Pacing up and down in his room, Dev wondered why he'd been doing all of this. After all it was his decision to break up with her. It was he who told her to leave him alone that night. It was he who broke all ties with her. It was he who chose his mother over his lady love.
He stared blankly at the piece of paper in his hand. It was the invitation that he received this morning, Sonakshi's engagement invitation. His heart pained to see some other guy's name printed along with Sona's on the card. And this was not some just random guy, this was the guy his mother, his very own god had chosen for the girl he loved. How devastated he was, when learnt that it was Ma who had sent Ritvik's alliance for Sona.
He sometimes wondered, wether she was doing all of this unknowingly or just purposely, only to keep him away from Sona. He hadn't really understood why she disliked Sonakshi. Little did he know, that his mother wouldn't accept any girl in his life. He had no clue about how insecure his mother was.
But it wasn't entirely his mother's fault now, was it? He had kept their relation a secret. It was because of him, that his mother was hurt. It was he who betrayed his mother's trust. Never had he imagined that he would be the reason for the tears in his mother's eyes. She was everything to him. He worshipped her, and that was the reason, he broke up with Sonakshi that night.
He replayed the whole scenario in his head again. Realization dawned upon him. How foolish was he, how immature was he, how selfish had he become. Instead of diagnosing the problem, and trying to solve it, he preferred to get rid it. This was not one of his business deals, which he cancelled only because he didn't know how to deal with it. This was the relation between the two important parts of his life. But then again, how he sucked in dealing with relations. He cursed himself. How he wished he had thought about it and then taken a call. He wanted to repair everything, he wanted to set things straight, but alas! It was too late. Sonakshi was getting engaged tomorrow, His Sona would become someone else's tomorrow. His chest pained at the mere thought it. More than that his blood boiled thinking that some random guy would just whisk away his lady love forever. How could he let that happen. How could he let Sona away from him. How could he let Sona get engaged tomorrow. How could he see the love of his life getting engaged to someone else.
He had to do something, He had to stop this from happening. "I'm coming Ms. Bose. You're mine, only mine." he whispered to himself.
Dev stopped the car right in front of her house. Aah! That place! As soon as he got down from the car, a resonance of memories came rushing to his mind. Their first rain dance, Their late night romance, and many more. A serene smile played on his lips as he recalled their moments.
It was 1a.m. in the morning, and there he was standing and cherishing their moments outside her house, on the day of her engagement. He was doubtful wether he should do this, doubtful wether he was doing the right thing, doubtful of the consequences. He had promised her that he would never try to meet her again, yet he was here. He'd had enough of pain now, he wanted to set things straight, he wanted to sort it all out. He just wasn't sure if this was the way.
With a million thoughts playing in his head he slowly advanced toward her house. He thought of ringing the doorbell, but then calculated the chaos that would follow, and discarded the idea. He then called her, and to his surprise she picked it up at the first ring. He felt as if she was waiting for his call, as if she knew he was going to call her. But then it struck him, why was she up this late? Why was she not sleeping?
Sonakshi and Dev meet after five years of splitting up when Sona asks him for a divorce so she can get ahead with her life.
What does it take for love to blossom in hardened hearts? Faced with a final parting, will they fight for their love ? Will they fall in love with each others' perfect imperfections again?
All his thoughts were cut when he heard her fragile voice from the other end, "Dev" she whispered, almost sobbed. His eyes widened with shock. She was crying. For what he didn't know. All he knew was that he had to be there, with her, to console her, to comfort her.
Sona opened the door and let Dev inside. "Be careful, everyone's asleep." she said, as Dev was about to close the door with a thud. "I need to talk to you. For the last time. Please Sona." Dev pleaded, pain clear in his voice. For Sona, her insides came crippling down, seeing Dev in such a state. She felt guilty and responsible for his condition. She was scared of what Dev might say, she wondered what was so important, it wasn't only Dev who wanted to talk though. " We should go upstairs, someone might hear us. " she said, not sure of how that sounded. Calling your ex to your room on the eve of your engagement, she cursed herself mentally.
Dev wasn't sure either. He wondered wether he misheard her. Was she really taking him to her room? But then she was just being practical, someone may hear them in the room, thats why. He shrugged away all the insensible thoughts and followed her upstairs.
There was quite an awkward atmosphere in the room. Luckily Elena had decided to sleep with Dadi that night. Dev was looking around in her room, while Sona stared at him blankly. "Mr. Dixit its 1.a.m in the morning. Did you come here to have a look at my room?" she asked, quite irritated. " I need to talk, its very important. " he replied quite shakily. She gave him a nod, gesturing him to continue. "Sona- I mean Ms. Bose, I know I don't deserve you, I know you deserve better than me, but believe me, breaking up with you was the worst decision I ever made in my life. Every second, every minute, every hour of my life I only think about you. You had become the reason for my happiness. You were the reason I felt alive, you were the reason I felt happy, you were the reason for everything in my life Ms. Bose. It was you who brought new colours in my colourless life. It was you who brought a rhythm in my haywire life. You were the one who...." Dev choked on his words, not able to continue further. He was crying profusely and so was Sona.
Sona advanced towards him. Standing on her tippy toes, she wiped his tears with her thumb and held his face in her hands. He was about to say something when she shushed him by keeping her index finger on his lips. " Shhh." she whispered, " You know I love you. I will always love you, no matter what. But you and I, we both know that we can't be together. We need to move on Dev. We need to forget each other, we have to learn to live without each other Dev." she whispered.
They were standing really close, Sona still holding Dev's face gently, as if he would break any moment, as if he was as fragile as glass, both lost in each others eyes. Oh those hazel eyes of his! Sona couldn't help but lose herself in them. Dev stared into her eyes, then at her lips. Biting his lips, he moved in closer to her face. "Dev, this is wrong" Sona barely managed to whisper. It was this effect that Dev had on her, it always managed to catch her off guard. She tried to get out of his grasp, when Dev grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Touching his nose with hers, he pleaded, almost a whisper "Sona, Please..." his hot breath fanning her lips. She dared not look up into his gorgeous eyes, for she knew she wouldn't be able to resist herself then. Dev caressed her cheeks with his hand and tilted her face upwards, their lips almost touching. " I Love You Sona " and he closed the distance between them, claiming her lips. She could feel his lips nibbling on hers slowly. She tried to resist but gave in eventually. She kissed him back with the same intensity, her hands travelling up to his soft locks. He nibbled one her lower lip, asking for entrance. She parted her lips, allowing him, and giving him the permission.
Soon their soft tender kiss turned into a hungry, passionate one. Both fiercely trying to dominate one another, and trying to be as gentle as they could. All their worries, all their pain, all their sorrows forgotten, they kissed each other as if there was no tomorrow. Dev's hand travelled down to her waist, and pulled her more into him. One arm holding Sona steady, and the other reached down her butt, giving it a slight squeeze. Sona moaned into the kiss. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue inside her mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance as Sona snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and thus deepening the kiss.
He broke the kiss leaving both of them breathless. He held her face in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I love you too Dev" she whispered, touching her forehead to his. They stood that way, both panting due to the amazing moment they just shared, gazing into each other's eyes. " Give me one chance Sona, last chance. I'll make everything alright. Everything will be fine. Please." he pleaded. " I don't know Dev. I'm Sorry. I'm just confused. I don't know what to do. I-" "Shhh. Relax. Everything will be fine. Just trust me. Have faith in me Sona. One time. One last time. I'll sort out everything I promise." he said, begged to be precise. " Its too late Dev. I think you should leave." Sona said, cursing herself repeatedly. " I'll wait for you tomorrow Ms. Bose. Think about it." saying that he left, shattered completely. 2
She wanted to trust him. She wanted to believe in him. She wanted to give him that one last chance. But her brain thought otherwise. She didn't want to hurt her parents, she didn't want to hurt Ritvik. Neither did she have the strength to get hurt again. Her heart pained to see Dev's retreating figure, as he sat in his car and drove off. She knew she would always regret not giving him one last chance, but then she had to think practically.
Dev was devastated. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that Sona would hesitate to trust him, that Sona would be reluctant to believe in him. But he was at fault after all. He was the one who broke her trust, broke her heart in the first place. His insides came crippling down when he heard those words from her mouth. You should leave Dev. Those words were echoing in his head again and again. He thought he could have set everything straight, but alas! Sona didn't give him a chance. He felt foolish for thinking that she would. After all that he had done to her, it was obvious that she wouldn't. They atleast had one last moment which they would always remember, one that Dev would always cherish.
Dev smelt the fabric in his hand. It had her fragrance, the same Orange shirt, which she loved. He decided to go to her engagement, hoping she would come back to him, running into his arms. He knew that there were hardly any chances of her doing that but he still liked to go the positive way.
Sona was lost in her thoughts, sitting in front of the mirror, Dadi, Asha and Elena were busy in dressing her up for the grand event. Sona couldn't help but notice how happy each one of them was. Their joy knew no bounds when she had agreed for the marriage with Ritvik. Her brain had so many reasons to reject Dev, but her heart couldn't find one reason to believe in him, to trust him. And Of course, the brain like always won over the heart. She plastered a fake smile and left for the venue with her family.
Dev gave his car keys to the valet, and entered the hall. His heart sank, as he saw the board which read ENGAGEMENT CEREMONY - SONAKSHI & RITVIK
He proceeded further, and entered the hall. The sight that greeted him, crushed him to pieces. Right in front of him was the stage, and there stood the girl, he loved so dearly, dressed in a red velvet saree and a golden blouse, with minimal jewellery, looking as angelic as ever. He stopped right at the door, admiring her beauty, not being able to take his eyes of her. Her kohl lined, coffee brown eyes held some pain, some sadness, it seemed as if they were searching for someone. Dev stood there awestruck, his girl, his lady was standing right in front of him looking devastatingly beautiful, and thats when his heart pained to realize that she wasn't dressed for him, she won't be his girl, his lady anymore. He wouldn't be able to call her his anymore.
Asha gave Sona's hand in Ritvik's who gently slided the solitaire onto her slender finger. It was Sona's turn now. Elena handed her the ring and everyone waited for Sona to do the same. Her eyes scanned the crowd in the hall. They saw everyone, every single person she invited had turned up except for one. Her eyes longed to see the man she loved, the man she most awaited. And then amidst hundreds of people, her coffee brown eyes found his light ones. Both gazing into each other's eyes, both standing still, both expressing their sadness through their eyes.
Dev couldn't take it anymore. Seeing his lady become someone else's wasn't easy. It took him everything to not go and take her in his arms right there. He wasn't there because he wanted to attend the engagement, he was there only to tell Sona that he is waiting, and that he'll always be waiting. As soon as Sona's eyes met his, he gave her a small smile and left from the venue and drove off to some place where he could be alone for sometime. He needed time. He had to get over her, for her sake, for his mothers sake.
Dev was shattered. He recalled all that happened. How he saw hurt and sadness in Sonakshi's eyes, how she looked so simple yet elegant, how his eyes met hers, and how she didn't give him the last chance he wanted.
He was sitting on the bonnet of his car at the same coffee stall where they used to have their late night coffee. He was having a blasting headache, and coffee was the only solution. Sipping on the coffee, he wondered what he would do now. He had to stop thinking about her. That chapter was closed. An hour back he thought he had a chance, but now it was clear, he didn't. He had to forget Sona. He had to stop the drama he was doing. He had to live up to the promise he made her. He had to go back to living the way he used to before she entered his life. He had to support his family. His family which consisted only of his three sisters and his dear mother. His mother whom he loved so much. He had to pretend to be happy for her.
The lane was pitch dark and lonely. It was only him, his car and the coffee stall. Finishing the coffee, he got down from the bonnet of his car, when he noticed a black figure coming his way. Looked like a tall person, saree cladded, he concluded when the figure neared.
Dev's eyes widened at the scene on front of him. There she was. His Ms Bose, His Sonakshi, walking towards him, balancing her heels and saree at the same time, giving him a rather wide smile when he saw her. Dev was taken aback. He was confused. What on earth is this lady doing here?! Oh wait. Dev stop it! You're hallucinating! You have to get over her! Stop this right now! He shook of his thoughts and was about to get in his car when he heard her voice, " Haww! Mr. Dixit. How mean of you! How can you ignore me like that?! " she snapped, quite pissed at him. She was obviously expecting a warm reaction.
Dev realized that she was really there, and that he wasn't hallucinating. Sona came closer to him, snapping her fingers on front of him. Dev came back to his senses. His joy knew no bounds seeing Sona there. " Mr. Di-" before she could say anything, Dev engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. Sona hugged him back. She felt a homely feeling. She felt blood return to her veins, this was where she belonged. This was her home.
For Dev it was as if someone pumped life into his lifeless body. The smell seemed known. It was the same rose perfume that he had gifted her, she had stopped using that lately, he had noticed, she put it on again today. There was silence all over. A cool breeze blowing, on the lonely road, as both stood their in each others arms, heads buried into one others neck. They separated after what seemed ages. 1
" Ms. Bose - " "Its Sonakshi for you." she cut him, grinning widely at him. Oh that smile! How he craved to see that smile everyday. " Sonakshi, what are you doing here? What about your engagement? Where's Ritvik?" " Shh! Calm down Dev. Relax. Umm, can we talk over a cup of coffee? As it is I have all the time to talk to you now. I'm all yours now. " she replied, winking at him.
"Excuse me! Two coffees please!" Dev ordered and both sat in the bonnet, hand in hand. Sona was resting her head on Dev's shoulder and Dev was tracing small circles on her hand with his thumb, a content smile on his face, both wondering what they would do tomorrow.