I turn around to look at you with a jar of cookies in hand but the words die in my mouth as I feel a strange emotion flashing across your eyes. The air in the room suddenly intensifies making me conscious as you refuse to take your eyes off me.
Your smart mind instantly gauges the raging nervousness in my veins as I try hard to put up a defence. As if that intense gaze was not enough to make my hands & feet run cold, you decide to throw it right at my face making my cheeks turn hot.
You take slow strides at me as I fiddle with the jar of coffee. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel you approaching towards me with your eyes fixed at my silhouette. The anticipation builds high as ruptured emotions takeover my mind.
As you slowly approach closer my heart starts thudding against my chest. A whoop of unleashed feelings sweep across my nerves as my feet turns into a jelly. Mr. Ajeeb Rajvansh you have no idea what you're doing to me. Stop right there.
The coffee beans splatter all across the kitchen counter as I fail to hold on to the jar. My hands sweat badly making my mind imagine all sorts of uninhibited thoughts. Thoughts which only a certain ajeeb aadmi can trigger in my mind.
A strong breeze runs across the room making me aware of the proximity. The moment you are in solitude with me, my cheeks turn to the deepest shade of pink making my heart flutter. The apprehension of the moment make me nervous sending tingles down my spine.
I slowly step backwards as you keep inching closer. My heart & mind has lost track of time. Your face basks in the soft glow of the soothing moonlight entering from the curtains & now I find it extremely difficult to take my gaze away from the most gorgeous creation of God standing right in front of me.
Our fingers gently glide along the marble as I slowly come in terms with the moment. The way your eyes pierce into my soul, where do I hide the growing blush? How do I hold back when all I ever wish right now is to run right into your arms & hide myself.
Your fingers tenderly brush mine making thousand butterflies somersault in the pit of my stomach. If only I ever knew that resistance would be this hard. A strange warmth runs through my veins as I relish in the euphoria of the moment.
"Get a grip Mishti", I reminded myself and swiftly ran to the other side of the counter leaving you flabbergasted.
"Its too soon" , my mind screams.
"Just let go. Drown in the moment", my heart retorts.
You slowly lean in towards me as the aroma of coffee fills the room. Your gaze still fixated on my nervous eyes and quivering lips. Our eyes meet for a brief moment and I am captivated in those hazel nut orbs again!
If it was a crime to kill through intense gaze then you would have been in prison by now Mr. Ajeeb Rajvansh. Unable to figure out which is more dark right now - the coffee or your orbs, I slowly lower my eyes in an attempt to conceal the heated passion surging through my cells.
Aaahhh....you did that again! That look. That damned look which sweeps me off my feet and makes me melt into a puddle. The naughty smirk adorning your face makes me lose my sanity & you got to stop chewing those stupid beans like that!
If all this is a dream, I would never want to wake up. Gathering utmost courage I finally put up a shield. Your gaze makes me feel exposed & I can't keep up a straight face anymore. Hell. Even my own heart & soul refuses to cooperate. You are making me turn into an emtional mess. A mess in which I will forever want to remain entangled in!
Writer: Impetuous Soul