"This deal cannot happen these words from Khushi Gupta's mouth pissed of Arnav Singh Raizada more than he was already.
He looked at her with his most intimidating stare but only received a devilish smirk from her. Of course why would his Scaring-the-hell-out-of-everyone' stare affect her, she is after all The Khushi Gupta, a big name in fashion industry. Though Raizadas were ace in construction field, they needed a big pull from someone like Guptas for their new step in fashion industry.
Arnav looked at Khushi meticulously. She was wearing a purple silk shirt that beautifully wrapped her curvy body and a black pencil skirt that highlighted the creamy white skin of her long legs. Her eyes looked as shining as ever and her naturally pulp lips only bought back the memories of the first kiss that they shared in his car when they were just 18. It's been freaking eight years and he still couldn't erase the taste of her sweetness from his mind, although he has kissed more than a couple of women. Whoever said forgetting ex girlfriend and moving on is easy, is a fool.
"Sir? Adi said in an almost trembling voice trying to gain his boss's attention. The looks that his boss was giving Khushi Gupta kind of terrified Adi, as his boss saved these looks for rare occasions like when he strips someone of the last bit of their money. As far as Adi followed the meeting nothing of that sort was happening. In fact his boss is being bowled out for the first time by a woman. When Adi saw Khushi, a mixture of fear and pity rose in his mind. Fear because anyone who can resist Arnav Singh Raizada's stare is definitely to be feared and pity, well, because Adi has worked with Arnav for enough years to know that Arnav never lets someone, who has dared to not agree with him live in peace.
Khushi couldn't contain the grin in her face as she walked out of RaizadaConstruction's conference room. She has left The Arnav Singh Raizada, the kingmaker, speechless. She was sure that, apart from her clear cut points and straight forward vision, her dressing in his favourite colour also helped in catching him off guard, but well everything is fair in love and war. And after all theirs is war because of love.
Revenge Mr.Raizada' Khushi thought to herself.
It was five days after the meeting and Khushi looked at the huge orchid bouquet with a satisfied smirk. She has got Arnav Singh Raizada exactly at the place she wants him to be. For past five days he has gone totally out of character to make her agree to the deal. He kept sending random pleasantry messages; one of his employees has taken permanent refugee at Gupta fashion house and presents new ideas to her every now and then, this is the seventh bouquet in five days and ASR even agreed for 60-40 partnership with him taking 40%.
"Neetu called Khushi addressing her PA. "Tell Mr.Raizada that I have agreed to meet him for dinner.
Khushi looked at her phone, the recent message sent by Arnav read "Room No:1330.
Sneaky B**t**d' though Khushi. Now that I have agreed to meet him he thinks that he can easily get in my pants. . But she will fight till last to show Arnav Singh Raizada that she is not the same Khushi anymore.
Khushi didn't have to wait more than half a second after pressing the bell at 1330. His desperation only made her feel stronger.
"Hello gorgeous he said as his eyes shamelessly checked her out.
Khushi was wearing a light blue saree with no jewellery, her hair was left loose and she carried no makeup except kajal and baby pink lip gloss.
Arnav couldn't take his eyes off her the whole time she made her way into the room and settled on the couch holding a wine glass. She looked like all his dreams wrapped in a saree. Khushi had a victorious smile on her face as she noticed the tent in Arnav's pant. Arnav blamed his treacherous body for behaving like a horny teenager but deep inside he liked the butterflies creeping in his stomach. He was feeling these after so many years and that kind of felt special.
"So Mr.Raizada Khushi said sipping her drink What did you want to talk?
"The deal... before Arnav could complete Khushi shook her head mumbling "tch tch tch
"Shame that Arnav singh Raizada cannot crack a deal neither using his business skills nor his charms Khushi said getting up from her place. She placed the wine glass on the table and slowly walked towards him.Still a no to the deal Mr.Raizada Khushi said looking straight at him.
"I was about to say the deal can stay away for a night while we talk about us " Arnav completed.
"Us? There is an us? Khushi asked in an exasperated tone.
"The last time I promised you a dance but we never got a chance and it's never Arnav Singh Raizada's style to leave a promise incomplete Arnav said extending his hand to her as if asking her for dance.
"I don't remember any last time Mr.Raizada Khushi said taking a step away from him and turned her back to him folding her arms.
"You don't, Miss.Gupta? I am talking about the time when we both were in my car and you were sitting on my lap with our lips glued together. Your hands were massaging my scalp while mine were inside your shirt. Don't you even remember what were my hands doing inside your shirt? Arnav asked.
Khushi could tell from his voice that Arnav was smirking. How could she not remember that winter evening when she experienced her first and last kiss? It was day before their prom and Arnav had taken her out to buy her a dress. They were talking about their future, their dreams and before they both knew how it started they ended up sharing their first kiss. Khushi even remembered how he smelled and how he sounded that moment. "Will you dance with me? he asked her and she was too spell bounded to answer anything she just looked up at him. "I want you to dance with me tomorrow. He said kissing her eyes "Only with me "he added as he pulled her close to him. That moment Khushi felt like the luckiest girl on the planet and alas the tomorrow that he mentioned became the biggest nightmare of her life.
"Well Raizada are you talking about the dance we were supposed to do in the party where you showed up with Shirine? Khushi said. She tried to sound strong but the choke in her last word deceived her.
Arnav closed his eyes as he remembered that fateful day. He never regretted what happened that day. Now Khushi hates Arnav but if he had turned up with Khushi then she would have hated herself more.
"The same dance Khushi Arnav said as he pulled Khushi to him and switched on the music.
In spite of the music the whole atmosphere felt silent as Arnav and Khushi danced in each other's arms. Khushi kept staring at his eyes and a glitch from their past sweet memories passed in her mind. He looked the same 18 year old Arnav who shared khulfi with her every day. The intensity of his touch was no less than the intensity of his gaze, Khushi burned at every place he touched and she realized why she was not able to let any of the guys she dated touch her, because her body is exclusively made for the touch of Arnav Singh Raizada.
"I have to go.Khushi said pushing Arnav away.
"But ...
"This deal is not gonna happen Khushi said as she began to walk towards the door and Arnav followed her.
Khushi turned to look at him for one time. "Khushi I am sorry he said genuinely.
Arnav's cheek encountered a sudden slap. "I feel better Said Khushi looking at him rubbing his cheeks.
Khushi held Arnav's collar and pulled him towards her. "Never ever try to mess with me with that Khushi slammed her lips on Arnav and he was more than happy to invite her by opening his arms and lips.
Arnav pressed her to the wall as he pulled her lower lip into his. She tasted like the wine that she just consumed along with her natural sweetness.
Late at night or early morning Khushi lay awake in Arnav's arms, both were naked covered in nothing but a thin duvet.
"I hate you Khushi said as she turned in his arms purposely rubbing her body with his.
"You have a wired way of showing your hatred Arnav said as he was slowly massaging the skin between her waist and breast.
"Did you like Shirin more than me then Khushi asked looking at him.
"I have never liked anyone more than you Arnav said.
"Yeah Khushi rolled her eyes.
"Promise me you will not be angry at me Said Arnav
"Angrier than I am already? No way Khushi said as she made herself more comfortable in his hold and put her arms around his torso.
"I said I can make anybody fall for my charm. So Puneet threw a bet that if I make Khushi Gupta fall for my charm then he will give me his new Royal Enfield. I had a crush on you already so it was a win-win situation for me. said Arnav.
"You had a crush on me?Asked Khushi raising her head from his chest.
"Yes Arnav said removing a hair strand that was falling on her eyes.Maybe I still have he admitted.
"Awww Khushi said pecking his cheeks.
"So then I started spending time with you and I genuinely started to like you. On prom day Puneet reminded me about his bet and I was suddenly worried. I neither wanted you to know about the bet nor did I want anyone to think anything bad about you. After all Khushi Gupta had quite a reputation.
"So you came to prom with Shirin so that your friends might think that you failed and Khushi Gupta is the strong headed girl that she always bragged to be? asked Khushi looking at Arnav with wide eyes.
"Yeah Arnav said unsure of her reaction.
"Oh My God!! Arnav Singh Raizada can you get any sweeter? asked Khushi as she placed a sloppy kiss on his lips.
"Yeah this time Arnav said with enthusiasm.
"Then why didn't you come to me after that? Khushi asked.
"You were like burning volcano after that and I didn't want to mess up with you. I thought I will talk to you after exams but god knows where you disappeared after that. The next time I saw you, you were in front page of Vogue receiving some achievement award. Arnav said.
"Arnav you are just too good. Khushi said as she hugged him not bothering about the duvet that was slipping of their body.
"So am I getting lucky tonight? asked Arnav with a mischivious grin.
"Mr.Raizada you already got lucky thrice this night Khushi said holding his cheeks in her hands.
"It was only twice Arnav reminded her hinting at the number of times they made love.
"Well Mr.Raizada you got lucky first time when I decided to let you touch me itself Khushi said ruffling his hair.
"Come on remind me why am I lucky again Arnav said as he pulled her up to sit on his stomach and Khushi with a hearty laugh let him do whatever he wants.
Writer: Ms.Lizzie