Preeran OS : Bedroom fight || Kundali Bhagya || Preeta || Karan

Karan and Preeta has been married with the blessing of both families after they confessed their love to each other. Both of them are very happy with everything but there is saying old things never change. When it comes to sharing things both are pretty demanding specially with each other. Karan who has been in control of his room has to share his room with his baby doll . 

"Hello, Ms Kareli what are you doing comes out from washroom and watches Preeta stuffing her clothes in his closet 

"Can't you see, I am putting my clothes in cupboard, and look at this room you don't know how to keep things tidy Preeta taunts him for making things messy

Karan ; Ms mental, don't forget I am the Karan Luthra, don't question my choice, and why did you remove my clothes 
Preeta : really? look at this torn jeans, as if you are going for boxing championship not a cricketer, by the way this is my room now too, let me do it my way
"My way, I will get another wardrobe for you, keep my clothes insideorders her funnily 
"I will not, what will you do torns his ripped jeans 
Karan : you ripped my jeans?
 "You should check your eyes, that was already torned and I need some space to put my clothes argues with him
Karan ; so you will throw my clothes out, now you wait what I do
Karan mess up the clothes from Preeta's bag and spreads on whole bed. She makes irritated face and both starts throwing clothes and pillows on each other funnily. Preeta reprimands him for tearing her duppatta previously and repays for ripping his jeans. 
"Kareli, I will not spare you for this, actually nobody will blame me for my messy room, now you clean I will leave bye my dear wifey gives flying kiss before leaving but Rakhi bumps on him 
Karan ; hi mom 
"Oh my god, look at this room, Karan holds his ears and takes inside room
Preeta : hi aunty sorry mom, look what your dear son has done 
Karan ; no mom, I was trying to help her and she threw me out of room
Preeta : what? he is lying
"My dear naughty son, don't even try to lie me, I have seen her room, she is not like you now like good husband help her in setting room twists his ears tightly and leaves 
Preeta does not talk with for him for making her bad in front of Rakhi. 
Karan : I said sorry, let me help you 
Preeta : I don't need your help alright I will put my clothes back 
Karan makes an attempt to tease her but things out of hand. Preeta comes out from shower thinking Karan would pacify her but he is busy watching cricket. She takes out frustration on things in room but he does not pay heed. Karan turns the room temperature high purposely. Preeta feels cold inside and confronts him. 
"What are you talking about Karan asks casually 
Preeta : you know I am talking about this (takes the remote from his hand) 
Karan ; actually this is AC is its own rules when somebody hot tempered comes it starts to cool the room. 
Preeta : very funny, now give me remote, I want to lower temperature 
Karan ; Its actually hot in this room, and by the way this is Mumbai okay 
Preeta : exactly, if you don't give me that remote I will throw all your clothes and also your cricket bat should I 
Karan ; hey watt (stands up quickly) take this and leave my bat 
Preeta : do I look like fool this bat is jackpot for me, now do as I say
Karan : you are ordering me, you will have to pay for this 
Preeta makes him clean the whole room which he does happily. During night time Karan builds bridge on bed between them but Preeta takes more side. 
Karan ; are you planning to kick me down from bed, move 
Preeta : I should have same amount of space and give me that blanket I cannot sleep without that 
Karan ; you might be kidding, that is my favorite blanket and I am not giving that to you go take the other 
Preeta tries to take that blanket but Karan pulls that towards him. She goes to sleep without blanket. In midnight Karan feels her shivering and covers her with his favorite duvet. He kisses her forehead before going to bed. Even though he always fights with Preeta but deep down her innocence always makes his heart beat for her. 

Writer : Abhiya 123

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