Kahaan Hum Kahaan Tum 24th September 2019 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Rohit saying redness is more, vitamin deficiency, you get check up done at hospital. Shankar says nothing can happen of your boss. Sonakshi asks what, are you mad, its not your mistake, I m mad to listen to you, what happened to me when you come in front, I just do what you say, is this a joke, I don’t like you like like, stop it now, I beg you. He asks Shankar is the car fixed. Shankar says yes. She says lets go. Rohit stops her. She says enough now, you get your eyes tested, you are a heart surgeon, maybe you can see others feelings. She leaves. Rohit says I didn’t get a chance to say. Ravi says nothing can happen, Sonakshi loves you, you don’t understand. Rohit asks don’t I understand, what.
Pari says mom is going for kitty, Pulkit will come late,
Sonakshi isn’t here, I m home alone. Rohan says wow, it means I should be there. She asks him to take his wife’s permission and come. He says we are shooting the ad in Maldives. She says I can’t refuse to my producer. He says good girl, you can’t refuse for anything. Suman calls her out and asks where is Pulkit. Pari says I don’t know, call him and ask. She goes. Suman gets a call. She asks what, who has come to meet Sonakshi now.
Tanya says Rohan, your secretary called and said you are going to Maldives for new tower campaign. Yash says Sonakshi will be the model. Rohan says no, we want a fresh face. Deepa says Pooja, good choice. Rohan says Praniti Rastogi, not Pooja. Tanya asks why not Pooja, she is beautiful, imagine she will be brand ambassador. Veena says I agree. Rohan says my team and I had contract with Pari. Pooja looks on. Naren says cancel the contract. Rohan says it will look unofficial, Rohit and Sonakshi’s relation just started. Veena says Sonakshi will understand, she is protective about Pooja, she will explain Pari, cancel the contract with Pari and put Pooja on board.
Sonakshi says he just saw dark circles, he is asking me to take vitamins, I didn’t know friends have many categories, whatever… Sonakshi comes home. Suman says she is Tanushree Sen Gupta, she came to meet you. Sonakshi says I m sorry, I don’t know you. Raima’s mum Tanushree says my daughter knows you. Suman leaves. Sonakshi asks what’s her name. Tanushree says Mamai. Sonakshi says its a cute name, I have a request, she is in coma since many years, she saw you at therapy centre and reacted, she is improving, I came to ask your help. Tulsi asks Rohit why did he come back so soon. Rohit says so many questions, give others a chance to talk, I want to get eye test done, Parvati madam thinks I want an eye test. She asks why did you say this.
Sonakshi says maybe she is my fan. Tanushree says she identified you, can you come to meet my daughter. Sonakshi says yes, I will come tomorrow. Tanushree says thanks, I thought you will be arrogant and refuse to come, you are sweet. Sonakshi says its okay, tell me about her, I should have some connection. Rohit says Ravi is saying Sonakshi loves me, take his appointment with a psychiatrist. Tulsi says Ravi can see it, you can’t see, Sonakshi loves you. She calls Dr. Dimpy there. She asks what do you think about Rohit and Sonakshi. Dimpy says Sonakshi loves him a lot, its clearly seen in her eyes. Rohit recalls Sonakshi.
He says I m a big idiot. Tulsi asks shall I take psychiatrist appointment for you. Sonakshi gets Rohit’s call. She disconnects. Tulsi says she would be angry. He says she will read message. Tanushree asks boyfriend? Sonakshi says one who… Tanushree says who you love.
Rohit says she didn’t reply. Dimpy says its right, any girl would do that. Rohit says I shall go and tell her. Tulsi says no, give her some time, meet her tomorrow, take a good present for her, every girl likes presents, I also like. Dimpy says I also like. Tanushree says love ruined Mamai, one we love, hurts us the most, I m happy she identified you. Sonakshi says I will do my best for her, I will come tomorrow. Rohit says I will propose Sonakshi tomorrow.
Its morning, Sonakshi talks to Netra on the way. She says I m going to meet Mamai, I m curious to meet her, I will be there on shoot. Rohit calls her. She doesn’t answer. He calls the set and then Pulkit. Pulkit says Sonakshi went to therapy centre to meet a patient. Rohit asks what about your internship. Pulkit says I m doing internship at therapy centre under Dr. Parashad, Sonakshi didn’t want favors. Rohit says you will do internship with me, I will talk to Sonakshi. Pulkit says I also wanted this, thanks. Rohit says I will tell I love you to Sonakshi today. He messages Raima that he misses to talk to her.
He says someone’s friendship is turning into love, don’t know how, she made me realize I m alive, I m in love and want to live again, I want you to get fine soon, I hope to see you soon. Raima tries to hold a pen. Sonakshi comes there. Raima sees her. Tanushree says its part of therapy.

No Precap
Update Credit to: Amena

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