MayRa SS : The UnVeiling || Beyhadh 2 || Maya || Rudra || Beyhad 2

One: An Introduction

I wasn’t always this way- defined by darkness I mean. Once upon a time, I was ‘as good as gold’, tragic, I know. I’ve always been a firm believer that the ‘good girl’ stereotype is heavily underestimated- in every story they are pure, make no mistakes, wouldn’t hurt a fly and somehow without fail they always find themselves on a pathway to falling in love with the bad boy. It was a terrible cliché, one that became my life and eventually my reason for seeking revenge. My story is anything but the norm, for the bad boy I loved was actually a very bad man and the good girl trope was my undoing.4
See, I was a simple girl, believed everything was as it seemed and never questioned anything, so when someone told me that our choices make us who we are, I believed that at least, for a while. Truth is, we do not have control over all of the events that take place in our lives, the only control we really have is how we choose to react to things but make no mistake, my reactions do not make me who I am. Rumours are rife in our society nowadays, so it’s simpler to just rely on the facts and the only fact you need to know is that sometimes you have to change yourself, be reborn as someone else and that’s exactly what I did, what I had to do.
A psychopath can be characterised as an individual who has no regard for anyone but themselves, is emotionless, conniving and manipulative. The concept was an exhilarating one and despite numerous efforts to see the bad in that label, I eventually came to the harsh reality that there was nothing I’d rather be classed as than a woman with psychopathic tendencies. It sounds strange, but when you had been the victim of situations beyond your control and hurt by those you thought loved you, having all the traits listed above sounded like a dream come true. When I was preparing myself for my journey of revenge I studied hard, embraced my evil and prayed to myself, for I am the only Goddess worthy of praise, prayer and pleas, it was at this time that psychopathy became my muse, I’d go back to the definition, the symptoms and the signs and read it like a bible before I went to bed and when I woke up in the morning. It became a mantra of sorts and one day it became me, and that was the day that all my previous weakness were eradicated.
It's been a while since I published anything, but to write a story you must first create one and over the past few years that’s exactly what I did; crossed every limit, broke every rule and got my revenge. My story is worth being told and everyone should know that a good girl should never be taken too lightly because after light comes dark and without darkness, there would be no need for light and without light, there would be no need for darkness- both are needed to keep the balance. In destroying those that hurt me I had no choice but to douse my soul in murky waters of the blackest kind, allow lava to flow through my veins and crush my heart beneath my heel.
My story begins at the end and finishes at the start- a twisted tale for the most twisted minds, I left no stone unturned and no bridge unburnt. It's only once you know my story that you can then know my name, the final unveiling of the author that left the whole world wondering. As I write these words I find myself questioning whether I did the right thing, but sometimes it’s impossible to rid ourselves of the pesky niceties that often gets us hurt, either way, I am only one move away from winning the game and gaining my blood-drenched throne.
While I am sure you have a million questions as to why I did what I did or what it was exactly that I did, you’ll have to wait for those answers and I promise I’ll tell you everything, but in due time. Maybe then you will all understand that there really is nothing worse than a woman scorned and that when pushed to the limit even the kindest people can become the devil incarnate.
This story is not an apology, nor is it a confession of regret, in fact, this is my story told the exact way I want it to be- in my own words.  Often tales are told over centuries and the lessons taught become blurry and misconstrued, so telling everyone my truth, my way was the only means I had that could ensure no one would ever be confused or make edits to the story of my life.
If I leave you with anything, let it be this: we are the masters of our own destiny, if only we stop fearing the leap. May this tale be the difference between you being the victim and you being the committer, between you being the loser and you being the winner and maybe you will learn from my mistakes and go on to be bigger, better and braver than even I was.+
Just know, I am one final move away from finishing what I started, the cause I am willing to die for, but to know the result of my efforts you’ll have to read on. So, without further ado, I present my tale of revenge, rivalry, love, lust, hatred and hurt.

-Yours, always.

Writer: Querencia Haven

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