Mishti goes to her in RJV and kuhu follows her and she is still upset because mishti spoiled their honey moon but she just gets quiet when mishti puts pic of their when they 13 years and they are hugging each other where mishku having a huge height difference…
Abir and kunal reached to mishbir room but halted as mishti is speaking to kuhu…
Mishti says today I will speak and you have to listen… firstthing I don’t like you but I don’t hate you… I hope u remember when u first came to Singhania house where for few days you didn’t even spoke a word except papa that too for naithik taaya ji… I hope you remember that right…? Kuhu nods in a yes… when you came to me and you are not even good friends…I made you cry, I called you theif, unknowingly I teared your mom’s photo and I even got angry when everyone are giving you more attention and even you wore my dresses too… but when akshara taayi ji ne saamjaya that you are family I accepted you and made everything to keep you happy… when you want to eat chicken I bought live hen for you so that you can eat your favourite dish but ghar pe hungama hogaya(both laughs remembering the incident) and after that you took my keyboard and playing our family song and again I got angry on you for taking my things with out my permission and again everyone in the house supported you and scolded me…. I was again mad at you but when you fell down iam the one to come to rescue and took care of you… even naira didi is mad at you because naithik taya ji is not giving time for her and naithik taya ji is over protective towards you and we all are ignored but we again are back with one another and bonded very well…even ananya di is not ready to share shaurya uncle but when she got to know about you she never looked at you like that and even started taking care of your as a sister… when you came I am living with all family members but not with my mom and dad… they left home and living separately but I am here with everyone as I cant leave them…
When everyone got to know shuarya uncle is your father you went to MAH house and then it became very difficult for everyone but all adjusted and made sure you are fine… even you never left any chance to be friendly with them… you use to cook in your kitchen set and serve tea for all and made every effort to make easy for them and for you too(both mishku laughs remembering the time)… we went to village for naksh’s bhai wedding but there also we fought when my mom said you are unlucky and I said this to everyone and again all scolded me… when naksh bhiya caught in grain yard you found him first and we made a team and told everyone that where naksh bhiaya is and we again became friends and even we fought with nannu and made him alone…after wedding we went back to our respected homes…
when you got fever varsha aunty took care of you and they got you home as you didn’t accept shaurya uncle has father and still continued to think naitik taya ji as your father but varsha aunty made sure you accept him as your father… more than shourya uncle varsha aunty made sure you get all love and respect and you also never gave any chance to varsha aunty to think that she is not your real mom… you always made sure to be good looks of everyone in MAH house but I am not like that in childhood… I made every mischevious things and made sure everyone to pamper more and more…
when naira didi went missing after our picnic you got very scared asked BM that is some dead like your mother but BM made sure you didnt go trough that again and kuhu remember the things between her and BM… Flash back of kuhu…when she BM called her pari and how they played hide and seek in MAH house and how she spent her childhood with nannu and family members… naira didi again went missing and our lives changed drastically and we became calm and mature… even nannu went to USA with his parents but we are in same city and we have met each and every occasion we got and you always supported me and fought with everyone when someone comments or tease me about my height… your never left my side and always called me didu and use to come after me and listen to me what ever i said... even you got angry on that happy and want to punish him but asked you to leave him and with out any argument you agreed to me and said next time you wont leave him if he do anything... Nakshu bhaiyya use to call you as (kuhu) mishti ka bada baqkt to you and we use to laugh on that...
Naira didi returned to our lives after 10 years and again I came back to my mischvious avatar and BFF came into my life… he use to live in your house and took care of you and even he made nannu out of drugs but he is my BFF and like you he protected me every time and pampered me to the core… when everyone accepted kaira relation my BFF was first to thank me and may be this the only help which is useful I did in entire life… after that akshara taayiji passed away i and again singhania house became life less but everyone are with me and never made me feel alone but after this incident everything changed… naira di got married and went to her sasuraal leaving me alone and with in a year my mom married to someone and left me at singhania’s because she don’t want my baggage in her new life…
Then one fine day BM came and I heard my daadi and BM conversation about me sending to MAH house and they want me to leave that city too… I cried a lot and never want to leave singhania house even my mom and dad left me alone… I don’t have akshara taayi ji or naira di to understand what I went trough but everyone in the house want me kick out either by hook or by crook… kuhu interrupts conversation and says its for your betterment and your father is black mailing singhania’s so they sent you to us…
mishti says when we are in teens…we understand only what we heard and what we see… so for me my mom left, my father left and finally my family… I came here we use to be good in start but we started fighting for each and everything in our room…kuhu says that because when you came they forgot its my birthday and pampered you, you always got everything without asking like dolls, books, cycle, love and affection… everyone treated me like i am nothing to them and you also never left any opportunity to be good with them and you always got first in all the things you participated…
mishti laughs and says I didnt have any choice than being good and coming first… its not like what you think…let me explain… when I came to MAH house it took long time to trust with every family member because I lost my trust on me…I am only in mode of everyone left and I don’t know the reason of that…one fine day some one writes on my hand that “I AM CHOR KI BETI” that’sit I broke down completely and my first paink attack I came across and after that it continued for a year or two and BM –BP were even more careful of anything and everything that related to me… when I see the care and love from BM-BP …I always use to think how can I justify them and their love… kuhu again says dada – dadi never loved you to get anything from you… mishti sighs and says I understood that when abir said it to me on your engagement day with kunal… I am scared, mad at my self and don’t know what to do what to talk and to share with whom… BM listens to me and I can say everything but the abandoned from my own family feared me to the core that I cant share anything with anyone… I became silent, read as much as I can so that one fine day if BM-BP also feels abandoning me like my own family did… I wanted to be carrier oriented and stand on my own because I know one or the other day I will all be alone again…
I never competed with you… even I want to shout, I want to yell, I want to throw things when I mad I want to be angry, I want to bunk classes and do all the fun… but never dared to do it nor that ever came into my mind… its very difficult for me each and every day to forget what my family did and how BM-BP nurturing me more than akshara taayiji… It became difficult for me because of you and jasmeet aunty…you always wanted me to leave the MAH house and jasmeet aunty mooh boli word made me more stubborn on believing that I am not fit for being in MAH family…
Kuhu says I wanted you to react and talk to me but you always avoided and in mode on #mishtimahaan… mishti laughs and says if I am that mahaan then why everyone left me… what ever Singhania’s did leave it… you never stopped yourself from bitching me nor jasmeet aunty stopped calling me moohbholi… varsha aunty and shaurya uncle accepted me but not completely… only BM-BP accepted me… so I always tried to be as much as good I can… BP-BM gave me everything before I asked it for so I never had anything to ask from them and coming to designers bags and luxuries I can ask BP-BM and they can never say NO to me but I couldn’t ask them now and forever… at this moment also I feel why everyone left me alone…
Kuhu says no one ever left you but you never entertained anyone to come near you… mishti answers it by saying because I lost with myself and never accepted by myself that I have right on happiness, I have right on loving myself, I have right on BP-BM. When abir came into my life he made me realise all these but see today he also left me alone by saying he want to be with kunal… this is not first time abir left me for kunal… he choosen kunal over me and did break up with me with out any fault of mine.. I never a said word to abir in that regard because I am at fault too… when I know the truth its my responsibility share with abir but I just kept quiet because its meenu-parul secret and they have rights on it and not me… today again abir kidnapped us and made holiday plan but at the end of the day I am the one who blamed… I don’t want to give any explanation for this matter again and again but what I said in resort is true and if u want you can believe or leave it…
Mishti phone rings and its BM… she picks the call and speaks as normally as she can… BM knows something is troubling her and asks what bothering her but she says nothing I am tired as we just came from resort… BM don’t wantto believe but gives in and says about upcoming ghanghor festival and its after a week and asks her to come home and select what she want but mishti can I come and stay for few days.. BM suprised by hearing this from mishti but she says its your home you can when ever you want and asks about kuhu…mishti gives phone to kuhu and BM says to kuhu about festival and asks her to come along with mishti to select what she want… kuhu nods and they cut the call…
Mishti says to kuhu not to come with her and today I am leaving RJV house and soon MAH too… kuhu is astonished by mishti’s statement and says are you gone mad or what… mishti says you should be happy as I am fulfilling your 10 years dream by leaving both the houses… kuhu asks mishti why she is behaving weiredly today to which mishti says I just kept hopes on abir and today he trashed my hopes again and with no fault of mine… leaving abir is living like a dead body for me which you cant imagine…kunal don’t want to be with you and gave you divorce papers but you wanted to stay and try for it till the end and see you succeeded but for me abir is everything and more than myself I kept abir high but he broke it once again... Nannu managed me at that time and took care of me and he promised me if abir still loves me he will make sure we get married and I came back for abir fought with him to accept that he loves me but you know what happened… today we are married but again abir left me… Today I don’t have anyone to support me and nor I need anyone support because I lost myself again and I don’t have that himmat in me to fight again and bare the consequences… A last request don’t come to MAH house until I leave from there… I know you wont listen to me but if consider me as your mishtu didu then please don’t come and she leaves the room with her language and abir sees this and have tears…
Kuhu sees both abir-kunal and about to speak but abir just gives her a look and she just shuts her mouth…
Kuhu remembers all her childhood with varsha and how she always made sure no to get any complaints or anything that hurt varsha…morethan my papa I love my mumma… because its very difficult for her to raise me but she raised me without any pain on her face because having me in their life is nothing less remembering my father betrayal to mumma but she did it very efficiently… she thinks of mishti and her behaviour , their talks, their friendship and everything about them… she realised how difficult it for both of them to undergo all this but they went trough it… kuhu suddenly runs to abir’s room and knocks door and she sees it already open and talks to to abir by saying I know I did wrong not today but many times but right now we have to go MAH house… abir says did u forget what mishti said to you… I know what she said but its not about me and mishti or you and kunal… its about mishti… something definitely happened to her because of that she is behaving like this… abir asks how should I believe you to which kuhu says I know mishti well… she left this house and leaving MAH is not because you choose kunal over her its because something hit hard from past and took this decision… I will ask kunal to take car and please just wash your face and come… its really urgent and important too…
Mishti reaches MAH house and greets everyone… everyone observed change in her but they don’t want talk to her infront of jasmeet…mishti went to her room and thrown all the things on the floor which belonged to her from childhood and the dairies in which she wrote how she misses her mom and dad… mean while abir and kuku reach MAH house and abir is about to enter from main entrance but kuhu stops him and says we cant go inside like this…first I want to go to our room and check on mishti… abir agrees to her and asks kuhu from where they should go to which kuhu says only one way by climbing up from here… abir says ok and starts climbing up and kunal to do the same and helps kuhu… they hear mishti’s cry and sounds of books and some belongings as she is still throwing everything… kuhu never seen mishti like this and her doubts gets confirmed that something from past came infront of her…
Mishti phone rings and it was nannu… she immediately picks the call and continues her sobs while talking to him and he didn’t expected this from her and asks what happened she didn’t say anything to him and just said she had a fight with abir and came to MAH house and says I never thought abir will do like this again with me but he did it… nannu takes abir’s side by saying he wont do anything like that may be you misunderstood him but mishti gets angry on nannu and asks why he is taking his side… nannu says what happened on their wedding and how he left abir to death to just marry her and even says he knows real reason of their break up before her…. Mishti didn’t except this from her best friend and says you too betrayed me and cuts the and throws her phone in anger… kuhu-kunal, Abir witnessed this and kuhu immediately calls nannu and asks what he said to mishti and he says what he did and asks sorry from her but she scolds him and says what mess you have created… I never expected this from you…he says sorry to kuhu again and says every one of us done our own set of mistakes and our elders accepted us with that flaws but I think its time for you too think about mishti and your relation… me and ananya di love mishti and she is part our life before you came into our lives and you think me and ananya di love mishti more than you but that’s not the case… we know what mishti went trough because mishti ne muje tab saath diya when my mom gave upon me and mishti is special to me and we love you both equally… don’t compare yourself with mishti… mishti can never be kuhu and kuhu never be mishti… so think on what I said and be with mishti she wont talk to me again but I am least bothered about it right now and as far as I know her its not about abir but kuch tho hua hain and when know the reason inform me…
Mishti was un controllable after one by one incidents she faced today and remains of first incident she faced today morning recalling how she saw her mom with a 10 year old girl and how she is pampering her which she never used to get from karishma… she just writes on her diary that why you hate me so much mom and cries but when she realiases she is getting panic attacks she searches for her medicine and takes it… all three observes this and want to go inside but stops themselves and they see a car entering form MAH main gate and kuhu recognises them as SINGHANIA’s and says abir bro aaj aapka kismat hi karab hain and abir asks why? kuhu says they are SINGHANIA’s mishti’s family and if mishti sees them then everyone are gone and especially mishti. I don’t know what will she do… kuhu says I will jump from here and go down and you both keep a look on mishti and jumps from there… when abir – kunal see kuhu landed safely they turn towards mishti but they don’t find her… they think she might went to rest room and wait for her…
Inside MAH house…. Everyone are surprised to see SIGHNAIA’s and they are happy to see naksh more than anyone… everyone exchange greetings and BP asks the purpose of their visit suddenly and says they want to mishti and wants to give what is akshara’s to mishti as naira wants and they want to mishti’s right to mishti too… mishti hears they just came to give what is mishti’s to her and she looses her control and says again you separated me from you to BM-BP… you always said I am your daughter right then how could you accept this from them by showing jewellery and property papers and says to BP that today you also abounded me by accepting this and runs to her room… kuhut ries to convience mishti by going behind her but mishti just shut the door of their room and asks her to go from here and kuhu calls abir and says what happened inside the house and asks to get inside the room and take care of mishti and asks them to open the door for her…abir comes and hugs mishti but she frees herself from him and asks him to stay away from her.. kunal opens door for kuhu and kuhu comes inside to be with mishti but she even pushes kuhu and says I asked you not to come but never listen to me right? kuhu says its not like that listen to me once but she says she wont and takes her bags and leave…
Mishti says to everyone that she is leaving to delhi and she needs some time to come back… from upstairs they see kuhu and abir-kunal coming and BP asks abir to stop mishti but he says he cant stop her but he cant leave her and says he will go to delhi but not in same flight… everyone worries for her but don’t know whom they should discuss this with then abir says to discuss with karthik and naira… BM says she will call them and dials naira number and she attends the call and says they want to come and see mishti but BM says what happened when SINGHANIA’s visited suddenly but naira says its not only about them but something happened with her… karthik says she will talk to mishti but not here I will go to delhi with naira and we will sort this and asks them not to worry…
BP asks abir what happened to which he says I got angry on mishti without her fault and he says don’t want say it further until he talks to her… he asks kunal to book his flight and everyone moves to mishti’s room and saw the scenario of the room and understand its not only one thing but something major happened… abir goes to mishti’s dairy and see what she written about her mom and tells everyone that may be she has seen her mom today and reacted like this with everyone and abir gives diaries to kuhu where she reads how she felt each and every day with MAH and understands how they are in same boat always…
Kaira and abir reaches delhi…
Abir gets know about mishti’s hotel and says to everyone and asks kaira number so that they can manage mishti first and then he will talk to her…
Karthik calls mishti and says he got to know what happened in MAH house and asks her to send her hotel address and says that he and naira are coming to meet her now…
Mishti meets kaira and says what happened between her and abir from first of wedding and karthik understands and scolds her first by saying you never called me once and said anything to me… when I needed you always you are there with me but when you needed me you just avoided me… did you just think you became that big and you don’t need me… mishti says sorry but karthik is not convieneced and this time mishti catches her ears and says sorry and karthik being her sweet BBF accepts her apology and hugs her… karthik says to mishti that you are important to me and you are first my child and I mean it… so there will be no secrets between us from now on and signals naira to have a girl talk and he excuses himself as he wants to talk to abir…
Naira asks mishti about relation with abir in physical terms while mishti is hesitant but naira says I know we never had this type of relation but you have to say me so that I can explain you how to deal with your married life… I know nani hain ghar par but you cant talk to her so I am asking you… mishti says they never get physical and never spent any romantic moments that they spent in their courtship phase and says it is getting difficult for me to understand him and talk to him… he is always the one who is there with me in my worst situation and never doubted me or my words but understood me but now I am not unable to make understand my feelings and words to him and I am not able to understand what he is trying to say and what he want from me… naira says this happens when you stay with joint family and he have to deal with everyone and make sure you wont affected from them… why don’t you understand from his POV and see the picture… as you said he liked you from your first meet and but never said made every possible thing to accept kunal but he couldn’t see this and went away but comeback for you and again he left you for kunal and he is not happy nor even you.. so you understand his struggle and make him understand that nothing is important for you than him and yes you have to be more careful and understand him more so that he wont be in this shell…mishti asks shell? Like you he is also not expressing his inner emotions mishti ghar pe itna saare log hain par he never said to anyone that he is so much in love with you and so give first preference to him and his feelings and keep yours when he is cool… you have to learn to be deal with his moods and make sure he will word it out for you. if you want talk to him you can talk as he got know you seen your mother today… mishti remembers that incident and becomes sad but says she don’t want to talk with abir now…
karthik comes to abir and introduces himself and says I know what happened between you and her and we don’t have that friendship to talk these things with you but as mishti’s BFF I will say how she was and she is now so that you can understand well and when im not there she became the person what she is infront of you today… karthik asks abir can I continue right? He says ofcourse and karthik starts saying how he saw mishti for the first time and called her pretty lady and how they became BFF… she is very naughty and make all her demands get done by her family … SINGHANIA’s to love her the most… but she never gelled with her parents because they were busy with different things and her mom used to taunt her regarding her height and she became calm and introvert… but when naira returned she is back and even I came into her life…she use to understand me morethan my self… it will be not wrong if I say that mishti understands me better than my wife at age of 14… she use to come tome and always saved from my worst situations… she know that I wont love her and only I can love naira and no one else…but she is happy that she got BF and BFF both in me… I tried very much to get her back to me but I couldn’t made it..she is angry on me for 10 years and the person who called me BFF calls me Jiju and karthik when I met her but as she is my knight and shining armour she again made possible to get my wife back and I said her how I struggled to talk to her and how I want make sure to keep me with her…first she didn’t believe it but eventually believed and she is my first child abir… uski safety is my first priority and her happiness too… I know she is with naana and naani and there no will be better parents than them to mishti… she don’t even hate her parents nor SIGHANIA’s for abaonding her…she only knows to love and believe saamne vala kitna bhi galat kare she believe and gives in easily… she just want acceptance from everyone because she is notable to accept the fact people can accept her with her parents baggage… she is over boarding herself in this but you made her realise the way she is perfect and everyone can have flaws and she is also flawed and its good to be flawed… I understand you how it will be difficult for you to manage wife and everyone…I can only say what ever may be the situation keep your wife on your side because she will be the supporter to you any day… don’t keep things with yourself share with her…if you wont say she cant understand abir…it is very difficult for her to be with you until and unless you wont be with her… I know we men keep many things with us to keep them safe but that is our biggest mistake… the way they manage us we can do it by ourself… when ever she spoke about her and kunal thing but she always mentioned you and we asked her once can she love kunal if not now but after sometime there is no answer from her… what ever may be discussion it is always you and your thoughts and your talks influeneced mishti so talk it out and yes listen to her and make herself listen to you… I can only say this…if you want to talk to her I will convienece her to talk to you… abir says no she needs time but not talking to me or but the thing happened today by seeing her real mom… let just her deal with it… when she calm down I will talk to her and I will take your advice and clear everything…
karthik goes to mishti and asks her to come on date with him… first mishti refuses but karthik makes all puppy faces to manofey her and she goes with him..
when karthik asks what to order for her but abir says from back kichdi and mishti turns to see abir and gets shocked… mishti starts crying seeing abir but he rushes to her hugs her tightly… he calms her and say I AM SORRY and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH… karthik goes from there and asks them to continue their date but says to mishti that their date is pending… mishti says love uBFF and says we continue it at some other time…
Mishti says sorry to abir but abir says I just want to have a date with you and I don’t want any talk now… lets have your favourite and we will do all things according to you wish… mishti ask promise to which abir says promise… they completes their date…
Mishti says I want hear you out… I want to hear what is bothering you this much… abir takes mishti to their room…
First I AM VERY SORRY MISHTI… I know kitna bhi ghussa hoon Ishouldn’t leave you at the resort and go but I went and I want to come back but till then you came and I heard yours and kuhu’s convo in our room… you always said me “WE ARE LOOSING” but I never understood it… I am just concerned about you… Maa is doing each and everything to frame and I am defending you infrontof her… Mishti stops abir and says not this I want to hear from you… why you always keep your feelings with yourself and struggle… its not like that mishti but a glare from her knows what she want to know listens and he says when I broke up with you its very hard for me to say those things to you and push you but I know only this make you move on from me and I made difficult for both of us to go trough that phase… you have family and nannu to support you but I never expressed how hard it for me to stay in home with you and supressed all my feelings… there is no single day that I didn’t miss you nor I want talk with you nor hug you and cry.. I cried many silient tears in our room for all these months and when you came back you changed everything and made more difficult to me and I am out of my shell but in different manner..it came in form of jealousy and anger but I couldn’t tolerate you with nannu… I know he is your best friend and your love is only for ME but I couldn’t take it… when I see you talk with someone more than me then I get jealous and I don’t want anyone to be close with you than me… I never thought I will say this to you but I am saying this… I want you to share each and everything with me, laugh with me, show anger and do what ever you want to do but only with me… I understand your concerns about kuhu but i am just stopping you that doesn’t mean I am not trusting you nor I don’t love you… I LOVE YOU and ONLY YOU… I cant say much to kuhu as she is kunal’s wife and if it is about you she wont even think I am saying for her, she only thinks I am defending you and again she will say something to you… so that’s the reason I wont say much to her but next time if it gets over board I wont stop nor I will tolerate her…
I promise from next time I will come to you and talk to you and I wont be shell of mine keeping everyone happy and hurting myself and hurting you too…
Now I want to listen to you… say what is bothering you..itna tho samaj chukka hoon you have seen your mother but hua kya? She says the incident and cries and asks am I that bad she don’t even return to me or called me once after she left… abir consoles her by saying when god had decided BM as your mom then why that women will call or think about you… she just gave you birth but BM is mom and she will be only your mom... she kisses abir’s cheek and says you always you to listen to me but now you are not listening to me nor talking to me properly… abir says I will listen to you and I will talk to you but now I want to know about kuhu… mishti says I just want her to be good with me and understood what I did in MAH house is the same thing what she did with them when she came there… I expect her to be cordial with me and understand me that we are in same boat and not more than that… coming to SINGHANIA’s what is the need for them to come when I am happy with BM-BP and with you… they didn’t bothered to call me nor came to me when then sent me to MAH… all of a sudden after these many years why? Abir says just think about from where they are coming… BM –BP didn’t say the truth to you and BM always protected you from Naman Agarwal by giving money to him and SINGHANIA’s to did the same they want to protect you so they sent you but I know one thing they are always in touch with BM and asked about you and your well being and if they didn’t ask also… they know that is safer place for you than SIGHANIA SADAN and they never doubt their upbringing and love they show on you… they just don’t want to make any obstacle to you in accepting MAH… mishti nods in a YES and says sorry for her behaviour everyone got upset… abir says after all I made you ziddi tho itna tho banta hain…mishti laughs and hugs him tightly by saying angry, violent,chorni ke saat ab mein ziddi bhi hoon aur sirf aur sirf tumahri hoon…to which abir says AAJ SESIRF HUM HAIN…