is it. He says nothing, come. Roop asks someone to send the parcel on Rudra’s name. Shivaye checks arrangements with Khanna. Servant says this parcel has come for Rudra. Shivaye receives it. Om says Nani, pandit is coming in 10 mins. Nani asks Anika to get ready for puja. Anika says I will make arrangements first. Nani says we will manage, go and get ready. Anika says nothing should go wrong in this puja. Nani asks her not to worry, everything will be fine. Rudra asks for his parcel. Nani asks him to ask Shivaye. He says Shivaye said its kept in hall. Priyanka sneezes. She asks Rudra to spread the holy smoke in all corners of the house, she is allergic to it. He goes. Roop asks where did you send the parcel. She sees some box and says I got it, thanks. Rudra says its my parcel, Shivaye said its addressed to me. She says its mine. Dadi comes and jokes. Rudra rushes to hug her.
Roop goes with the parcel. Om and everyone hug Dadi. Dadi blesses Shivaye and Anika. Rudra says they are marrying again. Dadi says Aruna has told me, that’s why I have come. Roop checks the parcel. She gets some liquid in a bowl. She says when this will be poured in havan kund instead oil, there will be a big explosion, Shivaye will burn to ashes, Rudra will be blamed, because this bottle will be found here. Shivaye sees Anika coming. O jaana…plays…. pandit asks Shivaye, shall we start the puja. Shivaye looks at Anika. Pandit asks again. Shivaye says yes, I m ready, where is Bua. Roop comes and adds the liquid in havan kund. She says begin now. Pandit asks Shivaye to light the havan kund. Havan kund doesn’t light up. Roop asks what happened, I have put the oil, there isn’t any explosion. Shivaye asks explosion. Roop says I mean, fire isn’t lit. He says Anika, this isn’t any bad omen. Roop goes to get oil. She looks for bottle. Shivaye asks are you finding this.
Roop asks what is it. Shivaye says you will know it now. Roop asks him did he go mad, don’t do it. She shouts.
Update Credit to: Amena

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