Abhigya OS : Seducing My Sweet Husband || Kumkum Bhagya || KKB || Abhi || Pragya

Pragya's P.O.V
So today I planned to seduce my sweet hot and happening Rockstar hubby the highly attitude Abhishek Mehra who is always dominating me only in bed appetite.He is always the one to initiate the move and he is the one who turn me on first.Sometimes I had tried to turn him on but his consecutive music concerts make him lazy and it turned him off.So today I planned to turn on my ROCKSTAR pati by seducing methodology which I got tips from my pyaari nand and naughty sissy.
I have to thank Alia as she took the whole family to Delhi for a family trip and my husband is on meeting.This is the first time I'm trying to seduce him.Im just hoping that he would never laugh while I'm on mission.Well,Today I'm gonna wear semi exposed black net saree with a 1 inch blouse.Actually my saree is just covering two important parts of my body.I had draped saree in lower hip.I had wore lil make up and few more minutes he ll be here.Actually I didn't decorated the room with candles or flowers.
I heard the bell rang,I know it was him.I made my hair to tangle in front and opened the door.I could see his eyes expressed some excitement.He saw me in a different way than normal.Come in,I said with a sweet smile and walked in by showing my back to him.I know his jaw dropped by seeing my exposed back.He immediately locked the door and followed me.
Go and freshup I ll make u something to eat,I said while kneading flour.He just came planted a kiss on my bare back.I was jumping inside yes..I succeeded in my first move I seduced him.He passed his hands by brushing my waist and he interlocked the fingers with me and started to knead the dough.I felt shiver in my spine.He licked my ear lobe and placed a kiss on my cheek.I turned to see him.He was looking at my with full of passion.
Looking hot Mrs.Abhishek I'm gonna have u tonight,he whispered in my ears and lifted me in his arms and walked towards our room.I keep on smiling at him.We reached our room he closed the door with his legs and he made me to stand on my legs.He made me to turn to show my back to him.He kissed my back again.I love this blouse..It suits you best,He said.I felt happy and turned towards him.He glanced me from head to toe.
Hey what kinda blouse u r wearing damn it is well exposing ur deep cleavage not bad..wait..wait..u made all this to seduce me or what,He caught me so easily and I bit my lips in frustration.He smiled at me.Well not bad fuggi I love this in u,looking damn hot but it's not at all necessary to turn me on..Ur sweet smile is more enough but today u r rushing to my harmones so I'm gonna have u today,He said with a grin.
He buried his face in my neck by slowly sucking,nibbing and biting.I moaned.He slowly opens the dori knot which made my blouse even looser.I shiverd when his lips touched my back.He lifted me again and placed in center of our huge bed.I could see love lust passion in his eyes as he could see in my eyes.He slowly removed the saree pallu who made me to breathe hard.Damn blouse fuggi,He appreciated.
He kissed my forehead and tugged my hair.I just closed my eyes with his Lip's warmness.He kissed my eyes then nose and he reached my lips I know if our lips meet we couldn't stop that.Before crushing his lips with mine he looked at me with a naughty grin.I smiled at him and pressed my lips on him by pulling him to me.Now we were kissing passionately he bit my lower lip which made me to let a moan he took the advantage of the situation and invaded his tounge into mine.Our tounge were playing with each other.
My hands were roaming around his back while his hands circling my c*** over my petticoat.My spine was rushing.He pulled his tounge out and licked all my lips wetness.I captured his lips again in pleasure.After a unbreathable moment we broke the kiss.He nuzzled to my neck and sucked my flesh and bitted my earlobe.I bitted his neck crook in return.I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and throwed it away.Now my hands had more access on his well muscled body.My every touch made him to feel more.
He slowly moved from my crook to my cleavage his favorite place to burry his face ever.He kissed and nuzzled in my cleavage I arched back in pleasure.He took his hand to my back and unhooked my blouse for his surprise I'm braless.He made a smile at me for being braless.U made my work easier thanks to u,He said with a cheeky smile.I blushed.He kissed my breasts and moved on to my south.I was really disappointed and I looked at him with a disappointment then he smiled at me I realized he was teasing me.
He roughly nuzzled to my cleavage and moved his lips over my breasts I was gaining pleasure in his every move I arched back by clutching his strong arm.He was moving his lips over my breasts by cupping it in his palm.I badly want him to do this.He pinched my stiffened nipples and massaged my breasts in most beautiful way.I felt like being heaven.He placed a kiss on my nipples and start to suck the one and other was busy in his hands.I was dying in pleasure he is giving to me.Oh my god Abhi,I moaned.He roughly placed kisses all over my breasts and stomach.
Suddenly he rolled me to top of him by holding me by waist.My nipples were brushing his stumble.He smiles at me.I kissed him over his face and bit his lips with my sharp teeths.Off..Fuggi.. Tomorrow world ll know that Rockstar's wife is so violent on kissing,he teased.I kissed his stumble and pulled in-between my fingers.Thats it he rolled me again and he was on top of me.He roughly kissed my stomach and he unzipped his pants and throwed away leaving himself in boxers.
He unknotted my petticoat.He smiled and kissed me on my c***.I got up in pleasure he pushed me back to the bed by placing his hand on my chest actually on my breast.I laid back.While he removed his boxers and panties we were naked.He inserted his finger to my entrance.I was pulling his hair in pleasure.He inserted two fingers to make more comfortable.Oh Abhi..U r squeezing my wall,I screamed in pain.We had intense moment but never ever we were one.Today we are gonna be one body one soul,he said by licking my juice and kissed my entrance.I felt so happy finally we gonna made out today.He thursts his fingers faster to make me enough wet to enter himself.
I keep on moaning in every thurts.He was highly enjoying my moans.Fuggi it ll pain a bit but u ll enjoy it and today we gonna make our baby feel happy don't feel bad,he said by looking to my eyes.I ll never feel bad I want u inside me and we'll make our baby tonight,I assured him.He inserted himself inside me I moaned aloud in pain and pleasure.He wiped my tears with thumb and kissed me.He pushed himself more inside me I could feel his liquid entering my womb.Abhi...Abhi..,I moaned.He made few more full thursts I could feel I was filling with his juice he hugged me fully our bodies were Still connected and attached with each other.
After successful thursts he laid besides me by pressing his body close to me.I feel complete thanks to u Rockstar,I said by kissing his wet fingers.We positioned ourselves and I nuzzled close to his chest and throwed my legs over his leg and cuddled.He kissed my forehead and we both dozed off after the sweet love making and today was my day as I succeed in it,The thought made me to chuckle.
Morning I woked earlier to him I could feel slight pain in my orgsm I wored his light shirt by leaving top two buttons in open I gone to prepare his coffee.While I'm preparing a pair of arms hugged me from back and nuzzled on my neck with a lazy good morning.I smiled at a grown up child and said,Good morning sweet hubby.I turned to gave him his coffee he was just standing in his boxers.He clutched my waist tight and made his seat on kitchen slab by cradling me in his arms.Woked up with great mood Rockstar,I teased.He nodded and asked for his coffee.I forwarded the mug.My hands were busy in holding my hot wife,he winked.I made him to drink his coffee.I placed the mug down.
He nuzzled onto my neck.Abhi..we have to freshup,I said him.But baby u turned me on again..Ur nipples are clearly visible and i can't take my hands off u,he said while nuzzling close.Abhi...,I pulled his head out.He was not in mood to leave me actually I too don't want that but feeling  the stickiness over my body after the making out.He pulled my lips onto his lips we had rough kiss.How ur coffee tastes baby,He teased after the kiss.Not bad,I replied.I think u didn't taste well..U have to taste more,By saying this he got me into another kiss and soon his hands unbuttoned my shirt I was naked again.He lifted me to our room.And we started the same which we cant stop.
- The End-

Writer: ElizaVirat

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