RiKara FF | Sajda Tere Pyar Mein | Ishqbaaz FF| Ishqbaaaz FF| Omkara Gouri FF |


Character Sketch
Omkara Singh Oberoi: The eldest son of Mumbai's largest and India's most feared Mafia family. He is the ideal son of his father; ruthless, cruel, shrewd and manipulative. Never once in his life it had happened that he had hesitated to kill someone! Every beautiful thing in this world belonged to him and him alone. And the beauty that he cannot acquire has just been destroyed. But is he really like this or this is just a facade to protect himself and others?
Gauri Sharma: Daughter of a drunkard man who lives on alcohol and gambling; living in a small town Barely. She was an innocent and kind girl; unearthly beautiful but severe malnutrition and dirt has just covered it all up. She was always scared and uncertain as her father's habits gave them a very unhealthy life. Is she strong enough to handle the changes in her life that are about to come and endure the pain? Or will she become the part of an important mission in a matter of months!
Ishita Chowdhry: She is Omkara's best friend and partner in everything! She understands Omkara and stands by him in every situation. She is also a part of the Mafia family.
Mahendra Shekhawat: A terrorist who is hiding behind the facade of a businessman. He is cruel and ruthless in his ways just like Omkara then why Omkara cannot stand him? Mahendra has a lot of illegal business and he is involved in quite a few attacks as well. But he has an eye for beauty and appreciates it; thoroughly.
Members of the Mafia family:
Tej Singh Oberoi: Head of the Mafia family, Omkara's father.
Janvi Singh Oberoi: Tej's wife and Omkara's mother.
Pinky Singh Oberoi: Tej's sister; lost her husband ten years ago. She is a bitter and cruel woman.
Mohini Singh Oberoi: Mistress of Omkara's younger brother who is dead. (She is also their distant relative) She is a low-quality human being.
Shanti Shekhawat: Mahendra's mother, she does not agree with his line of work.
Sunny & Ansh: Mahendra's sidekick.

A little snip from the story:
J: Tej! Tej! What's happening to you? Omkara! Come quickly! Look something is wrong with Tej. (Janvi was heaving at this point, tears marking on her face).
O: Maa come down. Nothing will happen! I have called the doctor Dad just hold for a few more moments! The doctor is just coming!
5 days later
O: Dad is gone but left his burden on me! Now what do I do with it! How the hell do you sell something?
I: Oh, come on Om! Now you are not THAT thick...anyone will buy. Just look at her for once and you will know why! And stop referring her as "it she is a human being!
O: I don't care! (Thundered Om)

Writer: Sahira

Chapter 01 
Prompt 3
Gauri's POV
It was dark that night, an uncanny darkness that had surrounded not only the atmosphere but also my life. I was so scared, of course I was! What could be expected from a six-year-old child? I wanted to go to my mother but I didn't know where she was! Or was she even alive?! Oh, how I wished that Mt. Sharma could help me a bit but who am I asking? He was maybe drinking his ass off somewhere at that time! "Oh, is that a shadow I see? No, absolutely not! I think yes...DAD is home! Oh God! I was so scared then. I, even at that age hoped that he did not lose anything, I could not bear any more work; it was so hard already! I wanted to fall asleep, I thought that if I tried to be quite then maybe he will forget all about me. "I was wrong of course!
"Gauri! GAURI! Hey girl come here! I know you are here! Come on I need to speak to you about something! roared Mr. Sharma. He was quite drunk.
"Yes dad. You called me. Gauri was rather timid in front of him and quite petite.
"I have decided something which will help you lead a better life also help me quite a lot,my darling child, said Mr. Sharma.
I was looking at him suspiciously as I was anticipating for a big blast or damage.
"You remember the Oberois, those Oberoi rich bas***ds whom I use to supply drugs! Do you remember them? ANSWER ME!! screamed Mr. Sharma again.
"Yes, dad I remember them
"Good girl! Now what I have offered Mr.Oberoi is that you will work for them. It was a good bargain! I have sold you to them.  They will give me a lot of money, and food and clothes! Can you imagine? A good life! Also, have I said money? they would give me money, a lot of money so I would never have to work a single day in my life ever again Mr. Sharma was quite serious at this point.
"I was so shocked! I could not understand half the things that he said, my little mind could not comprehend half the thing! I knew that a person cannot be sold. I was thinking that I was not eve a human being!
"What are you trying to say dad? What kind of work do I have to do? I asked him, trembling.
"I don't know what type of work they want you to do? And that is none of my business either!
"But I am your daughter, I am your business!
I was so sure that he will help me!
"Nah you are nothing to me anymore, from next week you will be the properties of the Oberois. Then I won't have to worry about you any longer!
" I am your daughter! "again a futile effort!
"Well too bad that you are not being useful for me anymore and I don't understand what your problem is! They are rich people, they have everything, you will be happy there!
"I still don't understand how can I be happy at such a place! How he even thought that! He practically sold me to be a bed warmer! And now I am even more depressed than I was!
"Come on girl now stop this drama. You will be happy there and I will be happy here. Now go to sleep  he was still behaving like nothing happened.

And that was the end of that night! My everything changed and I was going to become a completely different person, a person who is despised by the society yet men spent their life after her!  I have seen so much at an early age! At some points it was as if they completely forgotten about me! They would kill and murder in front of me! I was shown every brutal thing a man could do to women at the age of 16 or at least they tried to... they wanted me to be a strong but every time they came in I would either faint or start panicking so much that they would have to stop. I didn't know at that time but later I understood what they wanted to do.
End of Gauri's POV

!12 years later!
Oberoi Mansion

"Tej do you really think you should do that? Asked a worried Janvi.
"What are you talking about, Janvi? What is wrong with you? You are quite familiar with our way of working and still... I am actually quite frustrated with you now! You are exaggerating this topic for no reason. Tej was quite annoyed with Janvi at this point.
"For no reason! NO REASON! This is not quite true Tej, I am not angry for no reason. I never say anything about your works and your ways as you promised me years ago that you work and their results will never step into the boundary of my household and this is the only reason, I never said anything! And now! Now you are bringing one of your dark deeds home! MY HOME! I will never tolerate this! I did not say anything when you dragged my son in that horrible business but I will never let you do this! screamed Janvi.
"Your son! Oh, come on Janvi, I never dragged anyone anywhere! He himself wanted to come to our business! And he should be! He is my heir, my successor! smiled Tej.
"What business, Tej? Huh? What business? The business where you kill people, where you torture them? You are involved in every bloody illegal dead in this country Tej! You took my son there! And now you are bringing that girl here so you can rub it in our face that we are a goddamn mafia family! Janvi was becoming hysteric.
T: "So? What is wrong with that? You do not seem to mind the money that comes from this goddamn mafia business! Do not try to act smart with me Janvi! The girl will come and stay here, you people will take care of her and when time comes, I will sell her, it is not that long either maybe in a few months but remember I do NOT want a flipping scratch on her! OR...
J: "Or what Tej?
T: "Or you will regret it Janvi! Now do not act like a priest Janvi! You also enjoy torturing people; the only difference is you do not let your kids watch it! And I don't care!
J: "Okay bring her! She will remain unharmed physically.
J: "That's my wife!
Tej then leaves the room, on his way of going out he meets Pinky.
P: What's the matter Tej? You look quite angry! What happened? Did your beloved wife did something again?
T: Oh, Pinky don't start again! I am quite tired already! Do me a favour, tomorrow I am bringing a girl home! I will sell her in a year or two after I have prepared her well. You need take care of this matter with Janvi. You know she can be quite unpredictable!
P: Of course, Tej! Don't worry I will not let your wife do anything stupid!
T: Thanks, Pinky! I will take care of the matter you started the last month for you!
P: Oh, I know that Tej! You don't do anything for no reason and I do not do anything for anyone for no reason! Bye.
Car park area
"Hey Om! Are you coming from somewhere? asked a smiling Tej.
"Yeah dad! I was just finishing up with that Saxena! That stubborn rat! I finished it off quite permanently by the way! Hope you don't have any problem with that. asked Om smiling.
T: Did he gave the things we wanted from him? (Om nods) Then it is okay! I am proud of you son! Oh yeah, I have something important to say, something very important.
O: yeah dad? What happened? Any problem?
T: you are here! How can I have any problem?! I am bringing one of the girl's home as she needs to be train in some aspects so I can sell her at a higher price then usual. She will be here early morning tomorrow, you will be on her duty! Prepare her son, I know you will know the buyer's choice quite well, my tiger! Prepare the girl! Take Ishita with you. Teach her everything you know a man will want from her and I trust Ishita. She will help you.
O: Of course, dad. I will prepare the girl..with Ishita.
T: Good. And yeah son! Try to keep her a virgin! We don't get enough money for the used ones!
O: Yeah-yeah dad, I will remember that.

Chapter 02

Prompt 3 

Evening (Omkara's room)

O: Let's go, Ishita! We need to meet the girl and deal with it. HURRY UP!!

I: Why are you so impatient I don't understand, it is not like the girl is someone important who cannot wait a little bit. I was just changing. I cannot go in front of anyone in my sleeping clothes now, can I? People already think of me as your mistress kept for your bed, let's not fuel it...

O: You are weird, no one thinks like that. Mom is just out of it! And what if they think like that? It does not matter.

I: Well it does not matter to you but to me, it does matter so I would be happy, VERY happy if you talk to YOUR mom about it!

O: Now is not the time for all of these talks, let's go!

Gauri's Room

G (In Mind): I don't understand what will happen! Mr. Oberoi was so cruel, I'm sure his son would be the same. Cruel and heartless! I wish I could go away from here... I really want to go back to my old life, it was sad but not torturous like this!

Suddenly she heard some footsteps coming towards her room. The room which ironically hers now! She hated the sound of footsteps. They never bring good news for her! The sound was nearing and she was trembling with the rhythm of the footsteps. Suddenly with a bang the door of the room opened. Ishita has opened the door and Om closed it without even looking at Gauri. He went straight towards the only window in the room so he does not have to look at the girl.

O: Look what we have here! What's your name girl?

G: G..Gau..Gauri.

O: Hmmm..my dad spent a lot of money on you over the year I would not want that money to go waste but if you disobey me or try escape like you have tried before I would not hesitate to kill you. My dad was merciful so let you live, I don't know why he thought that the bas***d Mahendra will like you that much!

I: Forget about those things Om. That is none of our business anyway so long as we get the money from Mahendra. (Looking towards Gauri) Now I have read your file you know everything that you are supposed to know to be sold to a man but one problem with you is you defy rules. So we have to work on that. You have to understand something, you cannot escape from here. So it will be in your favour if you stop trying to struggle and just go with it. If you abide the rules and do everything properly there is a chance that you can live a life where you will have no problem with money. Mahendra is not a pure man but he takes care of the girls and if you are clever enough you will save more than a few lakhs before he gets bored and free you. (Gauri looks at Ishita in shock) Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that after a few years maybe five or six he WILL get rid of you. He does not change his girls that often, nor he kills them once he is bored. So you are pretty lucky.

O: Oh now sympathising the girl! She is not a child, she knows what to do. We just have to make her submissive enough so we can get the money before she pisses Mahendra off.(Saying this Om turns around and sees Gauri for the first time, he stumbles forward a little. Ishita eyes him and indicates something. Om controls himself quickly and makes a stone face again) Ishita give her a specific time when we will come here everyday and train her!

I: You know how to read and write, right?

G: Yes.

I: Okay good, so from now on every day 10 am, you know morning 10 we, me and Om will come here and train you, ok?

G: Ok.

I: Let's go, Om.

O: Hmmm...

Om's Room

O: Did you notice something, Ishita? The girl...this girl looks exactly...
I: Yeah she looks exactly like Sasha. The same face, same eyes, same everything. Just jer characteristics...they are so different! I remember meeting Sasha, she was such a energetic but arrogant girl. Can't say if she was involved in the business or not...but something was there about her. Mahendra was so enthralled with her. Sometimes I think if she was alive we could have just caught her and finished Mahendra!

O: That's the reason dad was so adamant about the girl. I remember him saying on phone sometime that there was one girl who was troubling him so much that he wants to get rid of her. But after some years he stopped saying that. Now I know why! He wanted all the money that Mahendra will give for this girl. I am sure he will give any amount of money just to have that face with him.

I: You know Om when I said that we could have get rid of Mahendra all those years ago using Sasha, we can still do it. This time we will use this girl. She will even listen to us as she justs wants to get out of here. If she actually helps us to get rid of Mahendra we will just send her off to somewhere where she will not have to worry about all these. There is nothing to lose anyway! Think about it!

O: Are you out of your mind? She? That girl? What was her name again? Yeah...Gauri. Pray tell me how will she do it? She doesn't know anything about all these. Hell she thinks we are Mafia partners.

I: Well my dear Omkara speak quieter or else the whole house will know that we are not exactly Mafia. And THAT will not be good. And so what if she does not know that yet? We will tell her. We have to train her, right? S we will train her to be on this mission for her. I am sure she will help us. Believe me, Om. i have seen hatred in her eyes for all these, she will help us.

O: I am still not convinced. It is hard enough with just us two, I cannot risk her exposing her. And this world is not that good place. You know that I do not hate this girl. Its just I see her as something which will add another number to the sacrifices I have made to reach here, to gain dad's and everyone's trust.

I: I understand, Om and I agree with you. I do. But what we are doing is not bad, we are not destroying the world. I assure you Om we can do it.

O: Okay but don't say anything to the girl just yet. Let me talk to the head and then we will decide what to do.

I: We can do it tomorrow but now I have some important information, let's look at those. I am sure those will help.

O: What's it about?

I: The number of illegal businesses your dad had and how we can finish those without raising any suspicion on us.   

O: I know about all the illegal businesses.

I: Oh no you don't. Seems like there are quite a lot of businesses that your dad did not tell you about. Here let's deal with it now. Tomorrow morning you can talk with the head. 

Next Morning

O: Sir I have some information for you, yes sir it is very important.

H: It is better be because you just called me from that house gentleman!

O: I know sir, if it wasn't important I would not have called you! Sir i have found a girl, sir, she looks exactly like the girl Mahendra used to love.

H: That girl? What was her name again? Sasha..., right?

O: Yes sir, that girl. We followed her for so long but she died in a car crash. Sir this girl, her name is Gauri, she looks exactly like Sasha, sir we can use her.

H: But does this girl know anything about it?

O: No sir. But Ishita and I will prepare her, we can do it, it seems my father prepared her for Mahendra but the girl is stubborn, she wants out. We can use her. Sir we will train her!

H: If you can do it Om. you know I trust you, over the years you have done so much. Go ahead, hope we will be able to finish Mahendra this time.

Ishita enters the room, closes the door and sits beside Om.

I: Did you talk to head?

O: Hmmm...he agreed.

I: Of course he did. It is a profitable move for him.

O: Why don't you like him? We work for the country, he works for the country, it's not like we have any personal motive.

I: Oh come on Om, you can say anything but the truth is we were removed from there that night because that man wanted revenge from our fathers so he made us special agents, he trained us so we are loyal to this country. Have you ever thought what happened to those two young kids whom we replaced? Who were sent that place to train with other Mafia kids and then those AGENTS killed them in order to replace us so we can return home again. Don't you see it? Yes what we are doing is good, we turned out to be good, we are in good position but they are not selfless. Try not to forget that.  

O: I did not forget anything! I just know that at the end everything is good and we will be happy when all these are finished.

I: Let's hope so!

Some time later

I: Om are you ready? Come on we have to talk to the girl and for that we need to leave the house!

O: Yeah I am coming, wait, let me take all the documents first!

Gauri's Room

I: Hey Gauri! Good morning, how are you? Did you sleep well last night?

O: Forget about the stupid things. Come on get ready. QUICK!!

G: W...Why?

I: Because we are leaving this house. From today we will live in a different house and I promise that you will enjoy there!

G: We??? (Looking at Omkara)

I: Yes we. All three of us will stay there and don't worry I have some really good news for you! Now come on get ready. Me and Om are outside waiting for you, ok?

A Few Minutes Later

Gauri comes out of the room with whatever little she had. The three of them starts their journey. What they didn't know was that this journey will lead them towards their future, a future where they will wish they never started this journey. 
In The Car

Om was thinking about the day when everything started to change in his life. He was thinking about that fateful day when he was supposed to go that private school where he should have lived for past 15 years. The school was specially for rich background children, he was supposed to join his father's team when he would have been 13! But that did not happen. Somehow those people got to know where all the Mafia kids went to study and they grabbed him and Ishita. They knew that he was the heir, the successor of the mafia throne. So they replaced them, no one knew how they looked like and no one is alive to know how those two looks like! He knows that whatever happened no one was actually concerned about him or Ishita. Yes they helped them two by saving them from this bloody world but it was for their own benefit. They wanted the mafia heir to be on their side, in the nations side. And he didn't mind that at all, he was happy to serve his country. But as Ishita thinks, he is nothing like that. He knows when he's being used and he knows what to do to people who try to betray him as well.

Again back to the place where they took him and Ishita. He cannot say that the place was not good. Of course it was a good place, maybe not as luxurious as his father wanted but there was a sense of peace there. He had got to know so many new people, he became what he is today. He would not change a single thing about his life!

And now everything depends on the girl sitting in his car. She doesn't even know what is about to happen in her life. He is still trying to convince himself that whatever he is doing is to save the girl from a much more horrifying destiny. But what if he is pushing her towards a worst one? He was not a kind person. No that was one thing that anyone can say about him. Yes he pities people who suffer in life but that it is. Nothing more, nothing less.  He wants to save this girl, she looks oddly innocent for someone who has lived so long in his father's minions' company. Maybe his father wanted to save this girl for Mahendra. Now he has to teach the girl everything and implant her in Mahendra's den. Hell! The girl talks differently than Sasha, everything about her is just so similar and different from Sasha. He has a lot to do!

Reaching the new house

The house was place in the middle of a jungle area. It was still very easy to go to the city but also very hard to find in the middle of the greenery. They stepped out of the car and went inside.

I: So Gauri this is our home from now on, all three of us will stay here! You have a big room here as well. Go straight up through the stairs and the second last room is yours, I am sure you will like it.

Gauri was too overwhelmed with the changing situations so she went straight to her and decided to sleep it off.

I: You know Om, the girl is quite nice. If we can get success in this mission I swear I will keep contact with this one. It's very hard to find this type of girls nowadays. So innocent looking!

O: Give her a few days to actually learn what her work is and what she needs to do, all her innocence will get out of the window and never come back!

I: Don't say things like that Om. we can hope for the best and hopefully she won't have to go through anything too drastic which will damage her beyond repair!

O: So tell me Ms. I-Know-Everything when should we start to talk to this girl? Because just now you sent her to REST!!!

I: Dinner time. After dinner we will talk to her about this and I think she will not hesitate to help us!

Dinner time (Dining Table)

I: Gauri do you like my cooking?

G: Yes it is very nice.

O: Damn it! Talk to her already!

I: Gauri we have something to ask from you. We need your help, quite badly. But just promise that you will not freak out, ok?

G: Ummm...okay.

I: Om please you say.

O: Hmm. Gauri it does not matter how bad you think of me , you have to understand that I am not like this. No, I am like this but not without any reason. I don't think you actually know who we both are.

G: I know you are Mr. Oberoi's son. You are just like him, he was always so proud of you because you are just like him. And she is your partner, I know this.

O: Yes Gauri, Ishita is my partner and yes I am like my dad but only in my compassion. I know the difference between right and wrong. I work for a group of people who wants to finish this business of fear from the country. I am not exactly like my dad but yeah like him I believe in myself.

G: But you are going to sell me to someone, I know that. The always said that to me! From the beginning.

I: Gauri I know that but believe us we are not the enemy. We will help you out of this but we also need your help to do so! Please just listen to us once, please?

G: O..okay.

O: But before we say something to you, you have to promise that if you ever wish to back out you will not say a single word about this t anyone!

G: Okay I will never say anything.

O: Come with us in the living room.

Living Room

O: Gauri first you have to understand that we need your help in doing this, we cannot do this alone. And I will be very strict with you because one mistake from you will take not only yours but our life as well, ok?

G: I will not let anyone die because of me!

O: I now that. Relax. Now I want to you pay attention to whatever me and Ishita say, ok? The man who is supposed to buy you is Mahendra. He is a terrorist and maybe the only one who goes in the broad daylight and no one has the courage or evidence to say something about it. He is very dangerous. But he loved a girl once, her name was Sasha. She was killed in a car accident. Now do not freak out please, here, Sasha looked like this! (Handing her a photo of Sasha)

G: This girl.. She... she...looks...

I: Yes we know she looks just like you! That is the reason we need your help!

G: But how can I help you?

O: Well you see Gauri, this girl Sasha was Mahendra's only weakness. He loved her enough to kill for her, anyone, he could have killed anyone who she wanted dead. But now as she is dead he does not have any weakness left. But you have the girl's face.if we send you to him as a normal girl rather than selling you, he will get interested in knowing you! He will maybe start to like you. You will bwcome his weakness, you can bring many information from him to us. It will be helpful. And if we have enough information then we can easily finish him!

G: But I don't know anything about all these! I have no idea! How will i do everything? He will catch me in no time!

I: That is the reason we are here Gauri. We will train you for it. By the time you g in front of him, you will be completely at ease. I promise you gauri!

O: Gauri listen to me! You always wanted a life outside this circle and d something,right? (Gauri nods) you can do it now! You will have a life outside this and you will be doing something good for this country as well. You hated my father because he ruined so many lives and so many people. Now you can save hundreds and thousands of people. Please try to think about this. We do not expect an answer for you now. It is a very hard decision to make but tomorrow evening I NEED an answer. And I promise you Gauri nothing will happen to you, I will not let anything happen to you!

G: Okay I trust you. I don't know why but I do. I will think about everything tonight, tomorrow I WILL have an answer!

O: Thank you.

Gauri goes to her room after that.

I: What the hell, Om? Why did you give her so much time? What if she changes her mind? What will we do the?

O: First it is HER choice, we cannot force her. And second, she is not going to back out. I have seen it in her, she will help us.

Gauri's Room
I don't know what to do! Can I trust these people? They are the ones who ruined my life in the first place, they did not help me in anything at all. I did not want this life for myself. They brought me into this. Yes it was my father's fault but it was their fault as well! I cannot just trust them. What if they are planning all these with that Mahendra just to make me a fool. But what if they are saying the truth?! What will I do then? I can actually save so many lives. Everything will be over and I will lead a life again. The life I always wanted! A free life! Complete freedom! I can roam the world and see everything! But still, can I trust them? My mind is not supporting me but for reason I want to trust Omkara, he seems to speak the truth! I think I should sleep now! Tomorrow I will think of it again. But can I actually do it?

Om's Room

Why did I trust that girl so much? I just told her more than necessary about the situation. What if she does not want to help us? What if she tells these to Mahendra to get his favours? I don't even know this girl properly! I should not have trusted this girl so much! But those eyes... I think I can trust her. She won't break my trust. Yes! I am never wrong in understanding someone's character. Even though whatever we did was wrong to her, I think she will understand. I believe that she will help us? But am I trusting the wrong person? Why I want to trust her so badly? Should I do it? Will she be able to handle it? What if we are too hard on her and she leaves in mid stride? No I should think about these now! She didn't even give her decision. I should wait for that. Then Ishita is here, she will help the girl. Yes, I trust Ishita. She can handle the situation and help her. And me.

Ishita's Room

Oh god! I don't know what will happen tomorrow! I really want this mission to work out. I don't like living in the shadows. Once this is over hopefully Om will propose me! He does not like anyone else so he will stay with me forever I know. Then again, no one can handle Omkara Singh Oberoi, just me, only me. But for now that is not my main concern. I am so worried about the girl. What if she says no to us. What will we do? I know Om, he's expecting a lot from this girl. Oh how I wish i could help him! This girl! Ahhh! She seems nice though I do not know her intentions, I have to be more careful.

Next Morning (Gauri's POV)

So the day is finally here! Oh Shivji please give me strength. I don't know what and how will I do anything! However, I trust myself.

Living Room (Everyone)

O: Gauri let's forget all the weird formalities and tell us your decision!

I: Om let the girl breath for a bit. Don't hoover her! She's not used to this.

O: Well I don't care! Thousands of people are depended upon her ONE decision now! I cannot just simply wait for her to decide when she wants to give me her answer!

I: But...

G: It's okay Ishita. I understand where he is coming from. And yeah I have taken my decision. Yes! I will work for you. I will help you to kill Mahendra but in return you have to grant me my freedom! I will not live a single day with people restraining me against my will!

O: Deal! You help us, we help you. Now we do not have time. Today after having breakfast you and Ishita are going on shopping to shop all the things you will need. It is a total waste but I want you to completely focus on the task when I start with you and for that we need to finish this first. Ishita you researched everything about Mahendra's preferences, right?

I: Yes I did. You don't worry at all. I will do everything about that.

O: Good! Now let's have breakfast. And Gauri I don't know what they fed you but from now on please eat properly. We cannot let you look malnutritioned, ok?

G: Of course.
After Breakfast

I: Gauri listen to me very carefully. Today when we go to the mall please do not let your excitement show. Do not behave like you have seen everything for the first time. And another thing that you have to cover your face!

G: Cover my face? Why?

I: We cannot risk any of the shop owners or workers recognising you. I wouldn't have taken you but you need to be comfortable with going out and shop! So please ry to remember everything I said, ok?

G: Okay, I will. How should I dress?

I: Normally, just wear a jeans and top from me and cover your face with a scarf! You are lucky Mahendra doesn't like skimpy things on his women!

G: Given to the circumstances I guess I AM lucky. What else can I really ask for.

I: You know I didn't mean it like that!

G: I know and be honest I am doing it for myself more than I am doing it for you. I just want a clean break from all of these. I never want to be found again! I just...this name, this identity doesn't have anything good left. I just want to start over.

I: I do understand. Sometime even I wish that I could escape from all these dramas of life. But what can I say? Life is like this for me! I just hope at the end I get what I want.

G: You really love Om, don't you?

I: N..no I don't.

G: It's okay, I won't tell him.

I: Is it that obvious?

G: Hmmm... anyone looking in your eyes can tell.

I: apart from him.

G: What I believe is, he is scared to love. You should tell him. I am sure he will understand. He is your best friend, is he not?

I: There you are wrong my dear. Yes he is my friend in a weird way but for him I am nothing. Maybe a companion. And I know how lonely he is. That is the reason I don't tell him anything. I don't want him to lose his only companion. I know sometimes it seems that he doesn't respect me but he is just scared that I will leave him.

G: I will always pray for you two! I hope you get everything you wish for.

I: I also hope that. Anyway you go get ready now! Oh yeah! Let's go I will give you clothes then we will go!


I: Okay so Gauri we will need all modest but modern clothes. Do you know how to walk in heels?

G: No.

I: No worries I will teach you how to but we have to buy you some heels as well as some sarees. You like sarees?

G: I have seen some women wearing them. They look nice.

I: Oh God Gauri! I have teach you how to wear all of those things as well. Okay let's go to the shops first.

After Shopping

G: I am exhausted Ishita. Was it totally necessary to buy that many clothes and spend so much money on them?!

I: Yea it was. You are not coming here anytime soon my dear. You have to buy clothes worth at least of three months. And for Mahendra you will be a rich girl, you should have those things. Don't worry is worth everything.

G: I don't know, I still don't feel good about it.

I: You think too much. Now let's go. We will take something to eat at home, we are not cooking today!

G: Okay let's go!


O: What took you two so long? I was worried here. You should have called. I was so worried. It's not Gauri's fault. Ishita you should have been more careful, right? What if something happened?

I: Oh Om, don't be like this. Do you even know how had it is to buy clothes. I had to buy everything for her. She is clueless so I had to teach her as well. Have you thought what would happen if Mahendra decides to take her on shopping and she doesn't know anything. I was just helping, now chill.

O: You know I am not upset for no reason. Just call me next time. You know how crucial everything is!

I: Yeah and I am sorry. The battery of my phone was dead. Next time I will be more careful. Now we brought food, let's have it. But first we need to freshen up! Go Gauri, you too. We will be back and Om please heat the food.

O: Yeah ok.

Dinner table

O: Gauri I ordered a phone for you. It should be here tomorrow, get up early next morning we will start you training. We just have two months to prepare you. It is going to be hard but we will help you.

I: Don't worry Gauri. Everything will be okay.

G: Yeah I will just go to sleep now.

O: hope everything turns out okay.

I: Hope so. I don't want her to get damaged.

O: Hmmm... 

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