MayRa SS: Black Widow | Beyhadh 2 | Behad 2 | Beyhad 2 |


Maya Jaisingh, a writer and a widow, is all set to avenge the mighty Roys when she comes across Rudra Roy after three years. What does destiny have in store?

Chapter 1

"The beginning is always today.” - Mary Shelley

The cab stopped at the regal entrance of the Roy Heritage Press (RHP). Maya took out her suitcase from the cab and took in the view. The building had the same grand appearance it had 3 years ago. It still made her look insignificant. She was dressed in black formals from top to bottom. A mangalsutra was wrapped around her right wrist like a bracelet, assuring her that the path she had chosen to walk on was the right one. Her eyes were focused, her demeanor calm. She squeezed an envelope in her hand and proceeded towards the reception.

"How may I help you ma'am?" A lady in the reception asked with a jovial smile.
"I have an interview with Mr. Aamir Malik for a job opening."
The lady blinked twice, her smile faltered as she checked and rechecked the interview schedules.
"I am sorry ma'am, there is no interview scheduled today."
How irresponsible! Maya gritted her teeth.
"I have an interview letter that mentions today's date and time." she said.

The lady took the letter and gave it a look. It was a hardcopy of an interview letter printed on one of the finest letterhead paper of the Roy Heritage Press, and signed by Mr. MJ Roy himself. It looked like some high profile recruitment. Though she had never heard of the interviewee, Maya Jaisingh, she looked no less than a celebrity.

"But ma'am, Mr. Malik is not in office. Besides last week's interview process is already over."
"Then why was I called today?" Maya furrowed her brows "It's not my fault if the Roy Heritage Press mixes up dates. Please arrange for the interview I was asked to come for."
"I am so sorry ma'am, maybe tomorrow –"
"Tomorrow never comes, miss." Maya wore her shades "You better arrange it today within two hours. Or get ready to lose your job."

Maya wrote her e-mail address. The reception lady looked at the leaving enigma, distressing over what she had said. She had to solve this issue soon.


Ananya stopped the car outside the RHP office. Some crisis had arised and they had asked for Rudra's help since Mr. MJ Roy wasn't available. So Ananya simply drove him there without telling him the whole thing first.

"No means no Anu. Let's go back to RuAn." Rudra said.
Why did she always side with Mr. MJ Roy. He was her best friend, she should side with him.
"Rudra, you are my best friend. Tu mere liye itna bhi nahi kar sakta?" Ananya made her cutest puppy face.
"Of course! I can. But you are not asking this for you, but for your MJ uncle."
"Haan to usme galat kya hai? He is your father."

Rudra fell silent.

"Okay, look at it this way. You have a shareholding in RHP. Conduct the interview as your right and duty as a shareholder."
"Shareholder." Rudra sighed, "You are right, shareholding of bitter truth, betrayal, taking rights, doing wrongs. I wish there was no shareholding. I wish I was never his son. At least I would have been able to meet my eyes in the mirror."
"Rudra, it hurts me to see you like this. I don't know what your issue is, but I'm sure you can solve it by talking it out with him."
"No Anu, the past is never where you think you left it.* What's gone is gone. But for my best friend," he said having second thoughts "I would interview that candidate. Only because you asked me to."
"OMG! Thank you, I love you." she squealed.
Ananya held feelings for him, sometimes they came out even when she knew he felt nothing more than friendship.
"Anu, I don't.."
"Accha fine I know. Now go for the interview."

Sometimes he knew when she was hiding her tears behind her cheerfulness, but he was helpless. She didn't deserve his broken heart, she deserved all the happiness in the world. Rudra gave her a sunny smile and left for his duty.

* quote by Katherine Anne Porter


It was strange. Such a high profile interview and no one in the board had a clue. Mr. Malik had gone for a conference, Mr. Mishra and Mr. Smith were busy with the distribution schemes, Mr. Ganguly was handling a technical crisis and Mr. MJ Roy himself was vacationing in Italy. How could anyone miss such an important interview date with their soon to-be star editor?
But when commitment was made, it had to be done. After all, Rudra Roy was a "shareholder" in Mrityunjay Roy's company, and would remain so till death do them apart. Honestly, if Ananya did not insist, Rudra had never agreed to conduct the interview.

He took the seat. The office was dull and gray, not like his office in RuAn Publications, vibrant, colorful and full of life. Yeah, they all were Ananya's choice of colors.
The candidate's CV was kept on the table in a file. Rudra took it in his hand, and the name struck him right on his heart: Maya Jaisingh.

"Will you marry me Maya?"
Rudra had been a silent spectator amidst the crowd. He watched his heart break and even celebrated it with their champagne toast.

That was three years ago. But why was Maya back? They were supposed to settle in the US. How will he cope with the remaining pieces of his heart?
There was a knock on the door. "May I come in sir?"


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