AvNeil SS: Pyar Ya Dosti !! |Naamkaran |Naamkarann

Episode 1

(Neil, Avni, Kirti, Ahana, Rachana, Harini and Ali are the drama students in the college.)
Mr Gaurav came in told them to take a seat in the semicircular table. There sat Kirti, Avni, an empty seat, Harini, Ahana, Rachana, and an empty seat. Neil and Ali then ran in quickly as they were late for the class. Rachana who was expecting Neil to sit with her but Neil went and sat next to Avni and Ali sat next to Rachana.
Rachana to Ahana: Why is he sitting next to Avni? Is there something between them?
Ahana: Calm down, seriously stop it.
Mr Gaurav: Hey guys, there is big drama competition. The theme is Love. And I decided that Neil and Avni will be the main characters.  As they are always comfortable doing partner work together, so I believe they can work together on their piece.  
Neil: Wuuu, nice Avni come on give me a high five
Avni gets excited and high fives him.  
Rachana with hope: Mr Gaurav, then what is my role?
Mr Gaurav: I think you take a very small role as you said that you are not interested in drama
Ahana gives a blank stare to Rachana: Seriously, when?
Rachana: Maybe
Mr Gaurav assigns others their role and told Avni and Neil to work on it together plus the staging.  AvNeil starts to work together and they were laughing and teasing each other which Rachana was not able to resist that, she came to ask Neil help but he asked Ali to help her.  
College ends on the weekends, Avni parents leave to Dubai for a business trip.  Avni sits there taking selfies and posting on Instagram saying, "Bored, SOS!!" The first person to like it was Neil, who was in the same situation as Avni.   
Avni started to text Neil.
Avni: Hey
Neil: Hey
Avni: Bored too?
Neil: Hell ya!!! My parents also went out for a business trip.  DAMN!!!
Avni: Seriously, now I feel like screaming
Neil: Why don't I come to your home? Netflix and chill?
Avni: Are you crazy? What if our parents get to know?
Neil: But they are not here
Avni didn't answer for so long, later Neil was going to say never mind but then
Avni: Sure, pls come over.  I am bored
Neil: Ok
Neil drove to Avni's house.  They were watching Netflix and uncontrollably eating snacks.  Then Avni's parents video called her.  Both of them starts to freak out, later Avni went inside her room to video call.  
Mom: Hey beta, r u feeling bored?
Avni: Yes very
Dad: We are now, why don't we talk
Neil who is outside hearing stomped his feet.
Mom: What is that sound?
Avni: Oww. I hurt my leg, I think I need some rest.  It is hurting so much
Mom: Avni beta. Ok.  You take care. See you on Sunday.  Bye
Avni: Bye
Avni kept the phone and went out and started to watch Netflix. After watching both of them slept on the sofa.  The next morning, Neil wakes up and sees a plate full of delicious food on the table.  He reaches to take it but Avni who already got ready hit his hand and told him to get ready.  After Neil finish getting ready, he comes and sees Avni who had already finished eating the food.  He gets angry and runs behind her.  
Avni: Sorry I will make up to you
Neil: What?!!
Avni: Let's go out today+
Neil: No
Avni: I will pay
Neil: Come on let us go

Story Writer: Janaki2003

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