Adiya FF : Enduring Ally |Bepannah FF|Bepanah FF| Aditya Zoya FF|

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She doesn't know what's going around her. Her feelings have gone numb. All she could hear is her own crying. Zoya Siddiqui, a 5.6', gorgeous, 26 years old. She is working as an Account Executive in a reputed company. Zoya's life ambition is to become a Chartered Accountant and to own a CA firm. She laid the path to achieve her dream. But, everything was shattered now. She couldn't even able to think what to do next. Zoya's heart is bleeding blood. The hole created in her heart, the pain she feels is unbearable. Her dream is just a dark worm hole. She lost everything, she had.
4 Years Later
Zoya shifted to Bangalore from Chennai to leave behind her past 3.5 years ago. Zoya started to smile again and forgot what had happened 4 years before in her life. Thanks to her best friend, Mohammed Riyaz. Zoya met Riyaz when she joined a new company. Riyaz joined her company as her assistant in job. At first, Zoya was so resentful and always be rude to Riyaz. But, Riyaz with his funny & sarcastic way somehow found a way to change Zoya's numb feelings. Zoya too slowly started to give in. Gradually, she started to laugh for his jokes, and then slowly, Riyaz become her best friend in 6 months. And for the past 3 years, they both were done many naughty things together. The duo is famous for the pranks in the office. Both never hide anything with each other. Often they had seen together. When they're not together, they share about their day at night.
Today, Riyaz went on a date with her Fiancé, Zara Ahmed. Riyaz and Zara are seeing each other for the past 2 years. Zara knows Zoya is everything to Riyaz and same way Riyaz is everything Zoya. Zara and Zoya become friends the moment Riyaz introduced Zara to Zoya. Zara knows Zoya's past from Riyaz. So, Zara understands their relationship and accepted their friendship too.
Aditya Hooda, Owner of DMG Chartered Accountant Firm, Bangalore. An arrogant and stubborn headed. But, 4 years back he was not like this. A child by heart never hurt anyone for any means. An accident in his life changed him upside down. Aditya is 34 years old, 6.2' feet A fitness freak and most of all good looking and handsome. Girls around Aditya will always go crazy. He doesn't need to do anything to make them fall for him. With a smile and look girls just fall on his feet. But, Aditya has never shown interest on any girls. There is no place for any girl in his heart or in his office.
Two years back, Aditya took over this audit firm from his mentor, Prem Mathur. DMG CA firm was small and hardly had 4-5 clients. After Aditya took over, in these two years, DMG CA Firm has become India's No.1 Chartered Accountant Firm. Prem Mathur was always proud of his junior. He knows Adi will become renowned CA; he had no doubt in that. But, Prem's only anguish was the mishap happened in Aditya's life, which came through in the hands of his daughter. For 2 years, Adi was devastated. Lost his ambition and life, became a drunkard. Prem helped him to rehabilitate from alcohol and handed over his firm to Aditya which gave him a purpose to achieve in his life. But his inner child was lost in those two years, he became arrogant and stubborn. This attitude made him successful too. Within two years, Aditya's firm has become India's No.1. 

Writer: Anuragh_V

Riyaz missed Zoya today, entire day he didn't talk with her. He wanted to spend quality time with his fiancé Zara, so he took her on a date. He can't wait to update Zoya what happened that day. Riyaz dialled Zoya's number; IVR voice said "the user is busy". Again he tried, IVR voice again said "the user is busy please try again later". He got angry and throws his phone on the bed. The moment phone hits his bed, it started ringing. He picked up and smiled, on seeing Zoya's name in the caller id.
He answered and said, "Hey Gundoos, I'm angry with you. With whom you're talking to madam? Always busy no time for me."
With same anger tone, Zoya replied, "Hey skeleton, actually I should be one to be angry on you. You're always busy. From morning, you didn't even call me for once and now when I call you, you're still busy on the phone".
Without letting Riyaz to talk, she continued, "on top of it you're complaining I'm busy on the phone"
Riyaz tried to interfere, "Zoya listen to me....", but Zoya didn't let him to talk
"You listen to me skeleton, I'll kill you if you talk in between, what are thinking, if you go on date with Zara. I would forgive you for not calling me and for forgetting my important day. Sorry I can't, I'm not going to talk with you. I HATE YOU and Good-Bye", Zoya disconnects the line.
He couldn't understand what just happened. After a few moments, he hit on his head and said to himself, "Shit! Riyaz, how could you forget this day? It's an important day for Zoya!! You idiot"!!
He picked his phone and dialled to Zoya again, Once Zoya answered his call, he swiftly said, "Gundoos, Sorry yaar, you know about me yaar, I'm an idiot. I totally forgot what is today? Actually, I called you to talk about the day. And when your number was busy I got carried away. Please forgive your idiot friend. Pretty please"
She angrily said, "No, I can't forgive you. How could you forget my important day? Even, Zara called me and wished me luck".
She added, "But, you forget to wish me, idiot. When I tried calling you, your number was busy..." before completing the sentence, both crack into laughter at once. They realised that they were trying to call other at the same time.
"So... (Laughs), we're calling each other by the way... (Laughs)" Zoya asked.
"Yeah... How stupid we are, Zoya? And we're fighting for being busy" he said by controlling his laughter.
She fiercely said, "No, we're not fighting for being busy. I'm still angry on you for not wishing me luck".
"Come on yaar, Zoya. Pretty please, thousand time's sorry yaar, I will not do that ever again"!! He begged her.
A few seconds, Zoya fall silent.
Riyaz break the silence by saying, "Gundoos, please!! Forgive me, Okay, tell me, what happened? How was your interview with DMG CA Firm went?"
After few seconds of silence, Zoya said, "Not Good, HR at DMG, said they won't recruit female candidates for their firm, strictly male candidates only. Then why did they even call me for an interview there?"
"I'm really sorry, Zoya"!! He said.
"See this is what happens when you don't wish your best friend luck on her important day"!! she teased.
"Hey, I said, sorry!! Don't tease me", he reply annoyed.
"Okay, sorry. Don't get mad". "So... How was your date with Zara? Is she happy?" Zoya asked.
"We both had good time, Zoya. She totally loved that place and lunch. By the way thanks for suggesting that place, Zoya", he replied joyous.
"I'm happy that you both loved that place and had enjoyed your day together. I'm so happy for you and Zara, Riyaz" she paused for a moment.
Riyaz instantly, "Hey, what's your next plan? What you got in mind? DMG didn't accept you. Are you going to continue in our office?" as he understood her pause moment.
Zoya came back to reality and replied, "Huh!! Yeah, till I get another opportunity in another good firm".
And she added, "But that HR at DMG said, my resume has the key requirements they look for and by mistake they didn't see the gender and called me for an interview today".
She paused and continued, "He also said, his boss has this strict condition is "No Female Candidates allowed". But he took my resume and said, will check with his boss if it's okay, they'll call me again for an interview. Still, I got no hopes".
Both talked for another 1 hour before retiring to the bed.
Next morning, on the way to office, Zoya received a call from unknown number.
Zoya answered and said, "Zoya Siddiqui speaking".
On the other end, "Ms. Zoya, I'm Arshad Khan, HR from DMG. I hope you remember me".
"Oh!! Yeah, tell me Mr. Khan, what this about?" She enquired.
"Well..." Arshad trailed but continued, " I spoke to my boss about your resume, he was impressed with it, but, when I said it's a female candidate, he straight away asked me to tell you to come & pick up the resume from office".
Zoya got furious and said, "I can't waste my time by coming there to pick my resume, thanks for calling, you can trash it by yourselves or shove it off in your boss face", then disconnect the call without another word.2
Zoya's hand is trembling from anger and thinking, "How dare he can insult me like that? What is this with "No female candidates allowed?" She air quotes. What the hell he thinks of himself, A Prince? My foot"!!
Arshad didn't notice Prem, as he was furiously mumbling something. Prem stood in front of him for a minute before knocking on the desk.
Arshad shocked to see Prem standing there. "Sir, I'm really sorry didn't notice you!! Good Morning, Sir!! Aditya Sir is in his room!! Shall I inform him that you're here", rapidly.
Prem laughed and said, "No Arshad, it's Okay!! But can you tell me what's bothering you? Why are you so disturbed?"
Arshad took a deep breath, and then said, "Nothing, Sir. I came across a resume for our Deputy Manager post. It had all the key requirement, Aditya sir asked for. But I failed to notice the gender and name and called the candidate for an interview yesterday".
"My fate, it turned out to be a female candidate and you know about boss, he won't recruit any female candidate in our office".
Prem laughed when Arshad paused to take his breath.
He continued, "I had had from him yesterday for calling a female candidate for the interview and he asked me to call that candidate and asked to come & pick up the resume. Now, when I called her, she is scolding me for asking to come & pick up the resume".+
Prem Laughed again and said, "Leave Arshad, things happens. You just keep the resume aside and continue with your work".
He interrupted, "But sir, that candidate has high potential. See for yourself, sir"!!
Prem took the resume from Arshad and scanned it.
After few minutes, Prem said, "Okay, let me see what I can do?" And without one more word walked towards Director's cabin.

Zoya throw her bag furiously on the table and paced up and down in her cabin.
Riyaz noticed her tension and knocked on her door. "May I?" She turned and relaxed a bit after seeing Riyaz on the door. She nodded him to come in.
Riyaz asked her, "Gundoos, What happened yaar? Why're you looking so tensed and furious?"
"That DMG HR called me and insulted me, yaar", she vented out angrily. "How dare he can insult me like that?"
Riyaz with confused look asked her, "Zoya, hold on, I'm confused, can you please tell me what happened clearly?"
Zoya took a deep breath and said, "DMG HR called me and said his boss asked me to come and pick my resume from there after he came to know that I'm a female candidate. He doesn't even want a female candidate's resume lying in his office".
She continued, "So I asked him to trash the resume by himself or shove it off in his boss's face", with so much anger.
Riyaz burst into laughter. Zoya who got frustrated, "Stop it, Riyaz. Are you laughing at my insult?"
He controlled his laugh and said, "I wouldn't dare to do that. I was laughing at what you said? Really, you said that to him?"
"What?" She exclaimed.
"Did you really ask him to shove... the resume... in his... boss's face...?" Riyaz asked between laughs.
Zoya stood there for few minutes silently and burst into laughter hard enough that entire office turned to look at them. But both laughed like maniacs and Zoya said, "Yes... I told... that... to him..."
"You're crazy, Gundoos", he said.
Zoya felt lighter than how she felt few minutes before.
Prem knocked on the door and asked, "May I come in, Aditya?"
Aditya is on the phone, looked up and immediately greets Prem and asked him to "Please come in, sir"!! Then in the phone he said, "Mr. Agarwal, I'll call you back again, we'll discuss about this later", and disconnect the line.
Aditya asked, "Tell me sir, what I can do for you?"
Prem smiled at him and said, "Still you didn't change, I would have waited for few minutes. Why do you have to do this always? Clients are important, Aditya!!
He smiled and disagreed, "No sir, for me, you're important. Everything else comes second. Now, tell me sir, what I can do for you?"
"Okay, I can never win this argument with you ever", Prem chuckled and said firmly, "Coming to the point, this resume got the potential and requirement we're looking for. If we recruit this candidate then it'll be good for our firm. We cannot lose such candidate, Aditya. She can be additional strength to our firm".
"She", Aditya exclaimed.
"Yes, Aditya. She will definitely be an additional strength to our firm. You don't need to go by my judgement, conduct an interview. If, you don't see any potential, then I'll not force you", Prem added, "If, she is potential and you too feel she is an added advantage for the firm, and then you have to recruit her".
Aditya fall back into his chair thinking.
"AhAhem, Aditya", he interrupted Aditya and asked, "What are you thinking?"
"Nothing sir, I'll check the profile and will definitely call her for an interview, if she is that potential", Aditya answered.
Prem leave the cabin with smile. Aditya took the resume and scanned with rage and then,he dialled HR extension, "Arshad, inform that female candidate to come for an interview tomorrow"!!
"Sir, Yes sir... Okay sir... are you sure sir..."!! Arshad stammered with shock.
"You heard me, Arshad" said Aditya.
"Sorry Sir... Will inform her, Sir!!" On the reply, he disconnects the line.
 Aditya took the resume again and said out loud with angry tone, "Ms. Zoya Siddiqui"
During lunch, Zoya is pulling Riyaz leg on his date with his fiancé along with their friends. And he couldn't handle her teasing, stood up and went to the counter to get some water.
Zoya's phone started ringing. She hummed along with the ring tone and checks the caller id. At once, she recognised the number and disconnects the call without answering.
Again, phone started ringing and again she disconnects it. Riyaz noticed Zoya disconnecting the call when he returned to their table.
He asked "Hey, who is that and why aren't you answering?" She replied angrily, "it's from DMG. How dare they can insult me like that?"
Again phone started ringing. This time Riyaz answered the call, "Hello, May I know who is this?"
Arshad from the other end asked, "Can I speak to Ms. Zoya, please?" "This is Arshad, HR from DMG".
Riyaz lethargically replied, "She is not available now, you can leave the message with me".
"Oh, but it's..., I need to... speak..." he trailed. "Ahem... Okay, please tell her to be at DMG for an interview tomorrow at 10.00am". Riyaz face went bright and to confirm he asked again, "Are you sure, your boss asked her to come for an interview?"
He replied, "Yes, confirmed. Please ask her to be here at DMG tomorrow morning 10.00 am sharp". Then he added firmly, "My boss doesn't like non-punctuality in appointment".
"I'll definitely convey the message to Ms. Zoya. Thank you for calling Mr. Arshad", Riyaz disconnects the line and turned to Zoya.
Zoya shoots Riyaz a fierce look. Riyaz could relate what Zoya is thinking.
He briskly said, "See Zoya, you hate the way they treated you, I get it". But just listened to me, "The same company insulted you, calling you for an interview. It's time for you to show them, what they did is a big mistake".
Zoya looked at Riyaz blankly.
He continued, "See I never forced you on your decisions, but this time listen to me and I know you won't deny, if I ask you to do something. So, for me, you go to that interview and prove that they're wrong. That's all I'm saying".
"And one more thing, don't shove your resume on his face, for heaven sake", he added with a laughter.
Riyaz left the cafeteria, while Zoya evaluate what he said.
Zoya is waiting in the room nervously, checking her watch then and there.
Just 2 minutes to ten, room door opened and Arshad stick his face inside and called Zoya to follow him.
At sharp 10.00am, Arshad knocked conference room door and opened it for Zoya.
"All the best, do well, Ms. Zoya", he wished her.
Zoya stepped in and asked, "May I come in, sir?"
"Come in and take your seat", he rudely replied.
Zoya took the seat opposite to where he is standing.
Zoya analysed the room and the person standing before her. She found herself awestruck because the person standing before her would be in his 30's, well-built body & his side profile itself says how much handsome he is.
"Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", the name felt familiar and sounds sweeter in that voice to Zoya.
Again, she heard "Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", this time she felt rudeness in the voice, which brought her back to earth.
"Ahem... sorry sir, Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", she extend her hand to greet him.
He ignored her and gestured her to sit down. She was offended by his action but she sits down and waited for him to talk.
He was pacing up and down, after few minutes, he turned towards Zoya.
And asked, "Tell me, why I should recruit you?"
Zoya understood what he wanted to hear.
Zoya briskly said, "That's a great question! You definitely have advantage over me, since you know exactly what you're looking for and I'm just learning about your firm".
She continued, "It sounds like you need someone who is going to deal with multiple clients with issues in their first six months on the job". She took a pause, and then asked, "Shall I tell you about how I handled them in my last job?
"That won't be necessary, Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", he replied.
Quickly she added, "And I think my background is good match for your strategy. What's your take?" He smirked.
Both discussed over the subject for another 45 minutes.
At last, He stood up and put the button of his Armani blazer without another word he leave the room.


Chapter 2 : Destined to Meet

Zoya throw her bag furiously on the table and paced up and down in her cabin.
Riyaz noticed her tension and knocked on her door. "May I?" She turned and relaxed a bit after seeing Riyaz on the door. She nodded him to come in.
Riyaz asked her, "Gundoos, What happened yaar? Why're you looking so tensed and furious?"
"That DMG HR called me and insulted me, yaar", she vented out angrily. "How dare he can insult me like that?"
Riyaz with confused look asked her, "Zoya, hold on, I'm confused, can you please tell me what happened clearly?"
Zoya took a deep breath and said, "DMG HR called me and said his boss asked me to come and pick my resume from there after he came to know that I'm a female candidate. He doesn't even want a female candidate's resume lying in his office".
She continued, "So I asked him to trash the resume by himself or shove it off in his boss's face", with so much anger.
Riyaz burst into laughter. Zoya who got frustrated, "Stop it, Riyaz. Are you laughing at my insult?"
He controlled his laugh and said, "I wouldn't dare to do that. I was laughing at what you said? Really, you said that to him?"
"What?" She exclaimed.
"Did you really ask him to shove... the resume... in his... boss's face...?" Riyaz asked between laughs.
Zoya stood there for few minutes silently and burst into laughter hard enough that entire office turned to look at them. But both laughed like maniacs and Zoya said, "Yes... I told... that... to him..."
"You're crazy, Gundoos", he said.
Zoya felt lighter than how she felt few minutes before.
Prem knocked on the door and asked, "May I come in, Aditya?"
Aditya is on the phone, looked up and immediately greets Prem and asked him to "Please come in, sir"!! Then in the phone he said, "Mr. Agarwal, I'll call you back again, we'll discuss about this later", and disconnect the line.
Aditya asked, "Tell me sir, what I can do for you?"
Prem smiled at him and said, "Still you didn't change, I would have waited for few minutes. Why do you have to do this always? Clients are important, Aditya!!
He smiled and disagreed, "No sir, for me, you're important. Everything else comes second. Now, tell me sir, what I can do for you?"
"Okay, I can never win this argument with you ever", Prem chuckled and said firmly, "Coming to the point, this resume got the potential and requirement we're looking for. If we recruit this candidate then it'll be good for our firm. We cannot lose such candidate, Aditya. She can be additional strength to our firm".
"She", Aditya exclaimed.
"Yes, Aditya. She will definitely be an additional strength to our firm. You don't need to go by my judgement, conduct an interview. If, you don't see any potential, then I'll not force you", Prem added, "If, she is potential and you too feel she is an added advantage for the firm, and then you have to recruit her".
Aditya fall back into his chair thinking.
"AhAhem, Aditya", he interrupted Aditya and asked, "What are you thinking?"
"Nothing sir, I'll check the profile and will definitely call her for an interview, if she is that potential", Aditya answered.
Prem leave the cabin with smile. Aditya took the resume and scanned with rage and then,he dialled HR extension, "Arshad, inform that female candidate to come for an interview tomorrow"!!
"Sir, Yes sir... Okay sir... are you sure sir..."!! Arshad stammered with shock.
"You heard me, Arshad" said Aditya.1
"Sorry Sir... Will inform her, Sir!!" On the reply, he disconnects the line.
 Aditya took the resume again and said out loud with angry tone, "Ms. Zoya Siddiqui"
During lunch, Zoya is pulling Riyaz leg on his date with his fiancé along with their friends. And he couldn't handle her teasing, stood up and went to the counter to get some water.
Zoya's phone started ringing. She hummed along with the ring tone and checks the caller id. At once, she recognised the number and disconnects the call without answering.
Again, phone started ringing and again she disconnects it. Riyaz noticed Zoya disconnecting the call when he returned to their table.
He asked "Hey, who is that and why aren't you answering?" She replied angrily, "it's from DMG. How dare they can insult me like that?"
Again phone started ringing. This time Riyaz answered the call, "Hello, May I know who is this?"
Arshad from the other end asked, "Can I speak to Ms. Zoya, please?" "This is Arshad, HR from DMG".
Riyaz lethargically replied, "She is not available now, you can leave the message with me".
"Oh, but it's..., I need to... speak..." he trailed. "Ahem... Okay, please tell her to be at DMG for an interview tomorrow at 10.00am". Riyaz face went bright and to confirm he asked again, "Are you sure, your boss asked her to come for an interview?"
He replied, "Yes, confirmed. Please ask her to be here at DMG tomorrow morning 10.00 am sharp". Then he added firmly, "My boss doesn't like non-punctuality in appointment".
"I'll definitely convey the message to Ms. Zoya. Thank you for calling Mr. Arshad", Riyaz disconnects the line and turned to Zoya.
Zoya shoots Riyaz a fierce look. Riyaz could relate what Zoya is thinking.
He briskly said, "See Zoya, you hate the way they treated you, I get it". But just listened to me, "The same company insulted you, calling you for an interview. It's time for you to show them, what they did is a big mistake".
Zoya looked at Riyaz blankly.
He continued, "See I never forced you on your decisions, but this time listen to me and I know you won't deny, if I ask you to do something. So, for me, you go to that interview and prove that they're wrong. That's all I'm saying".
"And one more thing, don't shove your resume on his face, for heaven sake", he added with a laughter.
Riyaz left the cafeteria, while Zoya evaluate what he said.
Zoya is waiting in the room nervously, checking her watch then and there.
Just 2 minutes to ten, room door opened and Arshad stick his face inside and called Zoya to follow him.
At sharp 10.00am, Arshad knocked conference room door and opened it for Zoya.
"All the best, do well, Ms. Zoya", he wished her.
Zoya stepped in and asked, "May I come in, sir?"
"Come in and take your seat", he rudely replied.
Zoya took the seat opposite to where he is standing.
Zoya analysed the room and the person standing before her. She found herself awestruck because the person standing before her would be in his 30's, well-built body & his side profile itself says how much handsome he is.
"Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", the name felt familiar and sounds sweeter in that voice to Zoya.
Again, she heard "Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", this time she felt rudeness in the voice, which brought her back to earth.
"Ahem... sorry sir, Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", she extend her hand to greet him.
He ignored her and gestured her to sit down. She was offended by his action but she sits down and waited for him to talk.
He was pacing up and down, after few minutes, he turned towards Zoya.
And asked, "Tell me, why I should recruit you?"
Zoya understood what he wanted to hear.
Zoya briskly said, "That's a great question! You definitely have advantage over me, since you know exactly what you're looking for and I'm just learning about your firm".
She continued, "It sounds like you need someone who is going to deal with multiple clients with issues in their first six months on the job". She took a pause, and then asked, "Shall I tell you about how I handled them in my last job?
"That won't be necessary, Ms. Zoya Siddiqui", he replied.
Quickly she added, "And I think my background is good match for your strategy. What's your take?" He smirked.
Both discussed over the subject for another 45 minutes.
At last, He stood up and put the button of his Armani blazer without another word he leave the room.1
Aditya and Zoya met as destine decided. But, will they meet again? Did Zoya get the Job? What's Aditya's opinion on Zoya after that interview? Will he  recruit her?
Prem has a great impact on Aditya's life, will Prem play cupid in Aditya and Zoya's life?
Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for delayed update. I was little busy with my Office works lately. Pls bear with me for delay updates.  

Chapter 3: Destiny played it's part

Zoya stood there in shock. She couldn't understand what had just happened. Did she say anything wrong?
She composed herself and took her file to leave. Arshad came inside with wide smile.
"Hi Zoya", he said. "Hi... Arshad", she replied.
"Congratulations", he said and extended his hand. Zoya looked confused at him.
"Congratulations Zoya. Welcome to DMG" he said and Zoya still looked confused.
"What? Why are you looking so confused?" he asked her. "You have been selected for the post Deputy Manager. Congratulations", he added.
Zoya's jaw dropped and looked at him. She tried to say something but words were not coming out.
Finally, she found her composure and said, "Thank you, Arshad. But... he left... without saying... anything... I thought... I was not selected... that's why... when you... congratulate me... I was... shocked..."
Arshad laughed and said, "I can relate to that... He is like that... He asked me to prepare your appointment order. I came here to congratulate you and tell you that you need to wait for some time to close you joining formalities".
"Okay, that's good", she said. "Well... come on with me then. You can wait in my room and complete the joining formalities till I prepare your appointment letter and get it signed by Him", he said air quoting while saying him. Both walked to Arshad's cabin. He gave her some forms and ask her to fill it in and started working on her appointment letter. While filling the forms, Arshad asked her laughing, "Hope you didn't shove anything off on his face during the interview with him".1
"Awwww... How mean? What with you guys keep on asking me this? I said out of anger not that I really would do something like that?" She whined.
Arshad laughed and said, "Hey... I know... I'm just teasing you..." Zoya scoffed at him.
After a while he said, "Hey... Your appointment letter is ready. I'll go and get it signed then I explain what you got do", and left her alone there.
 After a five minutes or so, Arshad pop his head inside and said, "He wants to meet you. Can you please come with me?" she nodded and went with him, but thought to herself, "what's with him always sticking his head around?"
On the way, they both saw Aditya leaving in hurry. "Sir" Arshad called out. Aditya stopped and look at Arshad. Then he removed his sunglass and said, "I'm in hurry, Arshad. What is it?"
"Sir, you said, you want to meet Ms. Zoya Siddiqui. She is here to meet you", Arshad said.
"Never mind, I'll talk to her on her joining day about this" he said and then looking at Zoya he said, "Welcome aboard, Ms. Zoya Siddiqui. We're looking forward to work with you" and then extend his hand to her.
This time she ignored him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hooda". Before leaving, while putting on his sunglass and Aditya said, "All the best" and leave without another word.1
Arshad turned to her, "All the best. When can you join us? Before that I need to close all the joining formalities here".
"In a month, if everything goes fine. I'm really happy to meet you and join DMG. Thank you, Arshad", she said. "Okay then, I'll take leave", she added.
Arshad & Zoya say "Goodbyes" and part their ways.
Once she came out the office, "Oooohhooo, Ya Allah!! I can't wait to tell Riyaz about this". Zoya felt like she is in cloud nine and twirled over and over again.
She speed dialled her best friend. "Hello, Congratulations Gundoos", Riyaz said immediately after answering. "How do you know I got the offer?" She exclaimed.
"Arey yaar, I know you that you'll prove them wrong". "And also give me some credit for being your best friend for the past 3 years". "I know in what mood you're with the sound of breath".
Zoya giggled like child. He continued, "I know you're grinning from ear to ear when you called me? Okay, come back to my place, we're going to celebrate this victory. Meet you at my place at 8.00pm. Bye Gundoos, I got to go" and disconnects the line.
Zoya hailed a cab and asked the driver to drop her at the mall. She needs to buy lot of professional wear and a cute dress for tonight's celebration.
After one month, Monday morning.
Sun is shining bright outside. Zoya step out the cab in proper black professional suit, which elevate her beauty. She bunned her hair up and was wearing a formal heeled shoe. She was looking stunning with her well maintained body. No one would say she was in her early 30's.
Zoya entered the premises and looked up at the sign board "DMG Chartered Accountant", and she felt proud.
Every eye in that entire premise is looking at her. Zoya can feel the eyes fixed at her. She can also hear some whispers behind her.
She greeted the Receptionist and asked whether Arshad is in his office. Zoya reached at Arshad's cabin & knocked gently but at the same time someone from inside opened the door. She startled for few seconds but gathers her composure quickly.
Aditya Hooda was standing at the door and staring at her from head to her toe. She was staring at him. Before Zoya could greet him, Aditya walk past her swiftly without even looking at her for another second.
Zoya was shocked to see how Aditya reacted to her on her first day. But then, she saw Arshad standing near the door and looking at her. She turned to him and greeted, "Good Morning, Arshad".
He said, "Good Morning, Zoya". "And... you look stunning today". "Oh!! Thank you, Arshad" she replied. "So, are you excited to start your day with DMG" Arshad asked.
"Allah ki meherban, I got this job and Yes, I'm looking forward to work here at DMG" she replied excitedly.
Arshad looked at Zoya impressed, "Okay, come on let me give you induction and as you will be directly reporting to Aditya Sir, you need to know some ground rules too.
"Arshad, before we start can I ask you a question?" she asked. With confused look he nodded.
She whispered "Can I know why Aditya hate me? Because I'm a women or he is usually like that".
He laughed at her question, but replied, "If hates you then he wouldn't have appointed you here in DMG & you should be  proud, that you're the first women to join DMG in these 2 years. So, I don't think so he hates you totally".
"Really I'm first woman to join DMG in these 2 years!!" she exclaimed. "Okay, said that I also want you to be more careful on the ground rules I'm going to give now because it may cost your job too", he said firmly.
Zoya looked shocked at Arshad, but he laughed and started to give introduction about the firm and basic things she need to do related to HR.
Then he introduced her to each and every staff, around 11.30am her stomach started to grumble as she didn't had breakfast in the morning, gave herself a tight slap in the mind for missing her breakfast.
Finally, they were standing in front of Mr. Prem Mathur's cabin. Arshad knocked on the door and opened the door to 50-60 yrs old; he looked handsome and may be 5.9'feet, grey haired man. The room as simple as Prem. Everything was black and white, nothing much on his desk too. One laptop, mouse, landline and photo frame. Some files around the corner of his desk.
Arshad introduce Zoya to Prem. He stood up from his desk and said, "It's so nice to meet you, beta, hope Arshad has given you the induction."
She smiled and replied, "Yes, sir!! And I'm really happy to work for DMG". He smiled and said, "No Sir... Call me Prem, beta. Here we don't follow that fashion of calling "Sir". Then he asked, "Arshad, Did you give her the ground rules?? She is going to report to Aditya directly". "So, she must aware of the rules". Zoya looked confused from Prem to Arshad and vice versa for few seconds.
"No Sir!! I thought let me complete the introduction with everyone and before taking her to Aditya sir will explain them", he replied politely.
Prem turned to her, "I'm expecting a lot from you, beta. Hope you will not disappoint me" then he kept his hand on her head and blessed her.
When they came out of Prem's cabin, Zoya turned to Arshad and asked, "Err.... What's with this ground rules?" Arshad face turned cold, "Hmmm... It's the basic rules for everyone who works under Aditya sir and reports him directly." She reacts, "You know, you're kind of scaring me now. Okay, shoot me with those ground rules and I'll abide by it", she giggled while crossing her heart.
Arshad laughed at her action and lead her to her cabin, "So... Zoya this is your cabin. Congratulations for all your endeavours!! She thanked him and both sit beside in the chair provided there.
Arshad started to give her the ground rule, "Rule No. 1, without being called by Aditya sir you should not enter his cabin. Rule 2, without asking his permission or asked to, you should not talk to him
On seeing Zoya's reaction he paused and gave a exclaimed look. She signed to continue.
"Rule 3, if you have been given a project with deadline, at any cost you need to complete that project within the given deadline, if you can't complete before the timeline then you can pack your bags. Rule 4, Client satisfaction is very important to him, so if client is unsatisfied then you need to pack your bags. Rule 5 and most important one, Aditya sir will never deal with any Female clients and you need to make sure any women client/staff of our client should not reach him directly".
"These are the basic ground rules we follow here, if you have any doubts feel free to ask", he completed.
Zoya was taking in all the information she got from Arshad and analysing them. After few minutes, "Thank you, Arshad. I got the information I needed and as of now I don't have any doubts. In case, if I had any will definitely get in touch with you". She added with straight face, "But one thing is clear, that we need to keep our bags ready, so that any time could be our time to leave". After few seconds, both cracked in to laughter.
He opened his mouth to say something but stopped then again did the same thing. She gestured, what? Then he said, "One personal advice, as you are women, please be careful with him while you're interacting". She was about to reply, phone on desk started ringing. Arshad check his watch before answering. "Yes sir, everything was finished". After a few seconds pause, he spoke, "Okay sir, I'll send her inside sir", he kept the phone down.
Zoya is recruited and she  is only woman working under Aditya. He asked her to come to his cabin, what he gonna say to her on her first day?
How she is going to deal with him? And how Aditya is going to handle her? Ground rules and advices are scaring her inside. Will she manage to win over Aditya, personally & officially?
Prem is expecting a lot from Zoya, What's that even he meant by that? Is he, expecting something else from her?1
Hope you guys like this chapter. Wait for the next. If you felt this chapter is boring, please feel free to throw the stones at me.

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