Bepannah 20th November 2018 Written Episode Update

Everyone has gathered for Harsh’s last rites. Aditya comes there in police van with Zoya. Aditya looks at Harsh and then at his mother. Rajvir looks at Aditya and Zoya. Pundit ji asks the elder son to step forward to light the pyre. Aditya recalls how he walked out of cemetery when Pooja and Yash had died. He thinks f his moment with his father as he steps forward. His last argument haunts him. Zoya sees him thus. He tells her he has no right to do this. Zoya asks him what he is saying. He repeats it again. Rajvir says he has said the right thing for the first time. Anyways, only the elder son has a right to light the pyre. Even God wont accept it if the murderer will do that. Nani calls them shameless. They snatched our Harsh from us. Don’t hurt the soul atleast. Zoya asks Arjun to say something
but he tells her not to talk right now. Right now, I am seeing my Dad for the last time. It will be better if you will think about everyone else as well instead of only thinking about your husband. Please don’t create a scene here. He tells Rajvir he is Harsh’s eldest son. You have the right to light the pyre. Rajvir proudly holds the burning stick. He even calls out to Arjun to join him. Your elder brother is here. Arjun looks at Aditya and Zoya. Arjun holds the stick as well. A tear escapes Aditya’s eye. Arjun and Rajvir do the last rites together. Zoya is in tears. Anjana stands there in a trance. Everyone prays for the soul. Arjun holds his mother who cries again.
Rajvir says Swaha to his Nani. She smirks.
Aditya, Arjun, Zoya and Anjana are crying. Police takes Aditya away. Zoya chases them requesting to stop but in vain. She trips while chasing the van but Rajvir holds her hand just in time. Everyone leaves from there.
Zoya pulls her hand out of Rajvir’s clutches. He tells her to go easy. I pity you today. We got scared when you were acting so proud. I now think you need our help today. If this continues, you better kill Aditya before he kills himself! We will give poison if you need it! Zoya slaps Rajvir. Rajvir says we thought you will break down and beg us but you haven’t changed. You will need our help in future. She asks him what he is saying. He replies that he knows that Aditya is innocent. I can prove that Aditya Hooda has not killed Harshwardhan Hooda! She asks him if he is playing some new game with her. He says he does not mind. She asks him what he wants. He takes her name. I have been only dreaming of you since I have seen you! Anyone can go crazy seeing you! You want to spend your every night with Aditya. For that, you will have to spend one night with me! You don’t have much time. Decide before law decides something or I change my mind. It isn’t much complicated. You can close your eyes and think that you are with Aditya. I will wait for your answer. She raises her hand to hit him but he holds it. You cannot imagine how much fun it will be to experience this fire burning inside you together! She is disgusted by him. I thought whatever you went through was wrong but I was wrong. God had decided your punishment already. You are a devil! He happily accepts it. You would need to cross Lakshman Rekha to save your husband. You will have to come to me. Think what is more precious to you – your husband or respect. You have lost your one husband already. People will curse you if anything happens to Aditya! She tells him she will save Aditya himself. He asks her if she is sure. If it does not happen then you will regret it your entire life! Think about it. She glares at him and walks away. Rajvir smiles thinking about her fate.
A puja has been kept in Hooda House. People have come to pay their condolences to the family. Arjun remembers the past moments shared with his father and is emotional. Anjana comes running downstairs. Doc tells her that she is losing her mental status. She threatens them to wait till Harsh comes. I will see you then. Doc suggests taking her for advanced treatment. She shouts at Arjun to call Harsh right away. She breaks down shouting loudly to call Harsh. Arjun holds her. Nani is pleased seeing her condition. This is just the beginning. Wait and watch what happens in the future. She lost her husband and son at once. This is karma. You wont be able to do penitence for your mistakes on your own. Even your loved ones wont be able to help you in this!
All lawyers refuse to take Aditya’s case. One of the lawyers ends sup advising her to look for a divorce lawyer instead of looking for a lawyer for Aditya. Wasim comes there. She requests him to save her Aditya. He tells her that he has put an end to his fate himself. I have told you many times. Leave all this behind. It is a shallow relation. She tells him she has married Aditya and she loves him. It is a pure relation. I know he is innocent. I will prove it. He asks her what proof she has to prove Aditya innocent. Your love turns you blind every time. It happened with Yash too. History is only repeating itself yet you fail to understand anything! Open your eyes! She begs him to stop. Will you keep blaming me for the one mistake that I committed? Till now it was you who was upset with me. Today I am the one breaking all my relations with you! Leave. I wont become any problem for you anymore. I wont keep any hope from you. He is sad. You told me what it means to invite trouble upon yourself today. Take care. He leaves. Epi ends on Zoya’s thoughtful face.
Precap: Zoya aims a gun at Rajvir. You only killed Papa right? He tells her it isn’t important as to who killed Papa. Important thing is that Aditya dint kill Harsh. You need this clip to save your husband. You know what I need in exchange for that. Zoya’s hands are tied to a bed. Rajvir leans closer.
Update Credit to: Pooja
Pic Credit: OU

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