Part 1
I was at the bar with DD, chugging down the last sip of beer. He left me to join a girl on the dancefloor, while I remained seated. Asking for another bottle, I spun the chair and faced the live band. Although this whole ambience wasn't exactly my scene, I had agreed to the plan and didn't have it in me to back out now.
Come on Neil! It's my 28th birthday! It's the perfect way to celebrate! Not to mention, get some "action" as well.
Get some action, I laughed recollecting the way DD had smirked at that. A bottle in my hand and my eyes on the band, I was almost done convincing myself to leave. And that I almost did too, until my eyes met the eyes of a very, very... very beautiful girl.
"Is anyone sitting here?" she asked with an enchanting smile.
I gulped and tried to speak. Though what came out was definitely anything but coherent words. Oh come on, why are you acting like such an idiot Neil?
She chuckled, "I'm assuming no?"
I coughed and smiled sheepishly, "No, no one is. I'm so sorry. I was too lost in your eyes to comprehend what you were asking."
Her laughter accompanied her as she sat beside me, "Smooth!" she raised an eyebrow.
"A gin and tonic for the lady," I told the bartender, leaning in a little closer to this intriguing woman. Taking her hand in mine (and of course asking her permission), I kissed it, "Neil Khanna is the name. And yours milady?"
"Ananya Verma milord," she shuffled closer as well.
I gave a side-glance to DD, who - although was enjoying himself - was smirking and giving me a thumbs-up, adding a shameless wink as well.
we had just finished our drinks as the band began playing one of the more popular songs. "So Ms. Verma, care for a dance?"
"I can't really dance though," she shrugged. "Oh don't worry about that! Two neat shots of Tequila please," I told the bartender.
Quickly taking down the shots (her and I, both, of course), I grabbed her hand and led her to the dancefloor. Her hands were around my neck, and mine were on her lower back. It was after a song-or-two that I felt one of her hands pry off my neck and push my hands even lower than her lower back... Much, much lower.
"What fun are bars without hookups?" DD said.
"Are you for real DD?"
"Honestly Neil, you'll only understand if you give it a try!"
I laughed, "Yea, let's see about that."
"Mr. Khanna," she whispered in my ear, coming dangerously close. I felt her breath fanning my cheek, a mix of passion and longing rising in me.
"Do you want to go someplace quiet?" her eyes twinkled with raw passion, or was it lust?
I looked around to find DD, but he was nowhere to be seen. What do I say now? Do I go with her? Do I back off and find DD?
"Neil..." she slurred a bit, the alcohol really kicking in now. "Let's go to my place!" she whispered again, fidgeting with the buttons on my coat. "Have I told you just how sexy you look in this blazer?"
I knew I had to say something now if things were to progress. Albeit with a little hesitation, I finally gathered the courage and replied with an equally suggestive remark; "Can you imagine just how sexy I'd look without it?" I smirked through the silly smile that was threatening to appear.
She leaned in completely and gave me a peck on the lips. Then, grabbing me from my tie, she pulled me away from the dancefloor. I called out to DD, who was finally in sight, and waved him a goodbye.
"Enjoyy," that idiot said to me. Though, for once in my life, I actually think he was right.
Writer : Basket 101
Part 2
We found a cab and took it to my place. Feeling a little frisky on the ride itself, we sat as close to each other as possible. If the mix of alcohol and want hadn't influenced me, the driver checking the mirror constantly would have been at the other end of a pretty nasty outburst. But I couldn't care less as I allowed my lips to linger on the nape of her neck while her hands caressed my back.
"Sir, 300 rupees please," the taxi driver spoke, his eyes unwaveringly glued to the back mirror.
"Mind your business," I snarled as I handed him a 500 rupee note. "Neil, let's gooo," she slurred yet again, her heels in her hands as she waited outside the main gate of my house.
I slid my hand around her waist as I led her in. Fortunately, I had the house to myself tonight - well to be honest, it was less luck and more planning. But regardless, I felt excited. A surge of adrenaline rushed through my veins as I let myself loose - something I never knew I could do. Of course the alcohol has a role to play in this as well, I thought to myself.
I was going to ask her if she needed a drink or something, but it seemed like she really wasn't in the mood to fool around. No pun intended.
She pushed herself against me, crushing her lips against mine as I put my hands under her thighs and lift her up, taking her into my bedroom.
Caught in the heat of the moment, my breath was ragged and it felt hot and stuffy all of a sudden. In an attempt to carry her to my room and maintain the kiss, I tried shifting my balance.
"OWWW," she screamed, obviously having broken the kiss.
"I'm so sorry Ananya!" I quickly stepped away from the door frame I had so casually bumped her head into.
"It's okay... I can see it's your first time," she smirked, taking the chance to kiss me again.
I put her down and locked the door - to say I was nervous would be an understatement at the least.
Part 3
As soon as I turned around, she - yet again - pulled me by grabbing a hold of my tie, fiddling with it as our lips met. "Should.. I.. mmm.. turn.. the lights off?" already a little short on breath, I struggled to speak. She smiled at this; a new feeling rising in my body from just the mere sight of her smile.
I dimmed the lights and started unbuttoning my shirt; she followed suit.
I stood there in my boxers, and she, in her lingerie. "So..." I trailed off knowing what to do next but scared to my wits at the idea of having to take the first step. But it was as if she could read my mind because she came towards me (and although I'm tired of saying it, it was the truth) yet again, and kissed me.
The heat between us didn't go unnoticed by either of us, allowing things to escalate in the matter of a couple of moments. I seemed to have found the rhythm as I pinned her arms above her on the wall and kissed her with more urgency this time. Taking her by surprise, I unhooked her bra before carrying her to the bed.
A few seconds ago, I felt like the Neil I normally was. The so-called ACP I was could only be a leader in his police station. But right now, I was the Mr. Khanna to Ms. Verma. I knew that at the moment, she wanted me as much as I wanted her. And this thought excited me beyond imagination. "Neil," she finally spoke, a strange expression of impatience exposing itself in her voice. "I can't wait anymore!"
A new sense of confidence kicked in as I took her right there and then, the need for her taking over my hesitancy completely.
"Neilll," she groaned, breathless yet ecstatic [or so I hope at least]. I gasped for air too as I fell beside her. I hadn't ever felt this tired AND satisfied at the same time before.
I threw a plain sheet on top of us we just lay there on the bed. I looked at her and grinned, "We should clean up," she suggested.
And I'm not sure if I had discovered a whole new shade of myself with this encounter, or if it was just the influence of Ms. Verma, but I had an even better idea. More importantly though, it was much more exciting because I wasn't afraid to pitch it.
And so, I turned to her, "Let's grab a shower? Together?"
"I mean it is good to save water!" she smirked as she pulled the sheets off.
I led her to the shower and turned the water on. At first, we laughed like a couple of little kids looking at each other the first time - looking at each other naked that is. But then when she placed her hand on my cheek, even the cold shower couldn't stop me.
I dried myself up and walked out, leaving her with some privacy so she could change into the smallest t-shirt I owned - which of course was ridiculously long on her, but it was better than her getting back into the (now-crumpled) dress.
As I put on my shirt, she sat on my bed, a little more conservatively this time.
"Coffee for the lady?" I asked. She nodded, "I'd like that. It was quite a workout with you," she smiled.
We headed to the kitchen and I set the coffee to brew. She sat on the counter across from as we waited. "I've never felt so adventurous before," I admitted to her, grinning at the mere recollection of the vents that had unfolded last night.
"Well it doesn't have to stop there you know," she jumped off, and walked near me. Her finger slowly traced circles on my chest; "We will need to burn off the calories from breakfast too!" she whispered in my ear, her voice inviting enough to make me forget about everything else. I put my arms around her and kissed her gently at first. Only as I was about to deepen the kiss, she pulled back, "You have a ring on," a look of confusion settling on her face. "Mrs. Khanna," she said aloud, her expression shifting to one of dismay.
Part 4
"Mrs. Khanna?" she asked, her expression shifting to one of shock. I had turned around right at that instant as the coffee brewer sounded its beep. Even after turning it off, though, I kept my back towards her, unaware of what I was supposed to do or say. "Neil!" her voice a little louder than before.
I faced her, "Was I supposed to hide the ring? I didn't think it mattered in a hook-up," I admitted.
A look of sheer frustration crossed her eyes, but it didn't last for long because in a matter of seconds, we heard the doorbell ring.
"f**k," we both said at the same time. "It's only 9am, who is at the door?"
"How would I know," she retorted back. "Now what do we do?"
"Well whoever it is, they certainly cannot see you like this... Go to the bedroom!"
She rolled her eyes before grabbing her coffee and heading to the room.
The doorbell rang again, accompanied by a couple of loud bangs as well. And so, I rushed to the door as soon as I can to open it.
"Neil, where have you been?" DD smirked. I swear to God I was going to murder this guy. "Why are you here?" I snapped.
"Calm down, I came to warn you that your family is heading back from their trip early. There was some sort of accident which led to long train delays, so they called me to arrange a way for them to travel back," he shrugged.
"But why are you here? You could've called... You know I have company!!" I whispered the last bit.
Suppressing his laughter, he said, "I tried, check your phone! And they didn't call you because they wanted to surprise you. So if you think about it, it'd be better if you thanked me for saving your ass instead of asking me why I'm here!"
"Fine fine, thank you DDji," sarcasm dripping from my voice intentionally.
"Sooo, where is she?" he winked, "and how was it?" I wanted to throw him an angry glance but the events that had conspired last night crossed my mind again, because of which a small smile managed to escape.
"You really shouldn't be encouraging a married man to have fun with hook-ups," a sarcastic voice echoed from the kitchen. I saw her grab something from the kitchen, after which she walked back to the room [probably because she was still just in my tee].
"Anyway, I'll leave you two to it. Have fun!" he laughed some more and walked out, very well aware that I was not happy with the disturbance in plans. I sat at the kitchen table for a bit before mustering the courage to go in the room.
"Ananyaaa!" I yelled out to her, grabbing my coffee and entering my room. I leaned against the dresser, "This is it I guess?" I sighed, not wanting this to end.
"Really should've hidden the ring, don't you think?"
"Can't we just ignore it?"
She got off the bed and slowly walked towards me. "I guess it doesn't bother me as much. I mean I have always wanted to have an affair with a married man," she spoke rather seductively.
But I caught onto the drift and pulled her by her waist. And I have always wanted to hook-up with a beautiful woman I have never met before," I said slowly, my lips now dangerously close to her skin.
Her breathing became shallow and my heart started pounding... I was just about to take it even further when we were unexpectedly interrupted.
"Di? Jiju?" Aman screamed, an equally shocked Ali standing beside him. "Have you two lost it?"
We turned to face the two devils smirking as they saw us like this for the first time - me leaning on the dressed with my hands around Avni's waist, and her one hand on my chest while the other caressed my cheek.
Pulling myself back, I adjusted my hands and used them to support myself on the dresser while Avni just took a few steps back.
"We just said all that because we knew you guys were at the door," Avni shrugged confidently, though her quivering voice was clearly giving up the truth. Aman laughed while Ali still held his smirk, "Oh sure. But Avni, what was the need to be so involved in the dialogue?" he feigned innocence.
"Method acting Ali!" Aman playfully hit his shoulder.
"Okay enough you two. Just because I'm not stopping you doesn't mean you'll say anything," I straightened up, not wanting the conversation to go anywhere near which direction it was currently approaching. "And don't you know you should always knock before coming? Anyway where's Bebe? I'm going to go meet her," I said, quickly adding the last bit to escape the situation.
Avni tried following me, but Ali stopped her. "What happened?" she asked, her voice still a little shaky.
"Next time, get a room guys," Aman said before sprinting away.
"This is too much," I tried following him, but he shut his door before I could reach. I went back to Avni but she was too flustered to even look at me. I kissed her cheek [really couldn't help myself there] and left to see Bebe.
"What a day right?" I sighed as we finally settled in our bed, her leaning against the headboard while I lay my head in her lap.
"An adventure to say the least," she responded, gently stroking my hair.
"So that's two things off your bucket list!"
"Two things? That was just one!"
"Well a), a hook-up with a stranger - or well, a pretend one at least, and b), dominate your man in the bedroom. Role-play can do wonders for our sex life, don't you think?"
Her eyes widened, "Neilll," she looked away, hiding the blush that I knew was adorning her cheeks.
"Neil, please remember to take the ring off next time. It throws me all off, and then I start being the same Avni and get all awkward," she pouted, looking down as she fiddled with her fingers. "It was so fun to be Ananya Verma. Almost like an alter-ego where I could be seductive and all. But when I think of you as my husband, I just get all shy and conscious," she spoke with a tinge of disappointment. I tucked the loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled, "But the fact that you are Mrs. Khanna really turns me on, so what can I do?" I whispered in her ear.
She hit me with the pillow and covered her face, "Stop it naa!"
But instead, I went closer to her and whispered in her ear, "You have no idea how seductive you can be, as Ananya and as Avni." I kissed her earlobe, as she blushed some more. She bit her lip as my lips slowly traced her neck, eliciting a slight moan from her. I knew the night was still young, and so another brilliant idea sparked in my mind.
"So Ananya, what happened to our planned workout session?"
"Neil," her voice serious all of a sudden. "Your parents and Bebe? They're all home!" she whispered, though her tone wasn't seductive at all. If I wasn't so turned on by the idea itself, I swear that would have been a buzzkill.
"Ms. Verma, my wife is not here, and that's what matters right?" I questioned her, hoping my tubelight wife would get the point.
"Ohh, another masquerade monsieur?"
She contemplated the idea, thankfully. She threw me down and sat on top of me - slowly kissing my cheek as she took my ring off. "I can get used to this!" she said before removing her kurti.
I smirked, "Let's get back to business Khanna," and so we did, for the rest of the night.