MaAn OS : Churao Na Dil | Anupamaa | Rupali Ganguly | Gaurav Khanna | Anupama

Samar, you can see it for yourself, I'll be back with the album in a minute", Anu laughed and stood up to leave her half family of children and parents excluding Anuj, that had gathered on the terrace of Shah House for dinner, to fetch the album. She missed him, but she knew she had a secret to hide for a while.

She'd only opened the door when a large warm hand clasped over her mouth and pulled her through the dimly lit hall of Shah house into the store room adjoining baa's bedroom. 

Her back gently collided with a very familiar male body; and as his other hand encircled her waist, she leaned back and closed her eyes, wanting to escape the world, even if it meant for a moment, in his arms. The hand on her mouth dropped lower lazily, his thumb rubbing slow sensuous circles as it traveled down the length of her neck, evoking new yet very familiar sensations within her body.

It had just been over 3 weeks to the beginning of their secretly court registered married life. They registered on baapuji's insistence soon after Kinjal announced her pregnancy. Although they were officially engaged and to be married with proper ceremonies in 3 months that is post Kinjal's delivery, they were still hiding the registered marriage from rest of family for several reasons. 

After a long discussion, Anu with Anuj's consent and advice decided to stay put at Shah house on weekends to care for Kinjal during her pregnancy respecting Rakhi Dave's request. 

She hated the distance and so did Anuj but the thrill of meeting one another secretly doubled when they escaped and explored each other.
They'd only begun to get physically intimate after the registered wedding (Anuj thanking baapuji endlessly for that) and the yearning grew day by day.

She felt his hold on her tightened, but didn't protest. She allowed herself to be enveloped in his strength and simply wanted to drown in the male scent that belonged only to him.

Though everything had been sorted between Mukku and Anuj, he chose to work independently. Anu still continued her dance classes. Anuj didn't devote all his time to the classes except when needed so meeting daily in day time and secretly became all the more difficult.
Whenever Anu came here to Shah house to spend time with her children they demanded her attention and love that they miss,  Anuj would catch up with Mukku. He missed her dearly too. Both didn't want to disappoint the family and so tried to give enough time both individually and jointly to both the families. 

Anu ensured she'd prepare elaborate meals lovingly only for them and spend good time catching up on their lives. Kinjal solely remained dependent on her for all her needs. Somedays she'd drop by to sleep over at Anu's and sometimes Mukku would drop in for her affection. Unfortunately that meant that she would be neglecting Anuj on those days...nights actually. She'd send him texts and the innumerous calls to only listen to his silence but that was not sufficient. He'd only see her alone when he drove her to and back from the classes and drop her off at a distance.

Being neighbours had only given him more angst as she was right in front of him but couldn't spend alone time with her, despite she being his legally wedded wife. More than Vanraj, he was definitely one who looked forward to be being dada soon as it meant complete attention from his Mrs and that too with blessings in the wedding ceremony due.

Her skin tingled as he lowered his lips to that sensitive juncture where her neck met her shoulder, his soft hair tickling her ear. He nibbled and sucked, intending to mark her and unknowingly causing a gyre of emotions within her. He intensified the torment, blowing on his mark, the cool sensation enough to drive Anu crazy.

She grabbed the hand on her waist, digging her nails into it. He trailed a wet path up the length of her neck and took her earlobe into his mouth, nipping it between his teeth. Anu shivered with uncontrollable need.

"Mom!!'', she heard Sweety call. Anuj quickly covered her mouth and pulled her tight against him. He was not going to let this moment end so quickly. He had been denied of the physical intimacy with his now wife for weeks but years technically  and their secret affair was to continue for a while more. He would only let her go after he had had his fill.

As Sweety's call faded, he spun her around in his arms. She didn't have to question his actions. His eyes revealed all of his intentions. She had never seen such desire flaming in his eyes for her.

With a swiftness that she had never encountered before, his mouth swooped down on hers. The kiss was rough and passionate, and Anu had never felt a stronger urge to submit herself to Anuj than now. One of his hands traveled into her now open hair and pulled her head back to give him better access.

She gasped as her back came in contact with the cool wall; Anuj didn't waste this opportunity and took full advantage of it, making the kiss a supremely passionate act. He only broke the kiss for their need of air, but he was unwilling to end the torment.

He held both of her wrists against the wall as he pressed his lower body against hers and planted a trail of noisy wild kisses across every inch of her exposed upper body.

"Anuuuj," she moaned. "Please - "

"Please what Anu?" he asked as he continued his sweet assault.

His every sensuous touch sent her reeling. He had to stop. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Please - ", she begged again.


Looking into his eyes, she pleaded again, "You have to stop."

"No", he murmured and went back to nibbling  her ear.

"Someone might just come looking for me", she spoke weakly.

"This won't work with me."

He dropped on his knees in front of her and began to plant tiny kisses on her slender waist. She dug her hands into his hair and brought his face back up to hers.

"You need to stop Anuj."She ordered breathlessly.


She paused to catch up her breath and said, "Look at what you're doing to me."

"That's exactly why I want to continue." he said desperately.

She cupped his face and asked seriously, "You like torturing me like this?"

"I've been tortured like this for the past 26 years." he spoke intensely.

 "But it's not my fault alone." She reasoned weakly.

"I know, but it's your turn to pay now."

"You're punishing me for no fault of mine."

"But I strongly believe that you are enjoying this punishment." He said making her grin.

"Anupamaa!", baa had come to call her this time. She looked at Anuj pleadingly. He sighed again resting his forehead against hers.

"I'll let you go this time," he said unwillingly, "because I don't want any more intruders taking away your mind from our moments of intimacy. But trust me Anu our 'first month wedding night' that falls on the day after, will be similar to our wedding night. I promise you that." 

She blushed profusely and turned to leave, but was pulled back again by him, "Take this album along', he said giving it to her, and ran his free hand through her disheveled hair to smoothen it, "you don't want our children to ask you pressing questions".

He smirked once again and disappeared in the dark.

Vanraj had seen a retreating figure in the dark and soon saw Anu exiting the store room. He didnt fail to notice her flushed face and a wholesome smile she reserved for special people. It didn't take much for him to add up. All he could do was look disappointed and fume in jealousy.+


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