In London
Bonditha is in her room
Busy with some books as usual
At that time she heard noise
Bonditha: uff these monkeys came I think
She came out of room
She saw her two monkeys who r arguing
She looked at them confused
I'm going to say this news
Nope im going to say this
Bonditha hit her head with her palm
Bonditha: batuk n Jones will u both stop it
By hearing her voice they both stopped their argument
And looked at her with bright faces
Bonditha: wat happened, u both looking so happy
Batuk and Jones went to her
They both raised her up with their hands from each side and turned her around by saying congratulations bonditha
Bonditha : guys plz get me down my head is spinning
They both placed her down
Bonditha held her head which was spinning because of these monkeys act
Jones n batuk: chutki r u ok
She took deep breath n nodded her head as yes
She know how much they care for her
And she likes it
Bonditha: now tell whats the matter
Jones n batuk smiled at each other
And together shouted: results are out and you are the university topper
Bonditha felt so happy
She got tears of happiness
Atlast her hardwork paid off
Batuk n Jones wiped her tears
They feed sweets to her
Batuk: now it's party time
Jones: and I'm giving party as usual
Batuk: yeah it's our agreement know? If I achieve any thing chutki gives party, chutki party is given by u, and ur party is given by me
Jones: yes this party will be grand as chutki deserves it
Bonditha : Jones what is need of big party..
Let's 3 of us party as always
Jones: I don't need ur damn suggestions..I'm decision maker
He said by taking shades from his pocket n placing on eyes
Bonditha murmured : attitude kahinke
Jones: what u said
Bonditha: nothing
Batuk: by the way let's call our family members..what u say baudi
Bonditha likes when he call her baudi
When she married to anirudh.
Batuk never liked her
He used to taunt her tease her
But after her husband joined her n batuk in same college for studying barister
They both became good friends infact besties
And later Jones (guy from London based family ) added in their group
Now they became 3 idiots
She loves how they care her protect her
They started calling her chutki
From then batuk.stopped her calling baudi n started saying chutki
But some.times when he want to.tease her he will ca her as baudi
When she is in her thoughts
Jones snapped his fingers infront of her
Jones: oyy madam where you lost
Bonditha gave little smile
Batuk: I know where she lost
He said with mischief smile
Bonditha glared at him
She rushed to her room
Batuk n Jones planned something and left the place
Next day
Batuk n bonditha are on the way to party venue
Batuk: chutki, Jones is in party venue only..he along with his parents already waiting for us
Bonditha nodded
Bonditha with hesitation
Bondhita: and what about our family
Batuk: want to know about family or about a person
Bonditha understood he is teasing her
She slapped his shoulder
She know if she ask more he will tease more
So she decided to stay silent
They reached venue
Jones n his family welcomed her
She know his family very well
They too bonded well with bonditha from the day they first met her
They treat batuk n bonditha as their family
Bonditha rushed to them n took their blessing
They congratulated her heartily
They went inside
When this trio r busy with their asusual buk buk
They saw somnath coming
Batuk rushed to him and hugged him
Bonditha n Jones also went to him
Somnath: congratulations baudi
Bonditha smiled: thank you so much
Her eyes started searching
Batuk Jones n sonanth observed this
Batuk smiled
Batuk: I think some one is expecting some ones arrival
Jones: ha bonditha for whom u r searching
Sonanth: sorry to say baudi, no one came except me
They observed bonditha face became dull
Bonditha: no problem..u came know that's enough
But everyone noticed her tears which she was holding to come out
On the other hand
Anirudh is outside party venue
So many thoughts running inside
His heart is racing too fast
Why not he going to meet his lady love after one year
Yes he realised his love for his wife in this one year
He know he married her when she was 8 yrs old to save her
He erased his love for his child hood sweet heart mini from the day he married bonditha
Because he decided before itself that only one girl should be there in his life
He decided mini should be that girl
But fate planned something else
Bonditha became his wife
But his values never changed
He decided to take her responsibility
Soon he realised bonditha is not a typical girl who follows superstition blindly
She is the girl who questions about right n wrongs
She is the girl who questions for equality
She is the girl who possess the quality he wished for
He decided not to burry her questioning mind in that village itself
He want to her reach great heights..he want her to be path to many girls
So he decided to educate her
Even though his family against this
He sent her to school
Slowly their family started understanding him
Later along with batuk he sent her London to pursue her career
She used to come during holidays along with batuk
Or some time he used to go there n spend some time
But this year..he didn't get chance to go to London as he was busy with important case
And bonditha also didn't come because of her serious preparations
And this time so much happened
He started missing bonditha
Her questions , her naughty things everything
But he didn't realised his love
One day soudhamini came to him
Mini: just one more year Ani
He was confused
Ani: for what?
Mini went close to him
He moved backward
Ani: what are you doing
Mini saw him seductively
Mini: for the day we are waiting
Ani: stop it mini tell me clearly what u are trying to say
He said seriously
Mini: why are you serious Ani. Don't act. I know you also waiting for the day to give divorce to ur so called.wife and marry ur mini
He shocked hearing that
He didn't understand what angered him
Whether it is mini calling his wife as so called wife
Or mini talking about his divorce with his wife
Or marrying mini
But he is burning with anger
Mini came too close to him to kiss him
Ani pushed her
And about to slap her
But he stopped
Ani: don't dare to come here again
Mini: what are you saying Ani.im soon to be ur wife
Ani: stop it mini..I'm not gonna marry you
I'm already married
And again I said so many times to forgot me.
U left this home town
I thought u moved on
But why u came again
Mini: y not. I came again just for u Ani
And u have to feel happy..the beauty queen soudhamini waited for you n willing to marry you even though u are married
Now you are India's best lawyer..I'm super happy that I'm going marry rich person
Which I wished for
Yes Ani I dreamt for marrying handsome rich person
And of course my beauty deserves that know
He gave disgusted look
He never thought mini is this much self obsessed
He understood she is totally opposite to her
He understood why fate made him met bonditha
He thanked his destiny for separating him from mini
Mini is still admiring her self
Ani: stop it mini..bahut ho Chuka. And stop day dreaming.I'm not going to marry you in my rarest dreams
Mini: what are you saying. How can u say that Ani, how can you reject the most beautiful girl
Ani got irritated
Ani: I can't marry you because I was already married
Mini laughed
Mini: Ani are you lost your mind. U married her out of sympathy and you educated her out of sympathy and now she became independent. Now you can divorce her.
Ani: divorce? Divorce to bonditha . No way
Mini: why can't you Ani, she is just your burden
Ani: stop it
He shouted
His eyes became red
He face became red with anger
Mini started by his shout
Ani: she is not my burden, she is my life , she is my love
Mini was shocked
Ani: and just go out my house , don't dare to come again
Mini left place with anger
Ani surprised with his confession
He realised he fell in love with his wife
A little smile crept in face
Writer: Vardhinirosid
He realised he fell in love with his wife
Now he is so happy
If any one taunt him that he sacrificed his love, he destroyed his life marrying bonditha, he became baby sitter caretaker bla bla
Now he can shut their mouths by saying he didn't destroyed his life infact his life got new meaning because of his wife
From the day he realised his love he want to confess her, he is waiting for her studies to complete, soon he got call that bonditha was university topper, he felt so happy, infact proud of her, he got to know Jones is arranging party, some where he felt sad, some one else arranging party for his wife success, this hurted him lot, his mind questioned wait what? Is jones really some one else, yes he know Jones, he is best friend of batuk n bonditha , he never get any negtive opinion on their friendship, but this time he felt, what if bonditha had some one else in her life,n that is Jones this thought pricked him , but he didn't want her to bind in this marriage which happened when she don't know whats the meaning of marriage, even he too didnt think future about their marriage at that time, now he realised his love , but he didn't want to force her, he decided to give right to bonditha to choose her life partner, infact it's every girls right, he don't want bonditha to suffer, he don't want to tie her in the name of marriage, he want her to take own decision
Ani is at entrance of venue
Pushing all his thoughts
At last he decided to go inside
By entering he saw beautiful sight of his wife smiling whole heartedly
She is with batuk
May b batuk cracking some jokes
And his beautiful wife enjoying his jokes
He smiled by seeing this
He loves when bonditha smiles
her smile resembles purity n Innocence
Which he loves
Now he is so happy
If any one taunt him that he sacrificed his love, he destroyed his life marrying bonditha, he became baby sitter caretaker bla bla
Now he can shut their mouths by saying he didn't destroyed his life infact his life got new meaning because of his wife
From the day he realised his love he want to confess her, he is waiting for her studies to complete, soon he got call that bonditha was university topper, he felt so happy, infact proud of her, he got to know Jones is arranging party, some where he felt sad, some one else arranging party for his wife success, this hurted him lot, his mind questioned wait what? Is jones really some one else, yes he know Jones, he is best friend of batuk n bonditha , he never get any negtive opinion on their friendship, but this time he felt, what if bonditha had some one else in her life,n that is Jones this thought pricked him , but he didn't want her to bind in this marriage which happened when she don't know whats the meaning of marriage, even he too didnt think future about their marriage at that time, now he realised his love , but he didn't want to force her, he decided to give right to bonditha to choose her life partner, infact it's every girls right, he don't want bonditha to suffer, he don't want to tie her in the name of marriage, he want her to take own decision
Ani is at entrance of venue
Pushing all his thoughts
At last he decided to go inside
By entering he saw beautiful sight of his wife smiling whole heartedly
She is with batuk
May b batuk cracking some jokes
And his beautiful wife enjoying his jokes
He smiled by seeing this
He loves when bonditha smiles
her smile resembles purity n Innocence
Which he loves
Bonditha who is busy in conversation
Suddenly felt like some one gazing at her
She turned in that direction and she.found her husband who is looking at her
She was surprised
At same time her heart started flying
Batuk who was buck bucking found bonditha is no where listening to him n looking at some one without blinking her eyes
He looked at that direction
And found his brother
Batuk smiled
He rushed to him
And hugged him
Batuk: I missed u dada
By that time bonditha n Jones came to him
Ani: I missed u too
He said by looking at bonditha
Bonditha downed her eyes
Batuk released hug
He said teasingly
Batuk: missed only me
Ani slapped his shoulder
Batuk : Jones let's go we bring juice to dada n baudi
He stressed baudi word
Bonditha.glared at him
They left place
There is silence for some time
Bonditha decided to start
Bonditha: how are you barister Babu
First time anirudh felt unhappy when she called barister Babu
Yes he knows he only said her to call him as barister Babu instead of pathi Babu
May be because he realised his love and expecting same from her so he wanna listen pati Babu from her
Ani: I'm fine bonditha, and congratulations I'm so proud of you
He forwarded his hand
Bonditha felt so happy...yes she is waiting for his reaction as he is the one behind her success.she was in cloud nine when he said he is proud of her
She to forwarded her hand
Their hands touched each other
This is not first touch for them
But Ani felt some sort of excitement
He want to hold her hand for ever
Meanwhile batuk n Jones brought juices
Rudhita started drinking looking at each other then n there
After that
Music started playing
Jones n batuk asked Ani to join on dance floor
Ani showed disinterest
Jones n batuk pulled bonditha dance floor
They started dancing ( some what like Radha song from student of the year)
After batuk joined with his class mate
Jones and bonditha dancing
Even though they are dancing friendly some what it's burning our hero
He closed his fist tight to control his emotions
His wife dancing with some one else is hurting him even though he is broad minded person
While dancing bonditha is observing her husband then n there
Batuk who is observing all this while dancing with his friend
Excused himself and left the dance floor
He came to his brother
He cleared his throat
Ani looked at him
Batuk gave naughty smile
And pushed Ani to dance floor
Ani shocked with his sudden act
He stumbled and about to fall
But some one held his shoulder which stoped him from fall
And she is none other than his wife
They had an eye lock
But soon Ani realised his state
And stood straight
Bonditha hold his hands
And called him with her eyes for dance
And how come Ani can say no to his wife
He forwarded his hands
They both started dancing forgetting the world
( Ristha Tera Mera bgm)
One can see how much they both r missing each other
When they r flying in their own world
They came out of world by hearing claps
When he remembring how he forget this world when he was dancing with his wife
He found bonditha caught his hand and pulling him from that place
Bonditha: bonditha what are you doing
Bonditha didn't replied to him and took him to the place where no one are present
Ani looked around
Ani: bonditha y we came here
Bonditha smiled
Bonditha: I want to talk to u barister Babu
Ani heart started racing
Ani to himself: what if she says she don't want to be in this relation
Oh god no...
I can't hear that atleast now
I need some time
I should escape from here first
Ani: no bonditha let's go. Batuk n somnath may search for us
Bonditha: no one will dare to come here
Ani raised his eyebrow
Bonditha: by the way tell me what's your opinion on Jones
Ani to himself: oh god is my night mare going to be true
Bonditha: tell me know
Ani: he is good, he respects girls , who ever his wife may be lucky to have him as he is very caring person
Bonditha: hmm but not lucky as I am
Ani : what did u say
Bonditha: nothing barister Babu. That idiot na.he gave me responsibility to search bride for him. I'm thinking from where should search good bride for that monkey
Ani face brightened
He took deep breadth
Ani: y not. I'm there know, we together search good bride for him
He said with big smile
Bonditha lost in his smile
Ani: ok let's go
Bonditha: such an unromantic husband bonditha murmered
Ani: what?
Bonditha: nothing..let's talk for few mins know. We can go later
Ani crossed his hands
Ani: ok tell
Bonditha scratched her head
She didn't understand what to talk
She said like that so that she can talk with him some more time
She decided to start conversation some how
Bonditha: did u read any novel in recent
Ani: bonditha u know na I don't like novels
Bonditha: hmm I know u don't like any books except law books
But I read one novel few days back
Shall I say story
Ani signed her to continue
He know his cute wife will not shut her mouth..she is chatter box and he loves this
Ani: in that story girl loves guy and he too loves her but both of them never express
Ani looked at her to know what she is trying to convey
Bonditha moved closed towards him
And whispered in his ears
And novel name is pyar Kiya tho darna kya
Her breath is hitting him
He hold her shoulders
He looked at her with confusing look
She pulled him closer
Bonditha: y r u looking like that..u know na from childhood I'm like this
I don't have fear to eXpress anything
And now also I have no fear to eXpress my feelings
She whispered in his ears
Pyar Kia pathi Babu, kehne ke Lia darr nahi hai mujhe
I love you pati Babu
Ani surprised for her confession
He is in cloud nine now
His wife confessed her love and she called him pati Babu
He pulled into tight hug
Ani: I love you too Meri pyari biwi
Bonditha smiled
She too hugged him tightly
They both are in their world
Ani released his hug
He about to kiss on her forehead but he hesistated
Bonditha observed this
She want to tease him
Bonditha: pati Babu really r u India famous lawyer
Ani looked at her confused
Bonditha: nothing, I heard some thing like anirudh Saab is famous in finding whether person is telling right r wrong just by looking into their eyes
But u didn't understand my love even by looking at me
She pouted her lips
Ani smiled
He cupped her cheeks
Ani: ha I can say by looking into eyes..but in ur case that's different..I was scared bonditha..what if u have some one else in ur heart..because our mrg is compromise..ur child when we got married, but now ur grown up, u have right to choose ur partner, i don't want u stuck up in our mrg so even though I fell in love with you i hesitated to eXpress as I don't know what's in ur heart, and what is in ur mind about marriage
Bonditha smiled
She felt proud of him
Even he loved her he thought about her rights
She felt so happy
She hold his hand and brought towards her hairline
She made him set aside her part of hair which covered her hair line
He found sindhoor
He was surprised
Bonditha: u always told me not to keep sindhoor..but I never stopped that. From the day I realised meaning of marriage from that moment I fell in love with u pathi Babu..I'm most luckiest person in the world for getting husband like you. Because of u I was in this position, you saved me and gave life, and also you stole my heart
Anirudh felt so happy
He hugged her again
She too hugged him and closed her eyes
She remembered her conversation with Jones and batuk
Suddenly felt like some one gazing at her
She turned in that direction and she.found her husband who is looking at her
She was surprised
At same time her heart started flying
Batuk who was buck bucking found bonditha is no where listening to him n looking at some one without blinking her eyes
He looked at that direction
And found his brother
Batuk smiled
He rushed to him
And hugged him
Batuk: I missed u dada
By that time bonditha n Jones came to him
Ani: I missed u too
He said by looking at bonditha
Bonditha downed her eyes
Batuk released hug
He said teasingly
Batuk: missed only me
Ani slapped his shoulder
Batuk : Jones let's go we bring juice to dada n baudi
He stressed baudi word
Bonditha.glared at him
They left place
There is silence for some time
Bonditha decided to start
Bonditha: how are you barister Babu
First time anirudh felt unhappy when she called barister Babu
Yes he knows he only said her to call him as barister Babu instead of pathi Babu
May be because he realised his love and expecting same from her so he wanna listen pati Babu from her
Ani: I'm fine bonditha, and congratulations I'm so proud of you
He forwarded his hand
Bonditha felt so happy...yes she is waiting for his reaction as he is the one behind her success.she was in cloud nine when he said he is proud of her
She to forwarded her hand
Their hands touched each other
This is not first touch for them
But Ani felt some sort of excitement
He want to hold her hand for ever
Meanwhile batuk n Jones brought juices
Rudhita started drinking looking at each other then n there
After that
Music started playing
Jones n batuk asked Ani to join on dance floor
Ani showed disinterest
Jones n batuk pulled bonditha dance floor
They started dancing ( some what like Radha song from student of the year)
After batuk joined with his class mate
Jones and bonditha dancing
Even though they are dancing friendly some what it's burning our hero
He closed his fist tight to control his emotions
His wife dancing with some one else is hurting him even though he is broad minded person
While dancing bonditha is observing her husband then n there
Batuk who is observing all this while dancing with his friend
Excused himself and left the dance floor
He came to his brother
He cleared his throat
Ani looked at him
Batuk gave naughty smile
And pushed Ani to dance floor
Ani shocked with his sudden act
He stumbled and about to fall
But some one held his shoulder which stoped him from fall
And she is none other than his wife
They had an eye lock
But soon Ani realised his state
And stood straight
Bonditha hold his hands
And called him with her eyes for dance
And how come Ani can say no to his wife
He forwarded his hands
They both started dancing forgetting the world
( Ristha Tera Mera bgm)
One can see how much they both r missing each other
When they r flying in their own world
They came out of world by hearing claps
When he remembring how he forget this world when he was dancing with his wife
He found bonditha caught his hand and pulling him from that place
Bonditha: bonditha what are you doing
Bonditha didn't replied to him and took him to the place where no one are present
Ani looked around
Ani: bonditha y we came here
Bonditha smiled
Bonditha: I want to talk to u barister Babu
Ani heart started racing
Ani to himself: what if she says she don't want to be in this relation
Oh god no...
I can't hear that atleast now
I need some time
I should escape from here first
Ani: no bonditha let's go. Batuk n somnath may search for us
Bonditha: no one will dare to come here
Ani raised his eyebrow
Bonditha: by the way tell me what's your opinion on Jones
Ani to himself: oh god is my night mare going to be true
Bonditha: tell me know
Ani: he is good, he respects girls , who ever his wife may be lucky to have him as he is very caring person
Bonditha: hmm but not lucky as I am
Ani : what did u say
Bonditha: nothing barister Babu. That idiot na.he gave me responsibility to search bride for him. I'm thinking from where should search good bride for that monkey
Ani face brightened
He took deep breadth
Ani: y not. I'm there know, we together search good bride for him
He said with big smile
Bonditha lost in his smile
Ani: ok let's go
Bonditha: such an unromantic husband bonditha murmered
Ani: what?
Bonditha: nothing..let's talk for few mins know. We can go later
Ani crossed his hands
Ani: ok tell
Bonditha scratched her head
She didn't understand what to talk
She said like that so that she can talk with him some more time
She decided to start conversation some how
Bonditha: did u read any novel in recent
Ani: bonditha u know na I don't like novels
Bonditha: hmm I know u don't like any books except law books
But I read one novel few days back
Shall I say story
Ani signed her to continue
He know his cute wife will not shut her mouth..she is chatter box and he loves this
Ani: in that story girl loves guy and he too loves her but both of them never express
Ani looked at her to know what she is trying to convey
Bonditha moved closed towards him
And whispered in his ears
And novel name is pyar Kiya tho darna kya
Her breath is hitting him
He hold her shoulders
He looked at her with confusing look
She pulled him closer
Bonditha: y r u looking like that..u know na from childhood I'm like this
I don't have fear to eXpress anything
And now also I have no fear to eXpress my feelings
She whispered in his ears
Pyar Kia pathi Babu, kehne ke Lia darr nahi hai mujhe
I love you pati Babu
Ani surprised for her confession
He is in cloud nine now
His wife confessed her love and she called him pati Babu
He pulled into tight hug
Ani: I love you too Meri pyari biwi
Bonditha smiled
She too hugged him tightly
They both are in their world
Ani released his hug
He about to kiss on her forehead but he hesistated
Bonditha observed this
She want to tease him
Bonditha: pati Babu really r u India famous lawyer
Ani looked at her confused
Bonditha: nothing, I heard some thing like anirudh Saab is famous in finding whether person is telling right r wrong just by looking into their eyes
But u didn't understand my love even by looking at me
She pouted her lips
Ani smiled
He cupped her cheeks
Ani: ha I can say by looking into eyes..but in ur case that's different..I was scared bonditha..what if u have some one else in ur heart..because our mrg is compromise..ur child when we got married, but now ur grown up, u have right to choose ur partner, i don't want u stuck up in our mrg so even though I fell in love with you i hesitated to eXpress as I don't know what's in ur heart, and what is in ur mind about marriage
Bonditha smiled
She felt proud of him
Even he loved her he thought about her rights
She felt so happy
She hold his hand and brought towards her hairline
She made him set aside her part of hair which covered her hair line
He found sindhoor
He was surprised
Bonditha: u always told me not to keep sindhoor..but I never stopped that. From the day I realised meaning of marriage from that moment I fell in love with u pathi Babu..I'm most luckiest person in the world for getting husband like you. Because of u I was in this position, you saved me and gave life, and also you stole my heart
Anirudh felt so happy
He hugged her again
She too hugged him and closed her eyes
She remembered her conversation with Jones and batuk
Few days back:
She heard batuk and Jones convo
Who are talking about mini and Ani love
She felt bad
She felt she made her husband life miserable
She decided to unite him with mini and go away from his life
She know it's difficult for her but she decided
She became dull, thought of leaving her husband itself paining her
Batuk and jones who are observing her daily
Came to her
Jones: now tell whats ur problem chutki
Bonditha : what problem? I'm fine
Batuk: really baudi?
By hearing that word she got tears
She blurted out
Bonditha : I'm not ur baudi any more
Batuk n Jones looked at each other
They understood which matter troubling her
Batuk: if not you, for whom I should call baudi? You are my baudi, no one deserves this other than you
Bonditha can't able to bear any more
Bonditha: no u should call mini di as baudi
Jones n batuk started laughing
Bonditha looked at him confused
Bonditha: y u both r laughing
Jones: what should we do. ur topper in studies..but you are such a dumb girl
Bonditha glared at him
Batuk: Meri cutie baudi, ur saying mini as my baudi, no way Yar, u know what Ani dada thrown her out of his life
Bonditha shocked
Bonditha : what are u saying
Batuk: ha chutki, som dada told me that Ani dada told mini to leave house and u know what mini got married to another rich guy last month
She took deep breath hearing this
Batuk: so Jones did u understand any thing
Jones: haa haa y not? Some one is in deep love
She blushed hearing this
Batuk: wow some one is blushing
Bonditha: stop it guys stop teasing me
Jones: how can we stop, we love teasing you, by the way tell when u gonna eXpress ur love
Bonditha: me?
Jones: ha you only? Don't you have guts to say that
Batuk: stop it Jones it's easy to ask questions about equality rights bla bla, but it's not easy to eXpress love..she is not that much bold enough
Bonditha: oyy don't under estimate me, I have guts to eXpress my love, but
Batuk: but??
Bonditha: I don't know what is in my pathi Babu heart
Jones: but we know
Bonditha looked at him enthusiastically
Batuk: ha..u know when every time he call he only ask about you,before also he used to ask about you, but from few days I'm finding more concern about you, I'm finding some changes
Bonditha: really?
He is taking extra care for her, this thought itself making her happy
Jones: let's do one thing
So.that u can confirm he loves u, then u can express your love
Bonditha: what
Jones: any guy who fell in love cannot see his love with other guy, some where he feel jealous, this proves he loves you
Bonditha: but my pathibabu is not like that..he is broad minded
Jones: offo dekha aagayi pathibabu ki chamchi..we are boys we know that, u both didn't confess ur love each other, so if he see u with he definitely become jealous
Batuk: yeah agree with Jones
She heard batuk and Jones convo
Who are talking about mini and Ani love
She felt bad
She felt she made her husband life miserable
She decided to unite him with mini and go away from his life
She know it's difficult for her but she decided
She became dull, thought of leaving her husband itself paining her
Batuk and jones who are observing her daily
Came to her
Jones: now tell whats ur problem chutki
Bonditha : what problem? I'm fine
Batuk: really baudi?
By hearing that word she got tears
She blurted out
Bonditha : I'm not ur baudi any more
Batuk n Jones looked at each other
They understood which matter troubling her
Batuk: if not you, for whom I should call baudi? You are my baudi, no one deserves this other than you
Bonditha can't able to bear any more
Bonditha: no u should call mini di as baudi
Jones n batuk started laughing
Bonditha looked at him confused
Bonditha: y u both r laughing
Jones: what should we do. ur topper in studies..but you are such a dumb girl
Bonditha glared at him
Batuk: Meri cutie baudi, ur saying mini as my baudi, no way Yar, u know what Ani dada thrown her out of his life
Bonditha shocked
Bonditha : what are u saying
Batuk: ha chutki, som dada told me that Ani dada told mini to leave house and u know what mini got married to another rich guy last month
She took deep breath hearing this
Batuk: so Jones did u understand any thing
Jones: haa haa y not? Some one is in deep love
She blushed hearing this
Batuk: wow some one is blushing
Bonditha: stop it guys stop teasing me
Jones: how can we stop, we love teasing you, by the way tell when u gonna eXpress ur love
Bonditha: me?
Jones: ha you only? Don't you have guts to say that
Batuk: stop it Jones it's easy to ask questions about equality rights bla bla, but it's not easy to eXpress love..she is not that much bold enough
Bonditha: oyy don't under estimate me, I have guts to eXpress my love, but
Batuk: but??
Bonditha: I don't know what is in my pathi Babu heart
Jones: but we know
Bonditha looked at him enthusiastically
Batuk: ha..u know when every time he call he only ask about you,before also he used to ask about you, but from few days I'm finding more concern about you, I'm finding some changes
Bonditha: really?
He is taking extra care for her, this thought itself making her happy
Jones: let's do one thing
So.that u can confirm he loves u, then u can express your love
Bonditha: what
Jones: any guy who fell in love cannot see his love with other guy, some where he feel jealous, this proves he loves you
Bonditha: but my pathibabu is not like that..he is broad minded
Jones: offo dekha aagayi pathibabu ki chamchi..we are boys we know that, u both didn't confess ur love each other, so if he see u with he definitely become jealous
Batuk: yeah agree with Jones
She don't know her husband is coming to party
These idiots decided to give surprise to her so they didn't.mention his arrival
Even somnath joined them and kept secret
At time of party when her husband came
At time of party when her husband came
She was surprised and felt so happy
Jones told his plan
He started dancing with bonditha
Bonditha observed anirudh jealousy
She smiled
She felt he also loving her
She decided not to wait more
She decided to confess
At same time she decided to confirm him that Jones is her bestie. So she decided to start convo about Jones n how he gave responsibility to search bride for her
Fb ends
Jones told his plan
He started dancing with bonditha
Bonditha observed anirudh jealousy
She smiled
She felt he also loving her
She decided not to wait more
She decided to confess
At same time she decided to confirm him that Jones is her bestie. So she decided to start convo about Jones n how he gave responsibility to search bride for her
Fb ends
Bonditha released hug
Bonditha: pathi Babu now will u agree..I'm bold enough, I'm the one who expressed love first
Anirudh nodded his head as no
Bonditha: what? Y don't u agree
Anirudh: think well, what makes me agree that ur bold enough
Ani said with mischief smile
Bonditha though for a while
She remembered something
She blushed
And down her eye lids
Ani held her chin and made her look into his eyes
They had an eyelock
Ani: I'm waiting, proove ur boldness
Bonditha pulled him by holding his shirt collar
She raised her feet
She kissed on his forehead
Ani closed eyes to feel his beautiful wife lips on his
She went to his right cheek and kissed his cheek and then left
She kissed on his eyes and on nose
Anirudh surprised with her rain of kisses
she looked at his lips
Her lips are trembling
At last by closing her eyes
She placed her lips on his
Ani didn't expect this
He was in shock state
But later he started responding to her
By pulling her tight hug holding her waist
She is kissing him by pulling his hair
They are drenched in their first kiss
Kiss intensified
Atlast they released because of lack of breath
Ani : I agree my wife is bold , she is lioness
Bonditha blushed and hugged him
Ani also hugged her back
They felt so happy atlast they confessed each other
Anirudh nodded his head as no
Bonditha: what? Y don't u agree
Anirudh: think well, what makes me agree that ur bold enough
Ani said with mischief smile
Bonditha though for a while
She remembered something
She blushed
And down her eye lids
Ani held her chin and made her look into his eyes
They had an eyelock
Ani: I'm waiting, proove ur boldness
Bonditha pulled him by holding his shirt collar
She raised her feet
She kissed on his forehead
Ani closed eyes to feel his beautiful wife lips on his
She went to his right cheek and kissed his cheek and then left
She kissed on his eyes and on nose
Anirudh surprised with her rain of kisses
she looked at his lips
Her lips are trembling
At last by closing her eyes
She placed her lips on his
Ani didn't expect this
He was in shock state
But later he started responding to her
By pulling her tight hug holding her waist
She is kissing him by pulling his hair
They are drenched in their first kiss
Kiss intensified
Atlast they released because of lack of breath
Ani : I agree my wife is bold , she is lioness
Bonditha blushed and hugged him
Ani also hugged her back
They felt so happy atlast they confessed each other