ArShi OS: Poolside Escapades | IPKKND OS | Arnav | Khushi | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon

A small smile graced Arnav Singh Raizada's lips when the sound of laughter met his ears as he walked through the doors of Shantivan. His eyes followed the sound to the living room where his family was seated and discussing something seemingly hilarious, the look on NK's face hinted that his butchering of the Hindi language was the probable culprit. His wife, as always, was missing but the aroma that permeated the air gave her location away.

"Chote! You're back, have a seat! Anjali said as soon as she saw her brother approaching. Arnav took off his coat and handed it to Hari Prakash (HP) along with his bag before sitting down on the sofa, and unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt before rolling them up his arms.  His family greeted him enthusiastically having missed him at dinner for the past few days, as he usually left the house before they got up and returned after they had gone to bed due to an important deal.
"Congratulations Chote, Aakash told us that AR got the deal. Khushi bitiya is making kheer to celebrate. Nani smiled at her grandson, marveling at yet another accomplishment.
"Hello hi bye bye, yes yes, we're having kheer after such a long time, the bahus of this house are rather lazy. Mami murmured while pointedly glaring at Payal, Aakash rolled his eyes at his mother's antics. Anjali shook her head and ushered everyone over to the dining table that HP was filling up with their dinner. Arnav's eyes went towards the entrance of the kitchen knowing that his wife was bound to make her way to the dining room soon, but he was disappointed once again as HP walked out with yet another large bowl.
"Di, I'll be right back. Arnav said flashing his phone at his sister, who just shook her head and sighed at her workaholic brother but walked towards the dining room table without him anyways.
Arnav made his way to the kitchen hoping to see his wife, he missed her over the past week, he had gotten home past midnight every day and his wife had been sleeping in Nani's room because Nani hadn't been feeling well. Arnav bumped into HP just outside the entrance to the kitchen, HP gave him a knowing look with a small smile on his face but scurried away as Arnav arched his eyebrow at him. Unbelievable. Arnav shook his head as he walked into the kitchen, his wife was leaning over the stove stirring, as expected.
He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, and took her in. Khushi was wearing the saree his mind automatically flashed to a night long ago when he had walked downstairs to find her surrounded by diyas, her face illuminated by the soft light, her hair flowing behind her as she kneeled and lit diyas with a smile on her face, wearing a saree in his favourite colour. His body and brain had disconnected as his feet had carried him towards her, her eyes had met his in question, and he had known that he should have looked away but he couldn't. And then she had gotten up and he was sure that she had never looked more beautiful to him.
Arnav approached his wife slowly and quietly hoping that she wouldn't catch on, but that was never possible. Khushi seemed to have some kind of sensor that told her when he was near, because he saw her straighten in awareness before he was even behind her.
"Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, you wore this saree on purpose didn't you?" Arnav whispered into Khushi's ear as his strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind, his hands coming to rest on her bare stomach under her pallu and his head resting on her shoulder. A smile erupted on Khushi's face when she felt the stubble of his beard against the skin of her jaw.
"The world doesn't revolve around you, Laad Governor." She said as she threw in some crushed elaichi into the kheer and turned the stove off letting the aroma of the elaichi saturate the air.
"Really? Arnav chuckled in her ear. "Let me see, the red saree along with the first set of bangles I bought for you, your hair is down and you smell like roses. He said nuzzling her neck knowing exactly what the feel of his prickly beard against the sensitive skin of her neck did to her. And as he expected, a soft moan left her lips as her eyes closed on their own accord, his hands pushed against her stomach lightly pulling the back of her body against the front of his.
"Arnav, stop." She whispered but she didn't even sound convincing to her own ears and her body betrayed her as always, her head tilted slightly giving Arnav more access to her neck. "Someone is going to walk in, I don't want to scare HP again.
Arnav chuckled against her neck, the vibrations caused a shiver to run through her. "HP knows that he should avoid the kitchen when we're in here together. He whispered trailing kisses from the side of her neck up to her ears. Khushi could feel him smile against her skin and could imagine the smirk on his face. The contrasting feeling of his soft lips and his prickly beard sent a pang of desire through her without fail, she felt the familiar tightening in her stomach that seemed to come about without fail whenever he was around.
He pressed his body flush against the back of hers and ran his nose along the column of her neck slowly, the act still caused goose bumps to erupt all over her body no matter how many times he did it. Her head tilted back against his chest as the small kisses beneath her ear turned into nips at the base of her neck, he pulled her even closer as his hands began to caress her body, everywhere. His fingers traced the skin of her stomach lightly and the moan that came out of her mouth was almost embarrassing to her, he knew just how to work her up and she loved and hated it at the same time.
She pushed against him and turned in his arms to look up at him. He had lost the grey coat he was wearing in the morning, but he still had the crisp oxford blue shirt on, it was rolled up his arms leaving his forearms and the veins that she loved to trace exposed. His eyes were hooded and dark, his lips parted, and that alone sent tingles down her spine. He knew exactly what he was doing to her because he gave her that sexy smile where one corner of his mouth pulled up higher than the other.
"Hi. He murmured. Khushi smiled as he leaned down and caught her lips with his. His lips were surprisingly soft and pillow-y, but there was nothing soft about the way he was kissing her. There was no hesitation as their mouths moved together, her hands found their way around his shoulders and her fingers found purchase in his soft hair as their tongues moved together seamlessly, each sweep, lick and suck perfectly matched. They had perfected this dance yet it changed every time. His hands trailed down the side of her body, his thumbs grazed the side of her breasts over her blouse eliciting a soft moan from her. Arnav loved the sound of her moans, they were usually quiet and raspy and when she was really aroused they were really loud and shrill. His hands moved up her stomach and over her blouseher body hummed in anticipation as his rough hands splayed against her breasts, causing her nipples to tighten at the touch.
He interrupted their frantic kisses to take her lower lip between his teeth, tugging slightly in the way he knew she loved. He smiled when she ran her nails lightly down his back as he tugged on her lips causing him to elicit a groan this time. She smiled - she knew what worked him up just as well, he loved it when she dragged her nails down his back. He pulled away slightly, his eyes hooded with desire and pulled her closer to him, molding the front of his body against hers, a groan left her mouth when he pressed into her.
"Upstairs. He murmured against her neck as he resumed licking and biting the soft skin, her head was thrown back allowing him to nip the skin of her neck to his heart's content, she felt the sting of his nip and the base of her neck.
"Later. She responded but she couldn't move away even though she knew she should have.
"I need you. His voice was hoarse and she felt the throbbing between her legs intensify at his words, her eyes met his dark ones and she felt the wetness between her legs grow as her whole body tingled. They stood in the middle of the kitchen for a second, gazing at each other.
Khushi knew her husband well enough to know that he wouldn't just let her go, and as much as she wanted to follow her husband into their room, she couldn't, their family was a few feet away, waiting. Khushi smiled up at her husband and then glanced down at his lips and bit her lip before looking up at him again. She waited until he started leaning down again for another kiss. And when his lips were just about to meet hers, she pushed him away lightly and stepped out of his hold before scurrying out of the kitchen.
"You're going to pay for that Khushi! He yelled from behind her when he realized that he had just been tricked.
Arnav Singh Raizada hated not getting what he wanted right at the moment he wanted it. And he made it abundantly clear throughout the evening. The piercing looks he gave Khushi while she walked around the table made her legs feel like they were going to give out from under her. On top of that, he would accidentally touch her whenever she walked by him making her heart hammer and her body tingle. She regretted her earlier decision, because her stomach was in knots and the throbbing between her legs didn't cease, she needed him just as badly as he needed her.
But she sat at the dining table beside him trying to thwart the hand he had on her knee without indicating what was happening to the family. He would start at her knee and slowly drag his fingers up to her thighs at which point she would either try to pull her legs away or whack his hand. He would stop for a minute and then resume his ministrations while she tried to not choke on the dinner or worse, let out a moan when his long fingers grazed her inner thigh.
"Arnav jistop! She whispered to him while everyone else was preoccupied in Anjali's story. Arnav just smirked and moved his chair closer to hers conspicuously as he popped paneer into his mouth and pretended to be interested in what everyone was saying. Khushi covered his hand with hers trying to push it away and he relented for a while, leaving his hand placed on her knee. She glared at him but he refused to look at her, she knew that he could see it from the corner of his eye though because there was a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Khushi, are you okay? You're a little flushed. Payal said a few minutes later and everyone's eyes turned to Khushi who turned ever redder hoping that no one caught on.
"Haan Khushi, are you okay? Arnav asked with a smile on his face acting like he was concerned while he ran his hand up her thigh; Khushi had never been more tempted to whack someone.
"I am okay. Khushi smiled back hoping everyone would drop the topic, thankfully, Manorama Mami launched into her own tirade in response to Anjali's story. Khushi took Arnav's hand from her thigh and whacked it away. She heard a little chuckle escape his lips and turned towards him to give him a pointed glare as she ate. She waited until his glass was almost up at his lips before placing her hand on his upper thigh and squeezing, she grinned conspicuously as he started coughing when the water went down the wrong tube.
As his coughing stopped he looked down at his wife and raised his glass ever so gently at her, conceding defeat. Khushi smiled up at him and refocused her attention to the rest of the table, who was, thankfully, quite unaware of what was happening.
"Kheer, hello hi! Mami Ji exclaimed happily as Khushi and Payal walked around with bowls of kheer, handing one to everyone. Khushi could feel Arnav's eyes on her as she moved around the room, she finally turned towards her husband and made her way towards him.
"Sugar-free kheer, for you. Khushi said holding the bowl out in front of her. She should have expected it, but she still let out a tiny gasp as his hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her towards him so she was leaning down.
"Your neck looks even more inviting covered with love bites. He murmured softly, his other hand caressing the base of her neck before dropping to his side. He winked at her before taking the bowl from her. It took her a couple of seconds to process what he said and recall the stinging sensation she had felt earlier, she gasped and straightened while messing around with her pallu to make sure her neck was covered. She glared at him but he just smirked and winked at her again.
She made a hmphh sound before bounding over to sit by Payal instead. His eyes didn't leave her, he brought his own hand up to the base of his neck and then rubbed his beard. A chuckle left his mouth when she flushed and looked away, he didn't need to touch her to make her thoughts stray to dangerous territory.
"Nannav, mere bhai, why are you so happy? NK asked trying to figure out why his cousin was laughing.
"Nothing, just thinking about another deal I am working on. It's going really well; my opponent is really close to melting. Arnav said, his eyes locked onto Khushi's the whole time, he had to stop himself from laughing as her mouth opened in shock and then settled into a frown as she glared at him.
"Hello hi bye bye, there is only one thing that can make this kheer betters ice-cream. Phati- I mean Khushi bititya, can you puhleez get me some from the kitchen? Manorama asked Khushi seeing as she was the closest to the kitchen.
"Sure Mami Ji. She smiled getting up and walking towards the kitchen, she looked back and gave her husband a glare as she sashayed out of sight. Arnav smiled as his eyes trailed over her retreating form.
"Laad Governor! Khushi murmured angrily as she opened the freezer door, she was about to take the container out when she felt him behind her.
She turned around and gave him her best glare. "What are you doi-? His lips covered her before she could even finish her question. He pushed her against the counter behind her so her lower back was against the ridge, his hands went on either side of her, trapping her body. A gasp left her mouth when she felt his tongue against her bottom lip, he took advantage of the gasp and suddenly their tongues were tangled together and fighting for dominance. She moaned against his lips, feeling drugged by the taste and feel of him as her body melted into his. They pulled away gasping for air, their eyes met each other's and she let out a small moan at the way he was looking at her.
"Upstairs, now. He murmured, their noses touching.
"You called me a deal - AGAIN. She accused as she came back to her senses, she tried to push him away but he caught her hands between his and held them at his chest.
"Hm, the most important deal in my life, remember? He smiled at her and she groaned, it was so hard to stay mad at him when he said stuff like that and actually smiled rather than smirked.
"I hate you. She whined.
"I love you too. Upstairs, ten minutes or I am going to torture you slowly. He said running his thumb over her bottom lip and pulling her flush against him, she let out a gasp when she felt his hardness against her. Khushi flushed recalling her husband's preferred brand of torture, bringing her right to the edge and then denying her for hours until she begged.

"Phati-Sari, are you making the ice-cream? Manorama's voice came from the living room.
"I'll be right there, Mami Ji! Khushi said back hoping her voice didn't crack. "Ice-cream? She asked looking up at Arnav.
"You. He said, his eyes intently locked onto hers making it clear that the only thing he wanted right then was her. "Ten minutes. He said pecking her lips again before leaving her at the counter and trekking upstairs. Khushi shook herself out of it and grabbed the ice-cream before heading back to the living room. She handed the container to Manorama with a smile, everyone else was finished eating and HP was putting all their bowls on a tray. Manorama handed him the ice-cream container and picked up her bowl before excusing herself to her room.
"Khushi ji, are you okay? Aakash asked noticing her flushed face as he got up to make his way to his room. Payal elbowed Aakash and smirked at Khushi's swollen lips with a grin causing Khushi's flush to deepen.
"Oh ho I understand why it took so long, Chote was also looking for something sweet. Anjali giggled causing Khushi to turn as red as a tomato. Khushi excused herself quickly and rushed up the stairs while trying to ignore the knowing chuckles and jokes that followed behind her as everyone else made their way to their rooms.
Khushi threw the door to their bedroom open, ready to let the Laad Governor have a piece of her mind but her face fell when she found the room empty. She even checked the bathroom and threw open the closet just in case he decided he wanted to hide in there again to be cute. "Stupid Laad Governor, he was acting like he was going to pounce on me as soon as I burst through the doors and he isn't even here. Hai Devi Maiyaa, what must everyone be thinking?! She murmured to herself as she paced the length of the room. "Maybe I should go back downst She stopped abruptly when she heard a noise from the poolside, after her irrational fear died down, she came to the conclusion that her rakshas of a husband was probably outside watering his plants.
Her embarrassment turned into anger again as she marched outside, her movements sharp, her eyebrows lowered and her fists clenched. He was standing by the end of the pool, close to the large tree and she started yelling as soon as he turned towards her. "ARNAV JI! How could you do that? Do you know what everyone is thinking downstairs?! What they said to me?! They were teasing me, Jiji and Aakash Ji were making jokes and do you even know what Di said- She stopped short seeing the look in his eyes, the look he gets when he isn't listening to her but rather undressing her with his eyes. "ARNAV JI, are you even listening to me?! 
He didn't answer her but she could tell that he had heard her but chose to ignore her at the moment in pursuit of another goal. Oh, she could tell when her husband wanted something. He walked with purpose making precise movements with his head lifted, his chest out, and his posture impeccable. She also knew when her husband just wanted her, his eyes were hooded with desire like they were now.
"A-arnav? Khushi stuttered as she stepped back, feeling like the gazelle that had caught the eye of the cheetah that wanted to prey upon her, much like the documentary Arnav was watching the previous week. She slowly started to back away, taking a step back for every step he took forward.
"It's your fault Khushi. He said as he walked towards her with slow, but deliberate steps. "You're wearing that saree, you've been sleeping in Nani's room for the past few days, and you know that I've missed you. His voice was husky Khushi acknowledged that her husband's voice was very sexy all the time, but his voice when he was aroused was beyond sexy it was even deeper and smoother.
Khushi gulped as she moved back, knowing that he was right about the saree, she had worn it on purpose knowing how much he loved it. She jumped a little when her back hit the wall, and he chuckled while closing the distance between them quickly and pinning her to the wall with his body.
"Doesn't this remind you of something? He murmured watching her intently, she was breathing hard and her eyes were clouded over with desire. Her mind flashed back to Diwali at his words, when he had her flush against this wall in the same saree. He continued as soon as a knowing look flashed across her face. "Maybe this time we can finish what we started. He whispered huskily, his lips a mere inch away from hers, their noses touching.
She waited and waited, but he didn't lean in and kiss her. He just looked into her eyes with a small smile on his face, his eyes shone with mischief and love a combination that she had come to love. She waited for him to close the distance between them but he didn't move, she itched to move her hands and pull him down to her but he seemed to guess her intention and pinned her hands over her head. Her lips felt drier and drier with every labored breath that escaped her parted mouth, and the urge to lick them got stronger and stronger until the tip of her tongue darted out and swiped over her bottom lip.
That snapped Arnav's self-control, his hands loosened their hold and his lips met hers, frantically. She pulled her arms loose and wrapped them around his neck and drew him closer so she could feel his body against hers. Their lips moved together desperately, and she could feel the path of his warm hands - sliding up and down the sides of her bare stomach, grazing her breasts over her blouse, and moving down her arms.  Her tongue poked out of her mouth and she traced his bottom lip but his lips stayed firmly shut rather than granting her the access she craved. She groaned in annoyance causing him to let out a chortle against her lips, that was all she needed to deepen their kiss.
His eyes were darker and fiercer when he pulled back and a shiver ran through her body in anticipation as his lips latched onto her jaw, tracing a path down her neck, his beard rubbing against her soft skin. "You know this is exactly what I wanted to do you that night too. He whispered against her neck causing her to gasp.
He pulled back slightly to look at her face, which registered shock causing him to smirk. "Oh, I wanted you like this before I even admitted that I had feelings for you, Khushi. He murmured as his hands trailed up her body from her waist, he pulled her pallu off her shoulder, causing it to hang at her side. He admired deep cut of the blouse and her taut stomach as his hands trailed down and pulled the pleats of her saree out of her skirt. The red saree pooled at her feet, leaving her clad in a red blouse and a matching red skirt.
He only had a second to admire his handiwork before Khushi's hands found their way into his hair and pulled his head up fusing their lips together again. Her hands trailed down his body and to his stomach, pulling his shirt out of his trousers. She wanted him to move back so she could pull the offending piece of clothing over his head, but his mouth just moved down to her neck again when she broke the kiss off, she had learnt very quickly that her husband had a fascination with marking her body with love-bites, especially her neck. She groaned as he nipped his way down her neck and to the skin left exposed by her blouse, her eyes shut tightly as his teeth grazed her nipple over her blouse. Knowing that he wasn't going to move away anytime soon, her hands pulled on his shirt, hard, and she heard the resounding sound of buttons hitting the floor.
"You could have just asked me to take it off, Khushi. Arnav teased as she pressed her body towards him, demanding him to take off her blouse without saying the words. Arnav marveled at how comfortable Khushi had become with her own sexuality in just a couple of months. He moved back a little and Khushi took the opportunity to slide his shirt off his shoulders, leaving his upper body bare. Arnav's large hands splayed across her back as she buried her face into his neck, kissing and nipping at the muscles in his neck and trailing her hands down his toned back and stomach as he worked on unhooking her blouse and bra.
Khushi loved his body and Arnav knew and treasured it, this was why he took his shirt off as soon as he stepped into their room after a jog without fail - just to see his wife's eyes trail over his body slowly. She would spend her time admiring how the sheen of sweat covering his face and upper body made his perfectly sun kissed skin look like it was glowing. Her hands always itched to run along his biceps and trace the long veins that ran from the inside of his elbow to his wrist just like she was doing at the moment.
Her hands trailed up and down his arms, before moving up to his neck. She traced the muscles in his neck with her fingers before trailing them along his clavicle and the two muscles that led from the center of his collarbone up to his jaw, she ran her thumb across the little dip in the center of his neck before running her nails over his prominent Adam's Apple and perfect jawline.
Arnav groaned and pulled her face up to hers again as he whipped her blouse off, his hands immediately closing over her supple breasts, heavy and warm in his hands. Khushi moaned his name and broke off the kiss yet again when his fingers pinched her nipples. Her hands trailed down his chiseled abs which bunched under her hands to unbuckle his slacks, she struggled to get the zipper down because of how tight his pants were at that moment but they fell away from his hips slightly once she managed to wrestle the zipper down exposing his sharp hipbones that made the perfect v leading into his black boxers.
He started nipping the tops of her breast, his arms gripping her waist and his hands playing with her nipples. The feeling of his rough palms against her soft skin made her shudder. His touch alternated between being gentle and rough, he would caress her breasts gently, and then pinch her nipples hard. And then he would kiss them to alleviate the stinging sensation.
"Arnavvv. A moan left her mouth at the feeling of his teeth grazing her nipple, he knew exactly what to do to make her a squirming, withering mess. He had every inch of her body memorized, he knew just when to kiss to make her moan, where to bite to make her groan and what to do to make her gasp and scream his name.
Khushi was a quick study as well, her hand found its way inside his pants and she took a hold of his hardness in her hand, running her hand up and down the length over his boxers making him let out a small grunt of pleasure. But he didn't move away like she expected, continued his assault on her breasts, he rubbed his thumb back and forth over her nipple as his tongue laved, licked and bit the other one before he switched. She could hear the unintelligible moans coming from her own mouth but she couldn't be bothered to control them.
He took his time despite his desperation, he traced her skin with his fingers, then with his lips and then with his tongue. He grazed the sides of her body and smiled as the skin pebbled under his touch. He licked his way down her taut stomach that clenched under his touch making him smile in glee. He blew on the the wet trail he left behind, it made her squirm like it always did. He rubbed his prickly beard against her skin where her stomach dipped causing her to let out a little mewl.
His hands were everywhere again and he pushed down her skirt and panties in one swift move, on any other day he would have disrobed her slowly, piece by piece, and taken the time to appreciate the lace panties that he had filled her drawers with. But today, he was impatient, and all the clothes fell away in a heap. She lost track of his right hand for a second until she felt his long fingers trace the lips to her womanhood, her eyes bugged out and one of her hands clutched his forearm as his fingers entered her, slowly. She gasped his name and threw her head back as he added another finger and curled them inside her while moving them in and out. She could feel him watching her as she writhed, she loved the things he did with those long fingers. She opened her eyes when she felt his fingers still but she didn't see him in front of her like she expected.
Her eyes moved down and found him kneeling in front of her, staring back at her from between her legs with a smirk on his face, he didn't break eye contact as he pushed on her stomach so she was leaning firmly against the wall and lifted one of her long legs over his shoulder. Khushi let out a moan of anticipation as she felt his warm breath against her heat, he trailed his nose up her inner thigh, his hands caressing the back of her thighs and her pert behind. She let out yet another gasp when he rubbed his face against the skin of her thighs, the feel of his beard caused her to let out a long moan.
"Chubti hai? He teased making her flush, he chuckled against her when she gave him a little glare while tightening the leg he had put over his shoulder around his neck indicating that he should get on with it. Arnav grinned up at his wife, a woman who had refused to talk to him for a whole two hours when he first tried to go down on her.
He heard her mewl as his fingers separated her folds, opening her to him. He looked back up at her again, their eyes meeting before he leaned in and took a long swipe with his tongue up the length of her womanhood. Khushi let out a loud groan as her body arched, her head hitting the wall behind her, her eyes closing. All of the air seemed to leave her lungs as Arnav's fingers and tongue wreaked havoc on her body. He would move his fingers in and out of her slowly and then his pace would increase until she was right at the edge before he slowed down again, his tongue worked in tandem with his talented fingers kissing, sucking and licking her sensitive bud.

She was always overwhelmed with pleasure when his face was between her legs and like always, her legs started to shake as she whimpered and writhed, she had been on the edge for hours and this slow torture wasn't helping her. He traced kisses down the inside of her thighs, his fingers still moving in and out of her slowly. "Arnavvv, please. She moaned and a second later she moaned out his name as his mouth trailed back to where she wanted him. He ran his teeth against her c***, lightly, and that was all she needed before her hands found purchase in his hair, holding her to him, her hips rocking against his fingers and mouth begging for release. Her eyes opened and met his when he let out a groan of his own and she felt her breath hitch due to the way he was looking at her as he bit down on her c***. She let out a long moan of his name and her eyes closed again as she thrashed around with the force of her orgasm, her legs quivering. Arnav's hand rubbed her thighs and supported her body as she thrashed around. He coaxed her down with soft laps of his tongue and she melted into the wall, he kissed his way up her body before kissing her nose and causing her eyes to open.
"Hi. He said with a proud smirk as he looked into her eyes.
Khushi didn't say anything, she was still in a haze, and there was a lazy smile on her face as her husband kissed her nose again. Her hands trailed down his body and pushed his pants and boxers down, leaving him just as naked as her once he kicked them off. Khushi took advantage of his momentary distraction and turned them so he was the one pushed against the wall. Her mouth found his neck first and she trailed open mouthed kisses down his body, she was only able to reach as far as his abs before she was pulled back up by her husband.
She made a whining sound which amused Arnav to no end. "You can return the favour later. He told her firmly before capturing her lips and turning them yet again so she was back against the wall.
"A-arnavvv. She tried to protest as his lips broke off, but she stopped short seeing the look in his eyes, his eyes told her that he was done holding back, done being gentle, and done playing. He picked her up effortlessly, her arms wrapped around his shoulders to stabilize herself and her legs went around his thighs so that he supported most of her weight. Before she could even gather her thoughts he was pushing her back further into the wall.
A frustrated growl left Khushi's mouth as he slid his cock along her slit teasingly, back and forth, spreading her wetness around but refusing to enter her. "Arnav, please. She begged again causing him to groan as he aligned himself with her entrance. She let out a whimper as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down just as he pushed upwards, burying himself deep into her wetness. Khushi gasped out his name as he filled her to the hilt, he stood still for a second to let her get used to his size and to stop himself from losing control.
His forehead rested against hers as their legs shook in anticipation, Arnav let out a groan when she clenched her inner muscles around him causing her warmth to tighten further around his cock. Both his hands stayed on her hips as he pulled out almost completely before thrusting into her again. Their lips met in a hungry kiss as she met every thrust, her arms tightening around his neck and her fingers tangling into the hair at the base of his neck, pulling. His precise strokes became frantic and he pounded into her with a frenzied rhythm. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened in a silent gasp, her nails ran down his back when he hit the right spot inside her.
"f**k. She heard him murmur by her ear as she tightened around him causing him to thrust even faster.
"Arnavvv. She moaned as he thrust harder while he nipped at her neck and laved the bite with his tongue. She couldn't get over how every time they had sex it felt different. And she loved being taken against a wall she hadn't told him that explicitly, she couldn't bring herself to say that -  but she was sure he knew. She loved it because she could lean her forehead against his and watch his eyes as they moved together, she could feel his rapid breathing against her skin, and she could hear every single moan and groan that left his mouth. And it was so easy to kiss him like this, to play with his hair, to trace her fingers across his body. It was just so intimate and he went so deep that she felt this satisfying fullness that she couldn't explain.
Arnav took in a deep breath as he watched his wife's face contort with pleasure, she had her head thrown back as he pounded into her, her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth trying to stifle her moans, and her skin was flushed and glistened with sweat. He pulled her toward him and she let out a squeal at the change in angle. Her back arched against his chest, pushing her body closer to his, his hand travelled up to her hair and he buried his fingers in the soft locks tilting her head so he could fuse their lips together to silence her screams as they moved against each other.
He realized that his knees would hurt tomorrow from kneeling earlier and having to bend and thrust while holding her in his arms but at that moment the only thing he cared about was the feel of her around him and the moans of his name that escaped her mouth whenever their lips parted. Having her by the poolside, against this particular wall, was another fantasy he got to cross off his long and ever-growing list.
Khushi broke away from the kiss with a moan yet again, their eyes meeting, she held his gaze as her whimpers grew into pants and soon they were both moaning. Arnav's steady controlled movements turned erratic and his pace changed, he felt her walls clench around him. He pushed them forwards so the wall was supporting her more, before tilting her a bit more so he had more leverage to thrust faster, harder and deeper. A gasp left her mouth and his teeth clenched as he pushed even deeper, her arms were still wrapped around him, her nails were digging in the muscles of his upper back as she tired to hold back the screams that threatened to leave her. One of his hands left her body and she suddenly felt his fingers rubbing her c*** frantically. She threw her head back against the wall as she clenched around him feeling the force of her orgasm hit her like a freight train, her back arched her mouth opened in a silence gasp. The look on her face and the way she tightened around him was enough to pull Arnav over the edge with her. He buried his face into her neck and pushed all the way inside her as he pulsed through his release.
Their bodies slid down the wall and onto the floor, resting on the unravelled fabric of her red saree as they caught their breath. Her hand came up to run through his hair. She could feel his breath against her neck, his stubble against her shoulders, his sweaty body against hers and his weight seemed to be the only thing that kept her conscious. She felt his hand rub soothing circles into her waist as she continued to play with his hair, waiting for their breathing to calm down from gasps to almost-even exhalations. They waited for their pounding hearts to gradually slow down but their bodies still tingled. Her body hummed, her nipples felt tight, and even though the knot in her stomach was gone the muscles of her thighs trembled reminding her of what had just happened.
"Bed. Khushi murmured through her stupor.

"In a minute, I don't think I can move yet. He panted.
"Hmmm. Khushi hummed and then after a couple of seconds teasingly added, "You're getting too old to keep up with me.
Arnav let out a small growl before getting up off the floor and picking her up causing her to squeal. "Arnav Ji!
"Arnav. He reminded her of their deal of calling him Arnav when they were alone as he carried her into the room.
"The clothes! Khushi said referring to the clothes they had thrown around outside.
"Later, you have a favour to return wifey, and then I have to prove to you that I am not getting old. He said throwing her onto the bed causing her to squeal yet again.
Of course, they did forget to pick up their clothes in the morning and they were found scattered everywhere by a mortified HP who wondered how Khushi was not pregnant by now.

Writer : AstonM

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