Arshi Drabble OS : Life is Beautiful | IPKKND | Sanaya Irani | Barun Sobti | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon

Arnav & Khushi MEET FINALLY in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 31st May ...

Life is Beautiful...

She was watching him sleeping peacefully while holding her hands tightly... huhhh... she chuckled.. as if she will run away...
She still remember what he said when she asked him about it..

'Arnav... why you need to hold my hand so tightly every time... I am not going to run away...

You see wifey... I don't trust you... what if you will... he said with a smirk... Haaa... Haaa... very funny...she said...he looked at her seriously... you know khushi... I still cant believe that you are here with me... the way we started our relationship.. I thought you will never be able to accept me...''

She came out of her thoughts... how true were his words... even she cant believe.. that she has started falling for him so much that now.. a life without him will be nothing...
How did she became so lucky... as people say... may be in last birth she has done some good sins... that this mad and crazy guy fell for her... or else who would have thought that Arnav Singh Raizada the heir of Raizada Industries will fall for an orphan... Khushi...

Ye she was an orphan... an orphan by birth... the only person she had as her own was sister Clara... who always used to pamper her with her love... being an orphan she had quite early learn that she is alone in this world and happiness.. family.. love is something she should not dream of... Sister Clara told her that she used to always have a smile on her face and hence her name was kept as Khushi...

Khushi... a girl who didn't had a second name..

She was always good in studies and thought of pursuing MBA with whatever she had earned by doing a part time job... she always felt jealous of rich brats who used to roam around in college as if the world revolved around them.. yes she was jealous.. they had everything.. which she didn't had... and that is what used to annoy her every time she used to see Arnav in college... he was everything a girl wants... rich.. handsome... son of a big family... he had everything...

But then her perception changed... she didn't knew why he used to follow her... irritate her trying to start a conversation all the time... and she... she always used to end up bashing him for getting on her nerves.. but he didn't stop... he never stopped and one day he shocked her... by proposing her...

'Will you be the love of my life''... seriously what was he thinking.. me his girlfriend? Has he gone nuts.. she thought it was a prank... these rich fellows.. they enjoy making fun of people like her. And she ended up again lashing out on him...

She knew he was hurt... but her resolve to stay away from him didn't change... but he was Arnav... who never gave up on her,.. he tried every possible way to woo her and when nothing worked out... one day he came with his family and met Sister Clara who was a mother figure for her... they expressed their wish to make her their daughter in law and that was when she lost it...

'Have you lost it Arnav... when I didn't budge your nonsense in college.. you involved your family also in this drama... ? Its not drama khushi... its my love for you.. is it that difficult to understand...he said, give me a chance.. why are u so aloof...? Because I am not used to it Arnav...she screamed... I have been an orphan my whole life and now all this... all this love and care overwhelms me... you wont understand...''
'Then make me understand... give me a chance and I will prove to be the one you want in your life... cant you give me a chance khushi?''he asked

And she lost the battle... she gave up.. how can she deny him... when all he has done is shower her with his immense love... it took lot of time for her even after marriage to accept him.. to love him... but eventually she fell for him.. his eyes that always spoke volumes... His never ending love which he used to shower on her... his constant gazes which used to make her weak and then his passionate love.. which used to take her breath away, each and every thing about him made her resolve weak day by day. The way he takes care of her... the way he takes each and every harsh words she throws at him some times in anger... how can he melt her this way...he never gets tired of saying I love you to her.. for n number of times... and how can she forget his touches... the way he makes crazy love to her every night...she feels defeated and becomes under his mercy when he consumes her with his passionate she is scared... scared of believing in happiness.. will this always remain forever.. now she cant even think of loosing him... she loves him... yes she loves him more than anything in this world...

Life is beautiful with him...always..

 Writer: RedPetal123

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